Papa's Propagation Playland

  • Thread starter Papa Indica
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A lot cheaper on power and they put out less heat too. On the newer stuff they really have the spectrums dialed in nicely, if you get something halfway decent anyway.
Before I switched over I was using the 405 Chrome from Lighthouse Hydro and it worked very nicely. A friend of mine was getting all put out because I was getting fatter, denser, (just plain nicer really), buds with that than he was with a 1000w HPS. He was just dumbfounded every time he'd look at my buds. lmao
If I could afford to do it again I'd probably give it another go.

I've been looking at picking up the next light veg8 and see how I like it. Figure I'll start small and fans always upgrade later. I've been had led grown buds or at least I don't think I have lol. Maybe I have and didn't know it. Either way I'm curious about them


I've been looking at picking up the next light veg8 and see how I like it. Figure I'll start small and fans always upgrade later. I've been had led grown buds or at least I don't think I have lol. Maybe I have and didn't know it. Either way I'm curious about them

Holy shit how high was I when I wrote that lol. Kinda makes sense I guess....
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

I've been looking at picking up the next light veg8 and see how I like it. Figure I'll start small and fans always upgrade later. I've been had led grown buds or at least I don't think I have lol. Maybe I have and didn't know it. Either way I'm curious about them
Some of the best stuff I've ever had I grew under LED's and you can get rock hard nugs under them no problem.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Thanks to the humidifier and the cool season I'm finally getting a more reasonable drying time, (for the moment anyway), I'm at 5 days with the Chem and they seem like they've got at least a couple more days.

, a good, slow dry. Too bad it wasn't on something I like. :woot: :facepalm: That's alright, the others are coming down very soon so, I should be able to get the same with them.

I'm tellin' ya, the more I smell that damn Sour Secret the more I feel like I'm losing my mind to try it, smells soooo good, she's coming down within the week so, it won't be too long before I finally get a sample. :nailbiting:


Thanks to the humidifier and the cool season I'm finally getting a more reasonable drying time, (for the moment anyway), I'm at 5 days with the Chem and they seem like they've got at least a couple more days.

, a good, slow dry. Too bad it wasn't on something I like. :woot: :facepalm: That's alright, the others are coming down very soon so, I should be able to get the same with them.

I'm tellin' ya, the more I smell that damn Sour Secret the more I feel like I'm losing my mind to try it, smells soooo good, she's coming down within the week so, it won't be too long before I finally get a sample. :nailbiting:

I wish I was getting ready to smoke some Chem flowers lol. To bad you've got 2 plants of her hanging haha. I'm glad things are looking up for you bro! Can't wait to hear how the sour secret tastes!


Check it out Poppa! She's starting to take off!


Yup, she's coming around nicely now. Looks like she'll be pushing out normal leaves again real soon now too.
Soon enough there'll be a rank smell in your grow. :smug:

Man it can't be soon enough lol. I wish I could have some for Xmas but I guess 2017 is better then not at all lol.

She's pumping out lots of 3s now and have started some 4 leaf ones. I'm hoping in a couple weeks I can take some cuts so I can start her over.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

How's the drying coming along @Papa Indica
Went well, hung for 7 days, avg. temp 68-70f, avg. rh %50. They were both really small plants or I don't think they would have been ready that soon, the smaller/less filled out of the two was perfect and the larger/more filled out probably could've used another day so, as long as I can maintain those conditions, I expect my Jack Herer could go as long as 10 days drying, being much bigger and well filled out.
That temp and rh for drying works just fine for me, if only I could maintain it, we'll see. I really have no desire to boost my humidity levels to %60+ since I would have to go that high throughout my entire grow room to do it. I've got no problem with hitting the 50's but, that's enough.

You know, if the Chem stayed tasting the way it does the first day or two after it's dry I would rather enjoy it, but unfortunately, after it hits that second day in the jar that rank smell comes out of it and along with it the rank flavor. Too bad, at this point it rather reminds me of some of the kick ass Afghani strains that I remember being around when I was young.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Oh yeah, a little side note on the Chem Dawg. I started finding these tiny little seeds, all fully matured, when I was trimming that stuff up, then I noticed that male flowers had blown up right in the middle of some of the buds.
Really not sure what I might've done to stress them to make it happen. I haven't had stuff herm on me when other people have, running the same clones so, it kinda throws me a little seeing that.
Hopefully they kept it to themselves and I don't have my others seeded up from those fuckers.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Oh yeah, a little side note on the Chem Dawg. I started finding these tiny little seeds, all fully matured, when I was trimming that stuff up, then I noticed that male flowers had blown up right in the middle of some of the buds.
Really not sure what I might've done to stress them to make it happen. I haven't had stuff herm on me when other people have, running the same clones so, it kinda throws me a little seeing that.
Hopefully they kept it to themselves and I don't have my others seeded up from those fuckers.
My cousin saw the same thing in his so, be on the lookout @BlackSheepOG !!! lol
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Well interesting lol. We're there a bunch? Wonder what caused it. Hope mine doesn't do it lol
There were definitely a few spots. I really can't imagine what could've happened on my end to make it happen. Like I said, this kinda shit rarely happens to me so, it kinda threw me when I realized they were there.
If it was something else then I might think I pushed it too hard with the nutes but, I know that for one, it loves having the nutes pushed, in fact, it suffers if you don't push them from what I've seen, and two, I know others push it a lot harder than I do.
I must've done something I suppose, it didn't happen the first time I grew it. Maybe I stressed it having to reveg my damn cuts, I've been getting bad about taking a lot of them later than I should, something I'm changing currently.
I've ended up with way too many plants being too damn small for a while now from not being familiar with strains that I'm growing and thinking they'll stretch more than they do. The Jack is the only one I've had recently that stretched like I thought it would. Point being, I'm giving my stuff more time in veg than I have been so I can get some more size out of them and get cuts early enough so I don't have to reveg them. :banghead:


There were definitely a few spots. I really can't imagine what could've happened on my end to make it happen. Like I said, this kinda shit rarely happens to me so, it kinda threw me when I realized they were there.
If it was something else then I might think I pushed it too hard with the nutes but, I know that for one, it loves having the nutes pushed, in fact, it suffers if you don't push them from what I've seen, and two, I know others push it a lot harder than I do.
I must've done something I suppose, it didn't happen the first time I grew it. Maybe I stressed it having to reveg my damn cuts, I've been getting bad about taking a lot of them later than I should, something I'm changing currently.
I've ended up with way too many plants being too damn small for a while now from not being familiar with strains that I'm growing and thinking they'll stretch more than they do. The Jack is the only one I've had recently that stretched like I thought it would. Point being, I'm giving my stuff more time in veg than I have been so I can get some more size out of them and get cuts early enough so I don't have to reveg them. :banghead:

Well I guess we will see what happens lol. I probably won't get to flower her until thanksgiving and then will be end of January, beginning of February before I get to try her lol. I've heard she can throw a male pod end of life but they said it doesn't usually cause problems. Time will tell lol
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