Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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My wife tells me she thinks the CBD caps I make her, which she takes 4 a day is healing her (she was having some internal pain on/off) and asked me if I was taking mine. And I haven't been and need to start again.
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These are made from Sarsparilla, GMO Rootbeer x Pure Michigan that runs about 30+/- % THC so they've got a kick but she's right. I have been smoking pretty much every morning so didn't feel the need but I took one and ate a CBD gummy too.

Better than taking vitamins😉


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
I imagine if amazoon was a walk in store when you checked out everything would be boxed and you would be asked. "Would you like a box for your box?"
Lmao don't even get me started about Amazon's packaging over-use. I'm in the Amazon Vine program and long story short, I get a LOT of packages each week from Amazon... They waste SO much. Just the other day, for example, I ordered a travel pillow. A Pillow. It was packaged inside of a plastic bag, inside of a small box. Then, that small box was packaged into a way oversized box, that was 3 times the size of the smaller box, packed with more plastic air bags.

All this for a pillow that could have been simply shipped in 1 plastic bag. And it's not just Amazon guilty of this. Just about everything you buy at any retailer nowadays, comes with excessive packaging. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly an "environmentalist" but until "they" get a grip on all the useless packaging, and China and India's massive pollution contributions, I'm fuckin' keeping my gas powered car and gas stove, ok?




Never noticed that with any of mine but I don't actually have solo cups just red plastic cups. Do you reuse them and do you feed in them? Just thinking if they degrade over time or maybe a reaction with something you're feeding.
Just my city tap water after letting it off gas & the first few waters were bottled ro water. These weren’t reused, I usually peel them like a banana but I decided to not do that this time so I could reuse them. They are name brand solo too not the generic.


Zero tolerance would have had my vote had the picture not appeared edited with the black background. Such a pretty plant. I finally didn’t miss the vote.

Just finished trimming up a couple of plants, and having a bit of a break. What do you guys and gals do with your larf ( if you have any that is)?
its all about size of bud for me, i only grow for myself an friends, if the larf bud will fill a bowl, i trim it, if not it goes into the trim, someday i will wash all the trim i have in my freezer :)


Just finished trimming up a couple of plants, and having a bit of a break. What do you guys and gals do with your larf ( if you have any that is)?
Edibles, or extracts. Use to store them in the freezer, but girlfriend ordered factor microwave dinners last summer and they sent her thirty of em before she had a chance to cancel them. All my butter, seeds, trim and larf all got the boot. I swear that’s why I’ve had so many issues germinating seeds. I think it messed them up going from a freezer to a closet that was over 80 degrees at points last summer.


its all about size of bud for me, i only grow for myself an friends, if the larf bud will fill a bowl, i trim it, if not it goes into the trim, someday i will wash all the trim i have in my freezer :)
Don’t get it twisted. I voted for your first picture, both of your pictures look lovely. If zero tolerance had that picture without all the filter editing I would have voted for that plant. I prefer organic pictures , doesn’t matter if it is a plant, car , etc. Over on bring a trailer someone was selling a car with a professional photographer with crazy manipulated photos/ background. There was multiple comments about how great the pictures were. I absolutely hated them, the manipulations to the background distracted from the car itself. The car itself was beautiful. The photos themselves were on point. All the stupid editing ruined the organic chemistry of what I am seeing. This is my personal opinion. No disrespect to anyone’s craft but in my opinion the edits and modern technology are not as eye appealing as someone who just captures a good pic. Btw congratulations on your win. I know it’s not called yet but you got this.


Don’t get it twisted. I voted for your first picture, both of your pictures look lovely. If zero tolerance had that picture without all the filter editing I would have voted for that plant. I prefer organic pictures , doesn’t matter if it is a plant, car , etc. Over on bring a trailer someone was selling a car with a professional photographer with crazy manipulated photos/ background. There was multiple comments about how great the pictures were. I absolutely hated them, the manipulations to the background distracted from the car itself. The car itself was beautiful. The photos themselves were on point. All the stupid editing ruined the organic chemistry of what I am seeing. This is my personal opinion. No disrespect to anyone’s craft but in my opinion the edits and modern technology are not as eye appealing as someone who just captures a good pic. Btw congratulations on your win. I know it’s not called yet but you got this.
Thank you, I really appreciate. I have similar thoughts on photo editing. When my wife saw the other pic she said, it's not even real😁


My wife tells me she thinks the CBD caps I make her, which she takes 4 a day is healing her (she was having some internal pain on/off) and asked me if I was taking mine. And I haven't been and need to start again.
View attachment 2183232
These are made from Sarsparilla, GMO Rootbeer x Pure Michigan that runs about 30+/- % THC so they've got a kick but she's right. I have been smoking pretty much every morning so didn't feel the need but I took one and ate a CBD gummy too.

Better than taking vitamins😉
I can't remember but was it you that was stating you had issues with mold on your gummies if not nevermind?
its all about size of bud for me, i only grow for myself an friends, if the larf bud will fill a bowl, i trim it, if not it goes into the trim, someday i will wash all the trim i have in my freezer :)
Thanks. It is just for myself and friends family, but one of my freezers went on the fritz and had to pitch stuff so that so I had to throw stuff out 👿(wasting food is the worst) fanangle other stuff to the other 2 freezers, so that is out of the question.

I just pitched these as they were only about a couple oz's wet and under.


I can't remember but was it you that was stating you had issues with mold on your gummies if not nevermind?

Thanks. It is just for myself and friends family, but one of my freezers went on the fritz and had to pitch stuff so that so I had to throw stuff out 👿(wasting food is the worst) fanangle other stuff to the other 2 freezers, so that is out of the question.

I just pitched these as they were only about a couple oz's wet and under.
that sucks about the freezer, mine died just 6 months ago, it was my garage feeezer, so didnt even know it was going till everything was ruined, lost about a quarter pound of fresh frozen Head Banger Haze, :(


Edibles, or extracts. Use to store them in the freezer, but girlfriend ordered factor microwave dinners last summer and they sent her thirty of em before she had a chance to cancel them. All my butter, seeds, trim and larf all got the boot. I swear that’s why I’ve had so many issues germinating seeds. I think it messed them up going from a freezer to a closet that was over 80 degrees at points last summer.
Man that hurts, and yeah that probably had something to do with it.

The dinners remind me of when I think it was Alexa first came out and some little girl order up a whack dolls and chocolates or something of that nature, I think it was around 20 grand or
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