Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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What does that mean? Some older people got too high and felt anxious or paranoid? Did they eat a gummy off the counter without knowing what it was?

I didnt read the article because speculating about clueless older people getting way too stoned is pretty fun.
Speculating that older people are clueless is just plain asinine imo 😲 just saying.

Most of the older people I have known I have the highest respect for and are far from clueless. Generalizations are`not always the best outlook.


🐼 🚀 living soil
Have you seen the insane shit desantis is saying??” If you legalize marijauna then you’ll have kids bringing 20 joints to elementary school with them “ 🤣🤔😳
No idiot, if you legalize it you will lower your incarceration rate “bad for privatized prisons “ boost your tax revenue, lower your crime rates as well as opioid addiction, deaths and use, increase jobs in the agriculture industry which is huge in the sunshine state, and corner the market on low cost outdoor year round growing conditions, sell more tacos 🌮 …..,,,ohh and best part is that you can double check identification where it’s sold just like tobacco and alcohol, to keep those pesky fourth graders from hogging all the joints. Yeah this moron wanted to be president 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What insane nonsense, I noticed he pivots whenever a donor asks him. Definitely controlled opposition


🐼 🚀 living soil
Speculating that older people are clueless is just plain asinine imo 😲 just saying.

Most of the older people I have known I have the highest respect for and are far from clueless. Generalizations are`not always the best outlook.
A lot of them were fed bs there entire lives, the dumb ones never caught on, that's the group they mean I imagine. So not the age factor but more the generation amd intelligence level. That's just my 2 cents though, old people can be cool too 👍


Speculating that older people are clueless is just plain asinine imo 😲 just saying.

Most of the older people I have known I have the highest respect for and are far from clueless. Generalizations are`not always the best outlook.
Agree, while it's apparently fun for mil's & zoomers to bag on boomers, the actual statistic is that 71% of cannabis overdoses in emergency rooms are c. 15 years old, aka. young.

But CNN wouldn't lie 😂🤣😂


Anyone got a greasy duck?
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Speculating that older people are clueless is just plain asinine imo 😲 just saying.

Most of the older people I have known I have the highest respect for and are far from clueless. Generalizations are`not always the best outlook.
well on the basis of this absurd article, i imagine that you'd have to be a pretty clueless older person to be one of the people that article is about. I know plenty of older cats who came to the cannabis world later in life and make plenty or poor, misinformed decisions with their consumption of it. Hell sometimes i end up twice as baked today off the same edible i ate yesterday, and im experienced and have some degree of tolerance. That happens to someone with no tolerance, could be in for a helluva unexpected ride.

And experienced and generally knowledgeable cat generally doesn't "poison" themselves with marijuana 🤣

I genuinely meant no offense, and if you felt a little slighted by what i said, it had nothing to do with me or what i said, thats for sure. And i mean no disrespect or intentional generalization or stereotyping of the older cannabis crowd either. It honestly feels like im rapidly approaching that crowd myself already 🤣🤣 There was a pretty solid dose of sarcasm in that comment as well.

And im sorry, thinking back on my grandmothers edible freak out's, pretty hilarious. Not at the time, but now? Yea its funny to even her. Personally i dont know a single older cat new to the cannabis world, that has followed my "dont eat more then 1/4, and wait 2 hours before you eat more" advice the first time i give it. There's a ton of the older crowd just getting into it as it becomes socially acceptable with no legal risk. They had families that were not worth the risk of losing over a bag of weed, That kept my grandmother from it.
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Agree, while it's apparently fun for mil's & zoomers to bag on boomers, the actual statistic is that 71% of cannabis overdoses in emergency rooms are c. 15 years old, aka. young.

But CNN wouldn't lie 😂🤣😂
That article I found and posted was so full of shit. Hence the reason I posted it here. Consuming weed daily, and I mean a lot daily has made me feel better so all of these know nothings can stick their BS where the sun don't shine.


A lot of them were fed bs there entire lives, the dumb ones never caught on, that's the group they mean I imagine. So not the age factor but more the generation amd intelligence level. That's just my 2 cents though, old people can be cool too 👍
Yeah it’s definitely a big difference between those people who have critical thinking skills and situational awareness, vs those who just accept things as they are and follow blindly. I honestly think that a lot of the former people mentioned have been through some shit and have learned not to blindly follow and trust people in power, whether they be authoritarian,corporations, politicians, employers, neighbors, family, friends, or anyone for that matter. Also they probably watched X-Files as a kid too 🤔🤣🤣
I’ve been questioning authority since I developed the common sense necessary to tell the difference between right and wrong.
IMG 5471


well on the basis of this absurd article, i imagine that you'd have to be a pretty clueless older person to be one of the people that article is about. I know plenty of older cats who came to the cannabis world later in life and make plenty or poor, misinformed decisions with their consumption of it. Hell sometimes i end up twice as baked today off the same edible i ate yesterday, and im experienced and have some degree of tolerance. That happens to someone with no tolerance, could be in for a helluva unexpected ride.

And experienced and generally knowledgeable cat generally doesn't "poison" themselves with marijuana 🤣

I genuinely meant no offense, and if you felt a little slighted by what i said, it had nothing to do with me or what i said, thats for sure. And i mean no disrespect or intentional generalization or stereotyping of the older cannabis crowd either. It honestly feels like im rapidly approaching that crowd myself already 🤣🤣 There was a pretty solid dose of sarcasm in that comment as well.

And im sorry, thinking back on my grandmothers edible freak out's, pretty hilarious. Not at the time, but now? Yea its funny to even her. Personally i dont know a single older cat new to the cannabis world, that has followed my "dont eat more then 1/4, and wait 2 hours before you eat more" advice the first time i give it. There's a ton of the older crowd just getting into it as it becomes socially acceptable with no legal risk. They had families that were not worth the risk of losing over a bag of weed, That kept my grandmother from it.
That’s because you can’t overdose on it 🤣🤣🤣


@Captspaulding Ever listen to this song at the track, or on the way to the track?? I used to play this like four times in a row because I liked it so much. It’s like everyone is rapping like Charlie Tuna, Big Daddy Kane and Percee P. Just to keep pace 🤔

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