Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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We really had the BEST music. I don't understand today's noise😥 early rock, hard Rock, pop rock, the Beatles, the Stones, Led Zeppelin. Shit, we had Zappa😉
We still do, Dwezill, Zappa plays Zappa, I got to see the full concert without backup band, really awesome, he didn't have Vai with him that tim but i saw Vai with Zappa before. Dweezil stayed after the show and took questions etc, for well over an hour, I asked about the Hendrix guitar under their stairs, good stuff it was.


We still do, Dwezill, Zappa plays Zappa, I got to see the full concert without backup band, really awesome, he didn't have Vai with him that tim but i saw Vai with Zappa before. Dweezil stayed after the show and took questions etc, for well over an hour, I asked about the Hendrix guitar under their stairs, good stuff it was. Mozart of our time.
Very cool. I'm too old, seriously to go to concerts. I saw Frank, I saw Capt Beefheaet but it's what Frank did in the studio and what he wrote that really puts hin above and away of all others. Moon, their eldest was exposed with Valley Girl but she and their youngers were rebelling against mom and dad just like ALL families. Good to see the kids coming around but I'm afraid it's mostly for the $.


Very cool. I'm too old, seriously to go to concerts. I saw Frank, I saw Capt Beefheaet but it's what Frank did in the studio and what he wrote that really puts hin above and away of all others. Moon, their eldest was exposed with Valley Girl but she and their youngers were rebelling against mom and dad just like ALL families. Good to see the kids coming around but I'm afraid it's mostly for the $.
Its about the money nowI guess, they sold the farm.


I’m going to officially coin a phrase for this thread. From now on the act of catching up on this thread will be known as “clearing a trainwreck” it just sounds better than catching up on 8 pages of missed posts since six hours ago when you last checked. . . .
IMG 5415


Now look what you've done
Bruce, Baker and that English guitar player what's his name. Put this on a loop at my funeral😘

Fuck, maybe not. I'm liable to get up and dance🤣
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