How to control temperature in tent during summer?

  • Thread starter Rastakari2
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My 4 weeks old fastbuds autoflowers in 70x70x160cm tent are already showing heat stress and I haven’t yet even put my 150w mars hydro ts1000 led to 100% power. Temperature is somewhere betweem 33-34 celcius atm. How can I cool the tent? I have them now on hot summer on 18/6 light cycle instead of 20/4, and those 6 dark hours are during the hottest part of the day.

I already cut away two big leaves that had suffered from high temperature from the front right plant.
How to control temperature in tent during summer


I'm dealing with the same issue but getting decent results. Daily temps here are 80°F by 8am and 103 by noon. I've switched my lightning schedule to off during the hotter hours of the day. Also, I filled a cooler with frozen ice pack and bottles. Adjust your air to blow around the cooler. This literally dropped my temps by about ten degrees. Due to the heat, I'm sure I've taken a hit on the tricombs, but she's pushing. I think a big part of it is determined by genetics, because mine has defied what most growers say the plants can survive. Will be harvesting in the next couple weeks. She's still bulking. Here's my green crack auto. She smells amazing. Hope my advice helps
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@Rastakari2 - What is your humidity? If you haven't already done so, raising it to about 70% should help.


What sort of circulation you have in your tent? You need fans. Also look into a driver calble long enough to remove it from your tent. If you can get those it should help reduce the temp. Also keep the lung room as cool and humid as you can. The enviroment the tent sits in is going to impact your grow enviroment. Fans around the outside of the tent help. I am in a desert and temps are over 110 every day now. I keep my ac at 80 or else its too hard on my power bill. I have like 6 or 8 fans all in and around my tent. Maybe 10. Lol. Im at 80 and 60%.

Circulation fans and exhaust fan and remove your driver.


My 4 weeks old fastbuds autoflowers in 70x70x160cm tent are already showing heat stress and I haven’t yet even put my 150w mars hydro ts1000 led to 100% power. Temperature is somewhere betweem 33-34 celcius atm. How can I cool the tent? I have them now on hot summer on 18/6 light cycle instead of 20/4, and those 6 dark hours are during the hottest part of the day.

I already cut away two big leaves that had suffered from high temperature from the front right plant.
Depending how hot it gets and how often where you are you might want to consider air conditioning the room's kind of inevitable.


Today's outdoor temperature in my neighborhood is headed to the 90's and the humidity is too. I have Buuba Kush out there and it is growing like Kudzu. Although maintaining a temp in the 70's f should benefit the character of the final product, it doesn't always seem to be a requirement of healthy cannabis growth. Perhaps it differs with the strain.
I already cut away two big leaves that had suffered from high temperature from the front right plant.
Hi RastaKari, I was looking at your picture, your plants look pretty in there. I see the soil looks wet in the center and dry around the outside of some pots. Are you giving them a good soaking once a week? If the soil at the bottom of the pot or around the edges is dry, she will lose leaves as the roots try to grow into those areas. I hope that's all it is.

Here's my green crack auto. She smells amazing.
Little bit of heaven right there! Not long now.


@Rastakari2 - What is your humidity? If you haven't already done so, raising it to about 70% should help.
is that to keep the vpd in optimal range? And if those of us in the desert have to grow at a slightly higher temps will keeping the vpd in check make it easier to grow a good plant? My temp is slowly creeping and i still have a few levels of light to go. I looked up a vpd chart and i see if im close to 90 (currently at 83 but my light is about 90 at 100%) then 70% keeps me at .80. If i go by the average temps then im too hot and will stress my girls or would that be the case at 40% rh? I was trying to go with a 60% rh through veg but the more i read about vpd and balancing the humidity with temps to keep the plants drinking from the roots the more that seems to out weigh humidity alone given my harsh enviroment, yeah?


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
If you have central air, get a piece of flex duct and have it going into the tent if you can. Remove drivers, keep the flaps on the tent open. If you are in a room that doesn’t get used and can close the door, you may consider finishing the run outside of the tent.
It’s a bitch for sure. We are all going to be dealing with it, what’s your lung room like? Window unit?


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
My 4 weeks old fastbuds autoflowers in 70x70x160cm tent are already showing heat stress and I haven’t yet even put my 150w mars hydro ts1000 led to 100% power. Temperature is somewhere betweem 33-34 celcius atm. How can I cool the tent? I have them now on hot summer on 18/6 light cycle instead of 20/4, and those 6 dark hours are during the hottest part of the day.

I already cut away two big leaves that had suffered from high temperature from the front right plant.
So I have rarely ever had any light cranking 100% output in flower, manufacturing specs on lights is hogwash. 1bc every strain is different, 2 that output will cook most plants. What is your put put set at for veg? own 2 ts1000 in a tent you should max out at 75-80%


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
So I have rarely ever had any light cranking 100% output in flower, manufacturing specs on lights is hogwash. 1bc every strain is different, 2 that output will cook most plants. What is your put put set at for veg? own 2 ts1000 in a tent you should max out at 75-80%
Oh and seedlings my output is crazy low too the orange and gray units in these pics is my flower room output settings and the mars is for my seedling shelf. Less is more.
IMG 4381
IMG 4705
IMG 3927
IMG 4125
IMG 4087


My 4 weeks old fastbuds autoflowers in 70x70x160cm tent are already showing heat stress and I haven’t yet even put my 150w mars hydro ts1000 led to 100% power. Temperature is somewhere betweem 33-34 celcius atm. How can I cool the tent? I have them now on hot summer on 18/6 light cycle instead of 20/4, and those 6 dark hours are during the hottest part of the day.

I already cut away two big leaves that had suffered from high temperature from the front right plant.
I’ve hung frozen 2L bottles of water. A lot of work changing them out, but it does the trick. Are all of your exhaust fans and other electrical out side the tent? The motors create heat! Good luck ✊🏼!!


I rock that fan in my veg space!
Those things can move some damned air. 👊🏻

I think I should by stock in that brand of fan, I own so damn many of them .

But I dont like doing a foliage spray for insects or PM on my plants EVER unless force too.
So I don't really mind running the fans for heat and insects/fungi. If I am growing the right strains I don't ever have to foliage spray which suits me just fine .


What worked best for me in tents takes a little creative engineering but isn't difficult. It works if you are in a spare room or somewhere near an central a/c vent.

1. Pop out the vent cover.

2. Take the same type of part that is used to direct airflow to the vent from the ducting below. Like this:

Screenshot 20240623 123150

Insert into the vent opening inverted. Seal with caulk if possible but maybe not necessary

3. Attach the corresponding size ducting. It should be big enough to accommodate an inline fan appropriate for your tent. Seal with duct tape.

4. Place an inline fan in the lower hole of your tent. Attach the ducting and seal. Secure the fan in place.

5. On the opposite side of your tent, place a lower power fan in the upper exhaust opening.

I used an enclosed reflector so you may need to modify at this point.

6. Attach exhaust ducting to the opening of your reflector on the same side as the exhaust fan. Attach the other end to the exhaust fan and seal.

7. Keep the other reflector hole open to pull cool air through to the exhaust.

I didn't use a scrubber so you may need to adapt this to your set up.

This worked with a 600w HPS in the mid-Atlantic region. I know people are using LEDs now but it should be easily adaptable and even more effective. Just keep an eye on your humidity with the cold air coming into your tent if you do hydro.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I think I should by stock in that brand of fan, I own so damn many of them .

But I dont like doing a foliage spray for insects or PM on my plants EVER unless force too.
So I don't really mind running the fans for heat and insects/fungi. If I am growing the right strains I don't ever have to foliage spray which suits me just fine .
Yeah I never spray unless it’s for critters. Otherwise? I’m all good. Wind machines to the front hahaha


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
What worked best for me in tents takes a little creative engineering but isn't difficult. It works if you are in a spare room or somewhere near an central a/c vent.

1. Pop out the vent cover.

2. Take the same type of part that is used to direct airflow to the vent from the ducting below. Like this:

View attachment 2200913

Insert into the vent opening inverted. Seal with caulk if possible but maybe not necessary

3. Attach the corresponding size ducting. It should be big enough to accommodate an inline fan appropriate for your tent. Seal with duct tape.

4. Place an inline fan in the lower hole of your tent. Attach the ducting and seal. Secure the fan in place.

5. On the opposite side of your tent, place a lower power fan in the upper exhaust opening.

I used an enclosed reflector so you may need to modify at this point.

6. Attach exhaust ducting to the opening of your reflector on the same side as the exhaust fan. Attach the other end to the exhaust fan and seal.

7. Keep the other reflector hole open to pull cool air through to the exhaust.

I didn't use a scrubber so you may need to adapt this to your set up.

This worked with a 600w HPS in the mid-Atlantic region. I know people are using LEDs now but it should be easily adaptable and even more effective. Just keep an eye on your humidity with the cold air coming into your tent if you do hydro.
See above. I legit said the same. I do that too. A little different though.
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