Let's see your 2024 outdoor grow!!

  • Thread starter shaganja
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Big giants are for the young if they choose to grow them. Most of my friends who grow in there 60's & 70's go for the 3 to 5 ft. plants. Sure those look fantastic big as a maple tree but loose 1/2 if not more to mold. These newer varieties are great and pack the punch i'm looking for. No orchard ladders for me.
thats actually all i intended. I put them out first week of may as little bitty seedlings that had already been stunted once from a night i forgot em outside and left them in rain in the 40s. I amended with some flood plane loam, ive put a little goat poo and compost down to water through. 2 light flora micro feedings at container strength. Back in KC i was putting decent sized clones out in early june usually. Had 4-5 foot bushes come harvest, and i fed heavier then i am doing here. These doubled in size several days outside and have kinda just kept on like that since. The f1's havent even slowed down through the heat wave like my others.

I moved back here because you can grow big sativas out here but i wasnt trying to my first season. It was spur of the moment to even kick off a grow this season, didnt even clear the plot til shortly before i planted it, and i amended it on the fly with local soils and homemade compost from my moms place as i went.

All good problems for me to have though i suppose. Ive never thrown sativa dominant F1 plants from seed outside that early before and def wasnt thinking about what a difference it could really make on plant size. Being a spur of the moment grow i wasnt exactly intending on creating as much work for myself as i have. Fall gets super busy at the country club with corporate events and concerts and stuff. And ill be on salary by then, and expected to work every single one of them for the most part. It's def gonna get interesting over here come fall lmao.

ive grown lots of heavy indicas here(ish, i am at higher elevation now) back in the day when younger. I put plants out earlier then this, and bigger plants, and fed them well. And they finished usually not a whole lot bigger then the PB f1's already are. Back then if it wasnt indica dominant i didnt even bother though. Id cull lanky and sativa plants even before i saw them flower because i used to equate sativa to anxiety lol.

Honestly, im not sure why im even bringing clones inside and starting a DWC tent, other then i originally said i would be. I dont sell anymore. Def wont here. What's the point on starting a dwc grow to pull a pound or two by fall when i might have single plants out there doing the same lmao. It takes me about a year to smoke a pound of flower. Ill already just be giving flower away come fall even if i lose half my yield to PM. And im not going to have the time to process and properly cure that much flower either. A lot will just be getting fresh frozen to make live resin and edibles later on im sure. Equal parts excitement and dread for sure.
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A few GDP autos I threw outside coming right along. One had a double trunk, looks like double yield too! Colas are getting heavy for autos, and still a few weeks to go, pistols aren’t even white yet! Promix BX plus 30% more perlite, Lotus and Jacks 321 nutes.
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Trying to figure out if the 1st one is male or female.
Id give a 99% certain its a female. A lot of them have elongated calyxes that sort of encapsulate the pistils when preflowering. Sometimes, although kinda uncommon, the earliest preflowers will almost appear to even be on a short little neck like a male preflower. But will end up being a female plant entirely.


Id give a 99% certain its a female. A lot of them have elongated calyxes that sort of encapsulate the pistils when preflowering. Sometimes, although kinda uncommon, the earliest preflowers will almost appear to even be on a short little neck like a male preflower. But will end up being a female plant entirely.
Watching it closely. Thanks for the thoughtful response.


Around 10 years ago, i grew an el cheapo seed called special queen #1 outside.

Was the first plant i ever pulled more then 2lbs from

Pointed new growers you guys' way ever since lol. I had plants around supposed to be near 30% that werent as good of a smoke as that "18%" Special queen too lol.

Im actually planning on grabbing a big pack of em this winter for next spring, that plant's one ive always wanted to do some breeding with but never had the space or time because of other ongoing projects..

Do you know if Special Queen #1 is more or less still the same plant it was back then? One of the best oldschool skunks i think ive ever smoked tbh. And ive recently noticed you guys have USA distribution now. Didnt back then. There's a lot of people around these days trying to find the kind of plant special queen was/is. And most of these people would write that plant off on it's price alone without ever even popping a bean, but It actually saved my ass that season after a much more expensive package was seized, and ill remember that plant til i die lmfao. It got so big, so fast, un-fed, i thought it was hemp at first hahahaha. One of the plants it breaks my heart i cant find any pics of anywhere.

I even hesitate to recommend it to the folks looking for those oldschool true skunks, because i worry people will just think im affiliated with you guys or something because i rave so hard about that plant.

Hey, if any of you skunk-hunter guys see this post though... check out that special queen #1 if your hunting for old skunks. Its like $6 per fem seeds too. Whatcha got to loose there? And no, zero affiliation at all with RQS****
in the name of honesty, i wasn't affiliated with royal queen seeds when i made this post. Truth.

However they did contact me after i made it, and that thing about zero affiliation with RQS isn't exactly true anymore 🤣


This sativa I cut back to keep it from shading my other plants that were also getting way bigger then expected.

Im glad I took clones. Was thinking it had to be a wild hemp pollen seed.

I got this funny feeling it's more along the lines of something hazey or green cracky.
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It never revegged or anything. Still full veg 100%. But maaaaaaan, it's making these super round preflowers with glandular trichomes on them and just a few on thebstems around em. When pinched it smells of citrus and 🍒
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Still gonna be a pretty big plant by finish though I think. It'd prob be over 6 foot by now if I hadn't cut it back.
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