First time grow in zone 9b, lets learn from my mistakes

  • Thread starter cbrians
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Hey man it’s outside of my expertise too! I appreciate you trying, everyone on here knows something I don’t.

I’m pretty sure they’ll come back, as I’ve almost killed then when they were much younger and more vulnerable, I just wanna know for sure, which I can’t do without waiting.

I’m bad at waiting 🤣
Of course! There’s a fine line between “trying to help” and just clogging the thread lol, hope it’s not the later hahaha! So my way of “waiting” is the worst form of procrastination “professional crastination” lol! If I dont do that im in my shed multiple times a day! I have to literally forget about them, and thats just ridiculous hahaha!!!!


Of course! There’s a fine line between “trying to help” and just clogging the thread lol, hope it’s not the later hahaha! So my way of “waiting” is the worst form of procrastination “professional crastination” lol! If I dont do that im in my shed multiple times a day! I have to literally forget about them, and thats just ridiculous hahaha!!!!
Seriously! I can see them from my kitchen window, got me checking every ten minutes.

I work three 12’s this weekend, maybe they’ll come back when I finally stop paying attention 💀


Where's Doctor Wilty Fingers? 🤣
Now I'm worried if they are ok.
I'm in this with you Dear Transplanting Grower as I am day after repot
Just I don't even look there 🤣 I just watch stats 🙃

I will keep my fingers crossed for the girls 🤞


We can start a prayer chain @Sunin 🤣🤣
CT Praying Together

🤣 if only


Hey everyone!

I’ve been positing off and on for a few months but I wanted to get all my thoughts in one spot. I will probably tag all my other posts here in case someone wants to surprise me and be interested.

Second point of this is to hopefully help some new growers like myself learn things that can and can’t work, and that cannabis is pretty damn resilient. I don’t know much but I am very familiar with feeling absolutely lost on growing.

What I’ve learned this year by doing it wrong;

-you can’t take seedlings from your window sill to a green house and expect them to be okay. They need to adapt.

-if you top you cannabis and cut off the new shoots that YOU AREN’T SUPPOSED TO CUT OFF your plant will still grow. Might be a little sling shot looking but it will grow.

-140 degree green house is too hot lol

- boy plants are bad

-you can drown your plants pretty easily

What I’ve learned from doing it wrong;

-Weed is fucking resilient. Even with all the fuck ups I’ve done I have six girls going strong.

These are my girls as of today, on the backside of the green house cuz it’s fucking hot. Just transplanted to final 30 gallon pots in a soil blend that I basically freestyled 😬
Welcome I'm zone 9a 9b too !!!


Welcome I'm zone 9a 9b too !!!
Got up to 116 on my porch , had no idea was getting that hot and they early !! it's happening at 10 am in this zone , I added a box fan based on some suggestions from other growers on here😄 and I also bought a hydrometer from Govee, it really let me see my hot spikes and it made me change my water habit ! Keeps my temp under 90° all day outside . Now they look like this 3 months in.
PXL 20240620 190135007PORTRAIT
PXL 20240620 190125040PORTRAIT


Got up to 116 on my porch , had no idea was getting that hot and they early !! it's happening at 10 am in this zone , I added a box fan based on some suggestions from other growers on here😄 and I also bought a hydrometer from Govee, it really let me see my hot spikes and it made me change my water habit ! Keeps my temp under 90° all day outside . Now they look like this 3 months in.
Shit looking good! I just put two box fans on mine, they’re perking up a bit after watering earlier but it’s still gonna be 90 something

haven’t heard of a hydrometer, I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the heads up!


Got up to 116 on my porch , had no idea was getting that hot and they early !! it's happening at 10 am in this zone , I added a box fan based on some suggestions from other growers on here😄 and I also bought a hydrometer from Govee, it really let me see my hot spikes and it made me change my water habit ! Keeps my temp under 90° all day outside . Now they look like this 3 months in.
Man if I casually walked by I don’t think I would of known that’s weed 😅 thought it was some big ol decorative plant


the corner we picked get shaded by these eucalyptus trees, we still get sun there but not as direct. Also don’t really know how cannabis plants tell the difference between direct and indirect, and when there is too much shade for them to tell.
You could get a Daily Light Interval Meter and go out at different times of the day and see what readings you're getting.


I appreciate the advice from an og 🙏🏽 I fell in love with them as soon as they popped which has been working against me lmao. I honestly think my obsessing has been my worst enemy at this point. I worried about not enough sun, about them being leggy, about the wind, steady running around in my backyard trying to control nature. It’s all part of the adventure, if I had started growing and it was easy I probably would have forgotten about them by now.

I would have to clone any I like however, as I don’t know how old any of these seeds are or where they came from. I had been keeping bag seed for nearly 10 years and felt this was the year to take a whack at it.
i wouldnt consider myself an OG in growing context. The OG's were already oldheads when i came to the party. Im not even an OG for this forum. I have definitely grown a lot of cannabis plants though.

Btw, if your pots are black and their surface see's direct sun, paint them white. Trust me on that. Root zone temp and moisture retention will improve dramatically over night. Any way you can limit the amount of dark surface area of a container exposed to direct sun in this heat will help you tremendously. If theyre are fabric pots, still paint them white, they'll still breathe better then a plastic pot. If you run two identical clones in weather like this, one in a black pot, one white, the difference in growth rates will be pretty dramatic. Black plastic or fabric in heat like this, can literally kill the roots up against the container material in a few hours. White containers also under-light your plants partially through refraction.

I very often forget to share this tidbit because ive never messed with outdoor container growing with cannabis. Easily overlooked and fairly critical thing in some places tbh. Especially hot sunny places. Not a big deal if plants are big and shade them, but if plants arent big enough to shade the container surface, that shit will get hot enough to burn you by 2pm.

Another thing worth noting thats way more important in a container vs ground, is if your pot has been baking in the sunlight all afternoon, dont put cold water in the root system. Use tepid water, or let it come up to temp in the shade for a couple hours first. Your plants will thank you with consistently faster growth rates day to day. The better route, however, is to just make the container more reflective, and to not feed your plant rot-promoting warm water.
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i wouldnt consider myself an OG in growing context. The OG's were already oldheads when i came to the party. Im not even an OG for this forum. I have definitely grown a lot of cannabis plants though.

Btw, if your pots are black and their surface see's direct sun, paint them white. Trust me on that. Root zone temp and moisture retention will improve dramatically over night. Any way you can limit the amount of dark surface area of a container exposed to direct sun in this heat will help you tremendously. If theyre are fabric pots, still paint them white, they'll still breathe better then a plastic pot. If you run two identical clones in weather like this, one in a black pot, one white, the difference in growth rates will be pretty dramatic. Black plastic or fabric in heat like this, can literally kill the roots up against the container material in a few hours. White containers also under-light your plants partially through refraction.

I very often forget to share this tidbit because ive never messed with outdoor container growing with cannabis. Easily overlooked and fairly critical thing in some places tbh. Especially hot sunny places. Not a big deal if plants are big and shade them, but if plants arent big enough to shade the container surface, that shit will get hot enough to burn you by 2pm.
Oh good point. I was hoping the size of them (being in 30 gallons now) would be helpful but you’re probably on to something


Oh good point. I was hoping the size of them (being in 30 gallons now) would be helpful but you’re probably on to something
no matter the size of the plant or root system, the tap roots go deep first, for water access. Containers prevent this, the tap root goes straight to the bottom of the pot and starts spining in circles.

The nutrient gathering fiber roots, spread outwards in the top few inches of soil. Out in all directions from the meristem. When they hit the container walls, they follow them down the sides of the pot, joint the tap root, and start spinning around in circles.

Fine roots will spread out evenly through the pot, but the meatiest, fastest growing roots will almost always find their way to the outer perimeter of a container. That's why circular pots are reccomended over square. So roots dont concetrate in any one spot before moving. And wider containers are reccomended for cannabis over more vertical ones, because cannabis doesn't make a particularly dramatic tap root. It makes one, but itll only go a foot or two deep before spreading out into thinner stringier roots. Sometimes a cannabis plant wont even make a legit tap root, itll make only nutrient gathering finer roots unless you let the plant get really big.

A small plant in a 30 gal pot, with container completely unshaded, (educated guessing, this is just stuff ive learned from time i lived in arizona, and being a long time succulent and cacti collector lol) would probably take a week or so to really start seeing the downsides of being in a black unshielded container, but i can almost promise, if you had a white one and identical plant next to it, after a month or two the difference would be fairly dramatic, and only be amplified as the plant got bigger if it wasnt able to shade the container well on its own. In Phoenix, any plant, doesnt matter, from cactus to hibiscus, if its in a container outside thats black and above ground, the thing will probably die sometime during the summer unless it's on a constant drip. Not just grow slower. Most ornamental gardens out there are built into white concrete planters at least 3 inches thick, in ground, or large 20+ gallon white concrete pots that are a couple inches thick. Thin black nursery pots can even partially melt out there if in sun or set on asphalt. If it gets above 90 frequently, black containers are not great ideas.

Just wraping some white linen cloth or pillowcase or something around a black pot can make a huge difference to root zone temp and moisture stability

Normally in a 30 gal youd be totally fine though, but conditions across the entire northern hemisphere are a bit intense rn. Its been 90 by 11am every day here in TN for like 2 weeks now without a drop of natural rain, and humidities which are normally about 50-60% this time of year here, are hovering around 20-25%. The trees are literally wilting and sunburning here, and people are dropping from heat illness all over the northern hemisphere from Kansas to germany to the middle east rn. Deciding to leave a tree to shade my plot from 4-6PM, im very glad i made that decision now 🤣 I have plants in ground, seeing 5 gallons a day right now, shaded from 4-6, that are still starting to look a bit overworked by the time the shade comes. Its brutal out there right now. More brutal then i recall for a while. I work outside for a living and havent had a sunburn in a couple years. I came home from work sunburned today.

If it stays hot enough, long enough, without a cool breezy night here and there, a larger pot will become a hinderance more then a smaller, itll take more days to get hot because it heats slowly, but once its hot, moisture, evaporation and air movement is far less efficient at cooling the thing because volume increases exponentially opposed to surface area on any given object. The very same thing that usually helps you regulate your root zone in more typical conditions, will become your enemy in conditions like this. Trying to cool a hot root zone with cold water can shock and even stall a plant too once the temp difference becomes large enough. At least with succulents and azaleas in phoenix anyway. If an azalea in a container is too hot, and you give it cold water, you can kill it after a few cold waterings (if the pot is small enough and its bound anyway lol)

Sorry 😅 sativa dabs.
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no matter the size of the plant or root system, the tap roots go deep first, for water access. Containers prevent this, the tap root goes straight to the bottom of the pot and starts spining in circles.

The nutrient gathering fiber roots, spread outwards in the top few inches of soil. Out in all directions from the meristem. When they hit the container walls, they follow them down the sides of the pot, joint the tap root, and start spinning around in circles.

Fine roots will spread out evenly through the pot, but the meatiest, fastest growing roots will almost always find their way to the outer perimeter of a container. That's why circular pots are reccomended over square. So roots dont concetrate in any one spot before moving. And wider containers are reccomended for cannabis over more vertical ones, because cannabis doesn't make a particularly dramatic tap root. It makes one, but itll only go a foot or two deep before spreading out into thinner stringier roots. Sometimes a cannabis plant wont even make a legit tap root, itll make only nutrient gathering finer roots unless you let the plant get really big.

A small plant in a 30 gal pot, with container completely unshaded, (educated guessing, this is just stuff ive learned from time i lived in arizona, and being a long time succulent and cacti collector lol) would probably take a week or so to really start seeing the downsides of being in a black unshielded container, but i can almost promise, if you had a white one and identical plant next to it, after a month or two the difference would be fairly dramatic, and only be amplified as the plant got bigger if it wasnt able to shade the container well on its own. In Phoenix, any plant, doesnt matter, from cactus to hibiscus, if its in a container outside thats black and above ground, the thing will probably die sometime during the summer unless it's on a constant drip. Not just grow slower. Most ornamental gardens out there are built into white concrete planters at least 3 inches thick, in ground, or large 20+ gallon white concrete pots that are a couple inches thick. Thin black nursery pots can even partially melt out there if in sun or set on asphalt. If it gets above 90 frequently, black containers are not great ideas.

Just wraping some white linen cloth or pillowcase or something around a black pot can make a huge difference to root zone temp and moisture stability

Normally in a 30 gal youd be totally fine though, but conditions across the entire northern hemisphere are a bit intense rn. Its been 90 by 11am every day here in TN for like 2 weeks now without a drop of natural rain, and humidities which are normally about 50-60% this time of year here, are hovering around 20-25%. The trees are literally wilting and sunburning here rn, and people are dropping from heat stuff all over the northern hemisphere from Kansas to germany to the middle east rn.
Totally agree , my double walled plastic pot that's tan, or terracotta colored I noticed keeps dirt cooler in the 80 -85 degree range and it has the biggest baddest plant in it, all the other pots being same size however heavy gauge single walled runs steady 85- 90 degrees with the same qty of and same amount of dirt . The cooler lighter pot stress less and is overall happier! Will definably be a factor when I buy new pots next year seeing this time exactly how hot pot temp definitely it affected the grow .


I think it’s time for you to freak out! You got six plants there! Elevate the pots off The ground a little, and quit watering one of them for about a week! Or dig your hand down into the pot and find out what’s going on down there! Looks like you’re getting nowhere fast at this rate! You’re at 85°! That is ideal! You’re fucking up the watering somehow and you better figure it out! That’s why you get a long probe, single probe, moisture meter for poking in to the larger bags! Tells you what’s going on in about five seconds! For less than 15 bucks!
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I think it’s time for you to freak out! You got six plants there! Elevate the pots off The ground a little, and quit watering one of them for about a week! Or dig your hand down into the pot and find out what’s going on down there! Looks like you’re getting nowhere fast at this rate! You’re at 85°! That is ideal! You’re fucking up the watering somehow and you better figure it out! That’s why you get a long probe, single probe, moisture meter for poking in to the larger bags! Tells you what’s going on in about five seconds! For less than 15 bucks!
Damn, i mustve missed something. Where is it only 85F in zone 9b right now? 🤣 🤣

im sitting here in 7b cooking for 2 weeks now. Havent had a day with a heat index under 100 entire time.

Edit: oh yea, central cali. My brains thinks southern texas and phoenix when it thinks zone 9. I talk to so many people on here now i forget whos who.


Damn, i mustve missed something. Where is it only 85F in zone 9b right now? 🤣 🤣

im sitting here in 7b cooking for 2 weeks now. Havent had a day with a heat index under 100 entire time.

Edit: oh yea, central cali. My brains thinks southern texas and phoenix when it thinks zone 9
Soil temp with a box fan was 85 😂 lifted 2 to 10 inches off ground, air temp here 96 and melting


He’s in Hollister, California! Whoever said they were 9B or if he said he was a 9B someone is fucking up! He’s either dumping too much fertilizer on them or not getting a handle on the water! Either drowning them or letting the pots dry out too much and the roots get hot! Which I don’t think it’s happening at 85°! It ain’t rocket science!

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