Overwatering or light stress? Leaves seem to be drooping a little

  • Thread starter GSCdoink
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From what I noticed, including my own photos under LED pics have neon, yellow tint very often.
Then you take your plant in normal light and open your eyes 😉
Not to mention that expecting new growth to be in colour of one month fan leaf is ridiculous- it's new after all 🤣

I know nothing about Fox Farm but many here do, so if you will put producer and range in search and travel patiently in some lush grows- you will know what to do and what not- happy reading 🤟

And you can correct LST, you have to even- you will be surprised how often they loosen and remove their handcuffs, especially in flower stretch.
It is always better to do it slowly and in stages. Come back and repair or correct instead of forcing it.
I LST always in sado maso styla- on edge of underwatering, hungry, flimsy, unhappy plants.
When they bend like those weeds on the fields when I was a child 🤣 It is called weed for a reason after all
Then I load in them papu and water and they get stiffer in shackles.
Half of brakes happens when people try to bend their plants when they are freshly watered and fed and rigid as f&%k
I use garden soft green wire, sticks and drill holes in plastic pots and tighten up with stronger garden wire twisting it down from time to time like with wrench but here imagination is your only limitation as I have seen people training cannabis like bonzai with children hair ties or wall styla with ball of string. You have also special equipment like clips and loops. and what not. Whatever works for you and plant is fine 👌
Take your time, guide the plant and I am sure she will fill that pot soon 🤟


use cal mag you’ll need it. The soil you transplanted with is lacking and the fertilizer line up doesn’t have any in it that’s why they have a bottle of cal mag. If you don’t use it in week 2 and week 3 of flower you will experience lockout and get small buds


One reason people defoliate is to get light into dark places. An alternative to removing leaves that are making food for our plant is to use reflectors to shine light under the canopy. Like the sun moving across the sky we can get the light to come in at low angles. If we hang the reflectors on string and run a fan then they will slowly move around so that nothing gets burned.


Is the drooping caused from under watering? Or some type of deficiency? Soil PH is still around 6.5-6.7 but still haven't fed her any nutes as of today. Day 37 of veg
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All my seedlings are watered with a spray bottle for the first 3-4 weeks. My philosophy is water a little, wait a little. It's just beginning to develop roots and they can only drink so much. Same with nutes they can only handle so much at any age and especially really young ones. Aa was mentioned, let them go through a dry cycle. When they are developing a root system they need things like B-1, Phosphorus, Potassium but a bit less nitrogen. A lot of starter fertilizers are formulated similar to bloom nutes. In a pinch you could use something like that at 1/4 strength. Kelp meal or Seaweed extract can provide them with lots of important things like amino acids, vitamins, growth promoting plant hormones, trace minersls, etc. Worm castings would be helpful also.


Way too soon to defoliate. They have already been stressed and that will stress them out more. Also those leaves are solar panels gathering energy for root growth. She's doing ok. Color is fine. Showing some vigor. What they likely need most right now is some patients. Get your watering game down and you do fine. 👍


.....or some patience.....I shouldn't assume that your plants have a medical degree....my bad. 🙄🤣


Way too soon to defoliate. They have already been stressed and that will stress them out more. Also those leaves are solar panels gathering energy for root growth. She's doing ok. Color is fine. Showing some vigor. What they likely need most right now is some patients. Get your watering game down and you do fine. 👍
Heard..I think that's my main focus is watering and nutes. I'm still teetering with measurements for watering lol. I'm an overthinker so any time I see something that may or may not look right I run to the forums lmao. Probably should stop comparing apples to apples too when browsing around growdiares 💀


Theres no such thing as either, just water, sit back, and listen to some good music brother. this plant is timeless and otherworldly!


Way too soon to defoliate. They have already been stressed and that will stress them out more. Also those leaves are solar panels gathering energy for root growth. She's doing ok. Color is fine. Showing some vigor. What they likely need most right now is some patients. Get your watering game down and you do fine. 👍
Should I worry about this or leave it alone?
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I think you have some pests. Possibly aphids or spider mites.
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white specks and the hole. Was the leaf with the burnt tip sitting in the soil?


That's what I'm thinking. Whats a good remedy to avoid those little mfers? And yes it was. I assuming I should tie it down elsewhere?
You don’t want your leaves sitting in the soil, it is an invitation for pests and disease. It really depends on your pest. Neem oil, spinosad are effective. Diatomaceous earth is a powder effective, it isn’t effective when wet. Someone else has posted using 50/50 isopropyl alcohol and water spraying the leaves but ensure to cover the medium. When spraying anything make sure to wait until right before lights out. Spray upper and under side of leaves and stalk . If you are using spinosad or neem spray the soil. Don’t spray the soil with the alcohol. You want to cover it from soil. The de is powder, don’t do it in front of a fan. You can get food grade and it’s like flour. It is made from ground up sea shells and non toxic for your pets. It is used to keep flies away from them. It kills crawling insects. I have had earwigs show up in the summer for ten years, insecticide never killed em. I used the de in the grow room and tracked the powder everywhere. I haven’t seen them since making that mess 😂.


You don’t want your leaves sitting in the soil, it is an invitation for pests and disease. It really depends on your pest. Neem oil, spinosad are effective. Diatomaceous earth is a powder effective, it isn’t effective when wet. Someone else has posted using 50/50 isopropyl alcohol and water spraying the leaves but ensure to cover the medium. When spraying anything make sure to wait until right before lights out. Spray upper and under side of leaves and stalk . If you are using spinosad or neem spray the soil. Don’t spray the soil with the alcohol. You want to cover it from soil. The de is powder, don’t do it in front of a fan. You can get food grade and it’s like flour. It is made from ground up sea shells and non toxic for your pets. It is used to keep flies away from them. It kills crawling insects. I have had earwigs show up in the summer for ten years, insecticide never killed em. I used the de in the grow room and tracked the powder everywhere. I haven’t seen them since making that mess 😂.
Noted haha yeah man I'm having trouble keep those fan leaves from touching it seemed to happen during LST. I'll try that 50/50 solution and see what happens with the results. I'm sure it's spider mites just because of my paranoia and maybe seeing one outside of my tent lmao. Just real curious on how they got there. I'm wanted the leaves to shoot upwards but not really seeing where I could attack that problem at?


Should I worry about this or leave it alone?
I would remove leaves from the bottom of the plant that have any problems like yellowing or damage. The plant is replacing those at the top. You can pinch off leaves but if you use a cutter, clean with alcohol first to prevent disease spread.

Different ways to do but video shows LST separating tops out from each other so each will have its own space. Now will focus on training them to be the same height by pulling the tallest ones to the side so shorter ones can catch up. Then its off to the races. Get strong before flip. I only have 24 to 30 inches of grow space before they get too close to the light so I want to flip when they are 15 to 18 inches tall. Right now about 10 inches tall.


I would remove leaves from the bottom of the plant that have any problems like yellowing or damage. The plant is replacing those at the top. You can pinch off leaves but if you use a cutter, clean with alcohol first to prevent disease spread.

Different ways to do but video shows LST separating tops out from each other so each will have its own space. Now will focus on training them to be the same height by pulling the tallest ones to the side so shorter ones can catch up. Then its off to the races. Get strong before flip. I only have 24 to 30 inches of grow space before they get too close to the light so I want to flip when they are 15 to 18 inches tall. Right now about 10 inches tall.
I wouldn't. Unless the leaves are diseased then I say keep them. If they still have green then they still photosynthesize. A small plant needs every leaf it can get. And also if a bottom leaf is yellowing the plant may be transferring the nutrients to upper growth. Once the plant is bigger though, I definitely agree with you.

I do have to say, I love your plant! Looking healthy and beautifully trained! Are those aluminum foil reflectors? I have a total DIY setup so that's the only reflector material I have lol. Works like a charm and I save hundreds of dollars on a bunch of equipment while I learn how to grow.


That is a dry wilt. Notice how the whole leaf droops. If it were over watered you tobsee the try to maintain turbidity but can't quite lift the ends of the leaves. That is where is see that drooping if I over water. IMO under watering a little is better than over watering. Err on the side of caution. Roots need oxygen. They can't get it sitting under water any better than you can.

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