Long time grower - Back at it - Interesting Genetics.

  • Thread starter Thatoneguyyouknow_
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No dude duh, don’t be a retard 😝
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Safe space

INB4 some highly evolved 19yo Fascist college student decides to defend the decisions that lead to the Holocaust on the grounds of someone's else's perspective, and their own hurt their feelings because an internet meme triggered them and they dont comprehend mindfulness or self-control, and have never experienced sonder.

Hey, I Might as well sprint straight to the diving board instead of tip-toeing to it lolol.

If being offended or feeling slighted bothers someone enough to change their political worldview and feel the need to force it upon other people, they are what is called a fascist and should be treated as such imho.

If someone doesn't like the way this post made them feel, and and they feel like they need to do something about that like it's an actual problem, this post is about them. They are a fascists, and probably narcissists to.
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I generally don't notice 420 the day til someone asks me what I did lmao.

I almost kinda consider 422 my lucky number because of how often I looked at the clock while lighting up 2 mins late through the years.


havent done anything but hose water in a while, close to 2 weeks i think. Probably wont for a bit. Theyre still growing. The heat has slowed down the oj x BB and the biggs a lot. The peaceblasters are still getting bigger pretty quick.

Honestly i could do without 8 foot bushes all over top of each other this fall. Pretty sure those mimosa trees are feeding the plants too anyway. They are big N fixing legume trees with roots under pretty much the entire area i planted

Im actually switching gears to slow my Peaceblasters down mode now. Im not gonna cut the peaceblasters back, theyre too pretty 🤣

I may give my OJ x BB's some good GH flora feedings if the heat wave ever breaks and try to beef em up a bit while i try to slow down the peaceblasters at the same time lol

I have no idea why i planted the 3 tammy plants so close together. I also planted the PB 4 really close to the PB3 and oj x BB3, ut then put the mexi skunk like 8 feet away from the groupings of plants. But i also havent done a damn thing to them but give them hose water, i didnt even put the loam or compost down for them. Theyre all around 2 foot already with giant full sized leaves and growing rapidly.

I think it's the mimosa trees and this soil is way more N rich then i ever expected it to be. Hope its not an issue come flower lol. My growth rates are kinda absurd even on the plants im trying to keep small. PB #1 is an absolute beast of a vegger and her growth has been accelerating recently even in the heat wave it looks like (no pics got home after dark tonight, i may go take some night shots later though)

Its gonna storm soon. Bout damn time.
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some people think cannabis looks sad when it's raining. I do during flower, but during veg I think it's funny.

They look like wet poodles or something.

Makes it easier to show how each plant wants to grow on its own too. I'll be bending cage legs into place and throwing first nets down in near future. Will prob side trellis the big girls. And just stake each main stalk on the smaller plants individually.

Just because. Gonna do biggest and smallest first. Really exaggerates the difference lol

Peaceblaster #1. Absolute monster of a plant. Watching this thing grow has been very satisfying
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OJ x BB #1. Not a small plant for 9 weeks. But currently the smallest big girl
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Peaceblaster #2 spittin' image of her mom.
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Peaceblaster #3 fat colas in her future. Can already tell
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OJ x BB #2 biggest of the Jack genetics.
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OJ x BB #3 she's a weirdo.
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So the Maui Wowie '86 is growing a lot faster then I would have expected. Took its own sweet time until it saw some light, and it took off at a full sprint soon as it did.

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Got a Punch Pie seedling above soil now too.
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And a Cali Blues @Captspaulding
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The Haymeadow Purps is bulging soil. Will be visible later today I think

The special queen #1 seed is still on towel. I'll give it a week or so before I toss it. So far it's not doing anything. Hasn't swollen, hasn't softened. I carefully clicked open the she'll last night. Still nothing this morning. It's prob a dud but I'll give it some more time.

If it doesn't pop the rest are still being saved for spring most likely and special queen just won't be part of the breeding moms this year as planned. Is what it is. If so it would be the first fresh seed that big and fat I've ever tried to pop that appears to be DOA.
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I also dropped a couple "Point Break" seeds from a friend on towel yesterday. Should be a 1:1 thc/cbd strain.

And i forgot my special queen was 5 pack not 3 like the punch pie. I dropped another special queen bean just in case lol. Tbh out of all the plants i got starting, thats the one im most interested in showing its face for a list of reasons. And i want to save at least 2 beans for spring so i can get at least 1 seedling outside in April/May lol.
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All is gravy at the plot 😍
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Here's a vid elaborating on my upside down cages since plants are big enough to bother now. I didn't mention that the smallest ring being on top is a huge benefit when plants get big too.

I'll just side trellis big plants after a bit with some 3.5 or 4 inch trellis netting and some 6 foot tobacco stakes. That plus the inverted tomato cage is usually more then enough for em.

Mystery Sativa haze plant thing. Growing back in nicely. Still frosting over on its preflowers. And they smell of citrus and cherries.
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PB1. This may very well end up the biggest cannabis plant I've ever grown. Seems pretty likely atm. She's over 5 foot tall and wide both now.
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PB2 also an absolute monster. Looks just like her momma. The eucalyptus pheno glue dream cookies. Starting to smell like her too @Captspaulding 😍
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PB 3. I got this feeling I'm gonna see some of my fattest colas to date from this one if I take her all the way.
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PB1 and PB2 have officially started holding hands too.
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My Biggs pheno. Already the biggest I've ever seen a plant from this F2.
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OJ x BB 1
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OJ x BB2 she doesnt like the hot afternoon sun much
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OJ x BB 3. The weirdo with the fasciated branch
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PB 4. Over 2 foot tall. Developing fast. So much for keeping plants small here lmao.
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Mexi red x Afghani
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Tammy 1
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Tammy 2
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Tammy 3
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All 3 Tammy's are very similar looking. Just different levels of vigor. All female though 😩 . She gave me several fem strains I never popped. If it's from her it's something good though

Still can't get a damn male plant. Really hoping that Maui or the Haymeadow Purps is A male. With my luck this season though, probably not i seem to be cursed by only getting female plants this year 🤣🤣
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Leaf pRon 💦

Peaceblaster #1
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Peaceblaster #2
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Peaceblaster #3
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Peaceblaster #4
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OJ x BB #3
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Mexi Red hair x Afghani
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So I've learned a thing or two about the graboid mutant.

1: you can't feed this plant over 6-700 ppm. It'll burn very quickly.

2: it made a very small root system for the size of plant it is. Only filled the top half of the pot really. Not much more.

3: once it's back in good health, I'll be breaking it down into clones to root. I'm 99% sure the plant looks and grows the way it does because of root zone mutations/deformities.

I'm thinking if I nurse it back carefully, then break the plant down into clones I can probably get faster more normal/reliable growth rates from her.

I nute burned her, then root rot set in after the flush because she hasn't filled the container yet. Too much peat, not enough soil for a plant with a weak root system I think. Believe it or not, she's well on the recover road. She got pretty bad 😅
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Organized the closet a bit.

Tbh, this is probably about as fancy as it's ever gonna get.

Like I said, I'm a cheapskate, and it's just going to be a clone breeding/seed starting closet in the end anyway.
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The mystery sativa clones are holding onto the coir mix already. Gonna give em a few more days then scoop em out and drop some OJ x BB clones in
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Special Queen #1 has joined the party now too @RoyalQueenSeeds
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So has Point Break (should be roughly 1:1 THC/CBD)
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I pre apologize for this snooty sarcastic post. It's directed at no one in particular, just the entire cannabis community at large

Guess I better hurry up and save these seedlings that are 12" under a panel at 100% from the intensity of light they've been thriving perfectly under for nearly a week now!
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Oh wait, they're fine? Oh, cannabis can take light even 2x as intense as this without light burning too? Woah!!!!
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Even day old seedlings can take it just fine?

Whooda think a plant that evolved at high elevation in full sun at over 2400ppfd could handle an LED at 600ppfd?

New discoveries every day over here 🤣
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P.s. Ive been starting seeds this way for many years without issues. And when I did have issues, turned out it was just plants that don't like led light no matter what you do. Those plants do just fine under HPS and sunlight, at intensities far beyond what an LED panel can even drive.


So I've learned a thing or two about the graboid mutant.

1: you can't feed this plant over 6-700 ppm. It'll burn very quickly.

2: it made a very small root system for the size of plant it is. Only filled the top half of the pot really. Not much more.

3: once it's back in good health, I'll be breaking it down into clones to root. I'm 99% sure the plant looks and grows the way it does because of root zone mutations/deformities.

I'm thinking if I nurse it back carefully, then break the plant down into clones I can probably get faster more normal/reliable growth rates from her.

I nute burned her, then root rot set in after the flush because she hasn't filled the container yet. Too much peat, not enough soil for a plant with a weak root system I think. Believe it or not, she's well on the recover road. She got pretty bad 😅
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I don't think I've ever seen that many claws before. Lol
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