Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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I just tried out a friend's Audeze planar-driver headphones. Are like $1600 headphones or something absurd like that.



Im looking at yalls pictures. You got them expensive ass nice tents with oiled-stripper-shiny-ass mylar. Shops around here know they are a bit underground and secretive right so you go into them like you would a sexshop in a pop. 40 town. So they charge you big boy prices for little boy shit. Good thing they honest to god sell black duct tape on a stack right next to the tents 👍
ebay is your friend for tents. You can get an acceptable quality 4x4 for about $85. Wont be anything fancy or particularly sturdy, wont hold anything more then a light and carbon filter. but they work. Bump up to about $100 and you get much nicer quality with ac infinity or vivosun, as well as better warranty service.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Im looking at yalls pictures. You got them expensive ass nice tents with oiled-stripper-shiny-ass mylar. Shops around here know they are a bit underground and secretive right so you go into them like you would a sexshop in a pop. 40 town. So they charge you big boy prices for little boy shit. Good thing they honest to god sell black duct tape on a stack right next to the tents 👍
there are def some killers who haunt this neck of the woods. Tents, over under rigs, toilets. Yes for real, they make a nice pot. @Itscheese94 rocks that from time to time….
And muffukin right.
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Yeah man, I’m crazy Leary of it now. It’s a bummer, I coulda kept on just breeding that banner line, and not care about that viral bs being bred in, but there was no way in hell I was ever going to continue a pheno with That crap in there. I’ve been scared of these 2 virus for more than a few years now. I’m fairly certain I haven’t been hit by hlvd, that’s the fucking boogy man to me. No outward signs until the grow is mid-late flower? Yeah fuck that shit. 8, check that, 9 times 👊🏻🤡
should watch all of this,.
Post in thread 'Post your own shareable pics...'


controversial opinion time:

Personally, ive never bothered with totally light proofing low quality tents, and personally, ive never had hermie issues caused by that, or any other small light leaks in nearly 20 years of growing. I stopped even bothering treating small light leaks over 10 years ago and nothing about my results or end quality or hermie rates changed. At all. Whatsoever. Not even a little bit.

You can play a gameboy grey under the light of a full moon with no backlight. And there are these things called clouds too lol.


controversial opinion time:

Personally, ive never bothered with totally light proofing low quality tents, and personally, ive never had hermie issues caused by that, or any other small light leaks in nearly 20 years of growing. I stopped even bothering treating small light leaks over 10 years ago and nothing about my results or end quality or hermie rates changed. At all. Whatsoever. Not even a little bit.

You can play a gameboy grey under the light of a full moon with no backlight. And there are these things called clouds too lol.
My grow tent looks like the Milky Way galaxy when the lung room lights are off, my Maine coons have been climbing that thing like mt Everest 🤣🤣🤣


I said this months ago when this nonsense first started, it’s good to see that people are catching on, and are smelling the “BULLSHIT” before stepping in it!


I just tried out a friend's Audeze planar-driver headphones. Are like $1600 headphones or something absurd like that.

View attachment 2203482
These things do a 3 dimensional soundstage with proper imaging. It feels like the sound is coming from the room not the headphones and I can hear people in the room through the headphones like I'm not even wearing them, and it's not interfering with the clarity of sound either. Every sound is where it should be like in listening on a properly setup stereo system or something, only it follows with my head as I turn it.

Feels like freaking magic. Very holy shit. Absolutely incredible.


Oh, it’s been a while since I’ve dropped this.
BUST THAT CRUST YOU ANIMALS. It’s amazing what just breaking up the top crust on your medium does for drainage and even distribution of feed. Good for getting air to the root zone as well.

Do it. 👊🏻🤡

Couldent agree more! I do mine 3” deep every 2 weeks, do it often enough and no feeder roots will form in that zone to break after the first 2-3 times, but even going down 3-4” every 2 weeks you can see where the top dress cakes up, keep it loose and you’ll know the difference just by how the water absorbs when you water and evenly flows down instead of finding channels through the cake and flowing out the bottom
IMG 5055
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Oh, it’s been a while since I’ve dropped this.
BUST THAT CRUST YOU ANIMALS. It’s amazing what just breaking up the top crust on your medium does for drainage and even distribution of feed. Good for getting air to the root zone as well.

Do it. 👊🏻🤡
I second this, especially if your mix has some degree of peat in it.

That stuff likes to stifle root development if there's too much of it with no perlite. Especially if the plant naturally doesn't have the strongest roots. It gets wet, and then dries forming a spongey mat that's actually hydrophobic

I'm currently struggling with several problems root related on a particularly slow plant in a mix with way too much peat in it because it's all I could throw together locally at the time and was too much of a cheapskate to pay shipping charges on soil ingredients.

Don't be like me and half ass things because you don't want to spend money.


Yeah I tossed the pack after I saw that, no time for that in my arsenal 🤣
i only ordered from greenhouse seeds once, and i was annoyed enough that they painted the seeds, that i gave them away.

ive since heard they dont do that anymore, but at the time it was enough to make me write them off, regardless of their prowess as canna cup winners.

They also like to make big deals about hunting down the land races, but then only offering them in crosses with their plants, instead of actually offering the land race genetics they intentionally hoard away from the cannabis community at large in order to maintain their proffit margins.

All those all but extinct land races, greeenhouse has them. In droves, and no, you cant have them.

Quality genetics, crappy humans. Those are just my opinions though.


Couldent agree more! I do mine 3” deep every 2 weeks, do it often enough and no feeder roots will form in that zone to break after the first 2-3 times, but even going down 3-4” every 2 weeks you can see where the top dress cakes up, keep it loose and you’ll know the difference just by how the water absorbs when you water and evenly flows down instead of finding channels through the cake and flowing out the bottom
watch that video?
if so you won’t be doing that anymore
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