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Horry sheet
20240626 110347

Sin City Juice 3Thirteen Seeds. This is the female. Las Vegas Triangle Kush x Mimosa
I'm be making lots of these seeds. I bet this sativa leaner would be a winner for day time caps especially mixed 50/50 w/ CBD🤔

Out of 3 seeds I got 2 boys and a girl. The other boy
20240626 110356

A bit larger leaves than his brother but I don't like his elongated structure compared to the more compact closer spacing structure of his brother.

I better take some cuts very soon😉


If you can get the airflow up a ton, without kicking the shit out of your ladies and set the light at 30in, but creep up a few percent every other day to see what they can take. Since you have heat buildup I suggest keeping the light higher up so you aren’t cooking g leaf tops from. Proximity as well as output. These two things are very different. Don’t want both. while you dial it in. Way easier to give a plant more light than treating a heat stressed plant. But the leaves are sitting the way I look for nice and horizontal for the most part. There’s no rule against trying to give them more. Just be methodical
I am watching all the plants. The big clones weren’t objecting. I moved them all the way to 9 on intensity. New growth waving. The smaller ones would show a little turn it down. Normally I am up late and would have the tent open to cool down prior to closing up for the night. I been lowering the light and closing the tent . They seem to enjoy the temps above 80. On my kind light the instructions state to go above 80 because the leaf temp doesn’t allow it to transpire with led lights.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Idr what this is, but I found it in a cellophane in my old stash box I haven't opened in well over a year. Not since I was still in KC.

Doesn't have a smell anymore. Doesn't dab clean at all though. So assuming it's prob some old pressed 90 micron from someone's early harvest or something. It fully melts but doesn't evaporate clean. Flavor is long since stale lol. Just tastes like old hash.

Isn't dark enough to be old enough to be something I made from my own plants. But I also don't recognize it at all. Not one bit 🤣🤣🤣

Shiny too because I wanted to see how it melts and smells before I actually smoked it lmao. Which has also already happened.
Ah the old “questionable cold cut” conundrum, someone has to do it 👊🏻😂


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
A few weeks, before these others become root bound, I don’t have any more room.
I can trim those bushes today. I am heading into install marbles. You tell me where to cut?🤡🤣 otherwise I am pulling off stuff with no directions.
And any other obtrusive fan leaf, pointed towards center that’s covering possible tops/ I leave everything on the perimeter to drive growth,
A few pics of mine to give you a better idea of what I go for.
IMG 5910
IMG 5915
IMG 5914
IMG 5913
IMG 5809
IMG 5820
IMG 5821


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Horry sheet
View attachment 2203806
Sin City Juice 3Thirteen Seeds. This is the female. Las Vegas Triangle Kush x Mimosa
I'm be making lots of these seeds. I bet this sativa leaner would be a winner for day time caps especially mixed 50/50 w/ CBD🤔

Out of 3 seeds I got 2 boys and a girl. The other boy
View attachment 2203811
A bit larger leaves than his brother but I don't like his elongated structure compared to the more compact closer spacing structure of his brother.

I better take some cuts very soon😉
I love them dinner plate fans in veg.
Sexy af. No homo 😂


Ah the old “questionable cold cut” conundrum, someone has to do it 👊🏻😂

So I was at the friend I gave a Biggs to today. And I'm all paranoid about fungus now so I'm looking everywhere hard

Giving N hadn't solved her n deficiency symptoms. I was plucking dieing leaves and noticed a couple had some PM looking stuff literally eating holes through the leafs. Haven't seen that before. Didn't think to snap pics right away, until I turned around and noticed the same thing is attacking literally every species of plant in her side yard too.

It's attacking the zucchini, cucumbers and watermelons at moms. And my friends cannabis plant.

It's only rained once in like the last few weeks and this stuff is all watered from underneath by hand or dri irrigation.

But like I said, it's also killing the wild stuff too.
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Can't find any at my place. I think I'm bout to start wearing a tyvek suit when I visit other gardens or something. This makes my skin crawl. It's literally eating everything it touches.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
So I was at the friend I gave a Biggs to today. And I'm all paranoid about fungus now so I'm looking everywhere hard

Giving N hadn't solved her n deficiency symptoms. I was plucking dieing leaves and noticed a couple had some PM looking stuff literally eating holes through the leafs. Haven't seen that before. Didn't think to snap pics right away, until I turned around and noticed the same thing is attacking literally every species of plant in her side yard too.
Wpm white powdery mildew
Those veggies need mag.

It's attacking the zucchini, cucumbers and watermelons at moms. And my friends cannabis plant.

It's only rained once in like the last few weeks and this stuff is all watered from underneath by hand or dri irrigation.

But like I said, it's also killing the wild stuff too.
View attachment 2203818View attachment 2203819View attachment 2203820View attachment 2203821View attachment 2203824View attachment 2203827View attachment 2203828View attachment 2203841

Can't find any at my place. I think I'm bout to start wearing a tyvek suit when I visit other gardens or something. This makes my skin crawl. It's literally eating everything it touches.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
So I was at the friend I gave a Biggs to today. And I'm all paranoid about fungus now so I'm looking everywhere hard

Giving N hadn't solved her n deficiency symptoms. I was plucking dieing leaves and noticed a couple had some PM looking stuff literally eating holes through the leafs. Haven't seen that before. Didn't think to snap pics right away, until I turned around and noticed the same thing is attacking literally every species of plant in her side yard too.

It's attacking the zucchini, cucumbers and watermelons at moms. And my friends cannabis plant.

It's only rained once in like the last few weeks and this stuff is all watered from underneath by hand or dri irrigation.

But like I said, it's also killing the wild stuff too.
View attachment 2203818View attachment 2203819View attachment 2203820View attachment 2203821View attachment 2203824View attachment 2203827View attachment 2203828View attachment 2203841

Can't find any at my place. I think I'm bout to start wearing a tyvek suit when I visit other gardens or something. This makes my skin crawl. It's literally eating everything it touches.

Wpm white powdery mildew
Those veggies need mag.

Or fusarium


And any other obtrusive fan leaf, pointed towards center that’s covering possible tops/ I leave everything on the perimeter to drive growth,
A few pics of mine to give you a better idea of what I go for.
You trained me on those already, but I appreciate you being ahead of the game. It’s the bush I need assistance with. Here’s what I did already. It’s got one finger and 3 fingers refire. I am about to fuck up to the next one . Air flow
IMG 1764
IMG 1765
IMG 1765


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
So I was at the friend I gave a Biggs to today. And I'm all paranoid about fungus now so I'm looking everywhere hard

Giving N hadn't solved her n deficiency symptoms. I was plucking dieing leaves and noticed a couple had some PM looking stuff literally eating holes through the leafs. Haven't seen that before. Didn't think to snap pics right away, until I turned around and noticed the same thing is attacking literally every species of plant in her side yard too.

It's attacking the zucchini, cucumbers and watermelons at moms. And my friends cannabis plant.

It's only rained once in like the last few weeks and this stuff is all watered from underneath by hand or dri irrigation.

But like I said, it's also killing the wild stuff too.
View attachment 2203818View attachment 2203819View attachment 2203820View attachment 2203821View attachment 2203824View attachment 2203827View attachment 2203828View attachment 2203841

Can't find any at my place. I think I'm bout to start wearing a tyvek suit when I visit other gardens or something. This makes my skin crawl. It's literally eating everything it touches.
Also, do you know how high the water table is there? That could def bring this stuff. It’s been humid af here at night, barely any wind either.


Mom kept some things separate to show me when she noticed the white spores on leaves.

Cucumbers from affected plant next to ones from unaffected growth. Even eating a hole in the peppers and their leaves too

Whatever it is, it's very vigorous.
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