Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
You trained me on those already, but I appreciate you being ahead of the game. It’s the bush I need assistance with. Here’s what I did already. It’s got one finger and 3 fingers refire. I am about to fuck up to the next one . Air flow View attachment 2203850View attachment 2203851View attachment 2203851
Ok just pay service to the nodes that can be exposed with only a leaf or 2 being taken from the stalk. I try to have a clean shot for the light to the top 3-4 nodes on every stalk. Then after cleaning that up, (still taking inward facing leaves.) maybe see what you can get that’s lower in your canopy, a few inches from what will be larf below that.


Wpm white powdery mildew
Those veggies need mag.

Or fusarium
I mean it looks like powdery mildew, just incredibly vigorous and rapidly expanding powdery mildew.

I'm also not really familiar with that happening when it's been this dry before.

Not really familiar with many powdery spore funguses that will eat holes right through leaves before they even make it to the next leaf though either. I really don't like that part lmao


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I mean it looks like powdery mildew, just incredibly vigorous and rapidly expanding powdery mildew.

I'm also not really familiar with that happening when it's been this dry before.

Not really familiar with many powdery spore funguses that will eat holes right through leaves before they even make it to the next leaf though either. I really don't like that part lmao
Fusarium. You try pulling a plant to smell some roots?
IMG 5850
IMG 5851
IMG 5919
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IMG 5916


Wpm white powdery mildew
Those veggies need mag.

Or fusarium
it doesnt show up well in every image, but every leaf being affected i pictured has powdery spores all over it. Comes up in a thin dust if you flick the leaves. Was here less then a week ago, had just started on one cucumber leaf, didnt see any spore dust. Assumed i mustve got 2 cycle oil on the leaves and the oil burned the leaves in the sunlight after the gas evaporated. Ive done that before with big trimmers.

That was like 5 days ago, the raised bed was lush, growing fast, and literally glowing. Today that stuff is on every plant on at least one leaf and the whole bed looks kinda sad and stressed out. Far as giving them mag, i have no idea what my moms doing when im not here. and those cucumbers are actually a lot bigger then theyre supposed to be. And have several issues aside from that. Theyre also tasting bitter pulled at any size. even though the plants minus the fungi are showing no symptoms of any deficiency. The zucchini fruit seemed to have completely stopped growing on the plants with several leaves affected by the fungus.
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Fusarium. You try pulling a plant to smell some roots?
well im back home now (on my way rather), and its not on any plants i can find around my place lol. I gave a good ole paranoid fungi look see before i left.

Can def give that a go tomorrow. The only fungal issues ive had to deal with are powdery mildew and bud rot, and this aint those thats for sure.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
It's been dry as a bone. Especially on those wild plants in friends side yard. Rained once in last couple weeks and only 1 storm.
Fusarium. You try pulling a plant to smell some roots?
I’m def on this here…..seems you have perfect spawning conditions, your homie gotta be having humidity spikes at night
IMG 5920


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
well im back home now (on my way rather), and its not on any plants i can find around my place lol. I gave a good ole paranoid fungi look see before i left.

Can def give that a go tomorrow. The only fungal issues ive had to deal with are powdery mildew and bud rot, and this aint those thats for sure.
If your sure disregard. I posted same time as you


I’m def on this here…..seems you have perfect spawning conditions, your homie gotta be having humidity spikes at night
powdery mildew doesnt kill leaves this fast, at least not in my many encounters with that one.

That doesnt mean its not some highly virulent strain, thats the kind of things im becoming more paranoid about and why ive started hoarding F1 seeds lol.

it started before the storm at my moms place i just didnt recognize it. Its eating holes through leaves pretty much as soon as the spores get there. Started before the storm on my friends plant too, it was just also being poisoned by a black walnut tree so had to remove one variable before i could determine what the yellow leaves were. This week, many have died and several more have holes being eatin through them and powdery spores on them.

There was a humidity spike around the storm, and thats prob why it spread so fast, its just killing tissue way faster then PM usually does.

Its also not causing wilt before tissue death like verticillium and others do. The tissue is going necrotic as its still alive.


If your sure disregard. I posted same time as you
i dont think its typical powdery mildew or a fungal wilt, unfortunately. Its gonna be sprayed for fungal stuffs though, thats a fact. Its not causing any wilt so i doubt its in the roots.

it seems to attack flowers more viscously then foliage too. Big zoinks there for me. Humidity is like 35% right now.

I wouldnt pay as much mind to leaves getting holes eaten through them by fungus immediately, but its happening on every affected plant, and it seems to be pretty indiscriminate on species. If its a plant itll eat it. Its even on the poison ivy at my friends place.


Ok just pay service to the nodes that can be exposed with only a leaf or 2 being taken from the stalk. I try to have a clean shot for the light to the top 3-4 nodes on every stalk. Then after cleaning that up, (still taking inward facing leaves.) maybe see what you can get that’s lower in your canopy, a few inches from what will be larf below that.
Okay I am going to work on the 4th tell me what else needs to cut on the three in the back please
IMG 1766


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Okay I am going to work on the 4th tell me what else needs to cut on the three in the back please
Inward pointing leaves homie!
Sorry for talking fast, not a ton of time to say stuff, more than a minute long video and it cuts off 👊🏻🤡
Also in veg, I know I’ve done a decent and proper defol, when about 10-15% of the medium has light penetrating to it with no obstruction, you clean out the middle a bit this will be no issue to achieve.
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Peach leaf curl is fungal, when temps and humidity are just right in the spring when leaves are emerging, if the conditions are right it is the pwrdect environment for the fungus to grow, leaves comes out normal then quickly blister up and discolor before dying, i had fruits up and down the branches till it started showing , then the trees went full fall mode, dropped every leaf and fruit and went dormant for about 2 weeks then started pushing new nodes and branches. Gotta hit them with the copper fungicide again in fall then again in spring before leaves start emerging
Mike make sure you get the fallen leaves far away or burn that shit. The spores will hang around and reinfest again and again. We get leaf curl here too its a pain in the ass


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
i dont think its typical powdery mildew or a fungal wilt, unfortunately. Its gonna be sprayed for fungal stuffs though, thats a fact. Its not causing any wilt so i doubt its in the roots.

it seems to attack flowers more viscously then foliage too. Big zoinks there for me. Humidity is like 35% right now.

I wouldnt pay as much mind to leaves getting holes eaten through them by fungus immediately, but its happening on every affected plant, and it seems to be pretty indiscriminate on species. If its a plant itll eat it. Its even on the poison ivy at my friends place.
Quite the conundrum homie…


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Mike make sure you get the fallen leaves far away or burn that shit. The spores will hang around and reinfest again and again. We get leaf curl here too its a pain in the ass
Crazy that it can propagate from a toasted leaf. Scary business…..


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I tried watching this the other day and I didn’t really like it too much, only watched the first two eps. Does it get better? Tbh I’ve probably spoiled myself with comedy coz I’ve binged the office and it’s always sunny so far this year
It’s always sunny is too on point man.
Thems my people. They hit all the notes hahaha. We are all just as damaged. 😂


Sure is quite the beautiful slice you have there. I have some outdoor gardens for all the veggies in the back here. I’m only on 1/2 acre, waaay too much tree cover in the back, though this year I did have a lot of work done after a tree broke, ripped out my power lines, literally next day, tree breaks in the front lands on my race car trailer. Then a storm came through 2 weeks ago, branch come down on my raises boxes and crushed 2 of my cherry pepper plants, fuck trees right meow: they want to destroy us. I wish I could roll outdoor man. Pa was def much better place for that. 100% humidity and every damned critter imaginable…….

Bro you got that looking great man!
please no more downed trees I hear you all the white ash are dead from bugs non native of course.
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