Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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watch that video?
if so you won’t be doing that anymore
if you have enough perlite in your mix theres no reason to do that regardless of whatever else you mixed in. If you have a lot od hydrophobic material like peat in a mix though, you will absolutely have better results keeping the top few inches stirred up then if you dont. Youll waste a lot less nutrient solution as well.

Although, ideally, a mix doesnt have enough peat or clay to harden and go hydrophobic on the surface like that to begin with.
well not that, the re using of soil

lmao, you posted this as i posted. Yea i dont reuse soil and actively recommend against it personally. for several reasons lol. And im a cheapskate that hates spending money too.


there are def some killers who haunt this neck of the woods. Tents, over under rigs, toilets. Yes for real, they make a nice pot. @Itscheese94 rocks that from time to time….
And muffukin right.
And once again real estate’s at a premium very nice Capt you’re killing it! Can’t imagine if you had a little spot like this and what it would look like
IMG 7320
IMG 7319
IMG 7324
IMG 7318


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
should watch all of this,.
Post in thread 'Post your own shareable pics...'
controversial opinion time:

Personally, ive never bothered with totally light proofing low quality tents, and personally, ive never had hermie issues caused by that, or any other small light leaks in nearly 20 years of growing. I stopped even bothering treating small light leaks over 10 years ago and nothing about my results or end quality or hermie rates changed. At all. Whatsoever. Not even a little bit.

You can play a gameboy grey under the light of a full moon with no backlight. And there are these things called clouds too lol.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
And once again real estate’s at a premium very nice Capt you’re killing it! Can’t imagine if you had a little spot like this and what it would look like
Sure is quite the beautiful slice you have there. I have some outdoor gardens for all the veggies in the back here. I’m only on 1/2 acre, waaay too much tree cover in the back, though this year I did have a lot of work done after a tree broke, ripped out my power lines, literally next day, tree breaks in the front lands on my race car trailer. Then a storm came through 2 weeks ago, branch come down on my raises boxes and crushed 2 of my cherry pepper plants, fuck trees right meow: they want to destroy us. I wish I could roll outdoor man. Pa was def much better place for that. 100% humidity and every damned critter imaginable…….

Bro you got that looking great man!


Lolol. Meant to put this in the shareable pics thread. Woops.

Free range, grass fed, and local.

I grew up with the man that currently manages this family farm that's been going since the late 1800s. He slabbed these cuts himself too 💚💦.

Not worried about that leaky bag, it's all going on the grill today.

Unfortunately the ribeyes got frozen. They were given to me free on their last sale day lmao.
IMG 20240626 121255367
IMG 20240626 121310880


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Man , if plants are in veg, I would chill in there for hours past lights out, as long as it was more than 16 hours light I didn’t care: some nights I’d be in there with all types of white light from my laptop and lighter flicking like crazy…..never had a mutation one from it. Now in flower power outages in succession can def fuck things up. But that’s only if you have a power grid as fucked as ours. I take a lot of nighttime shots too, never had an issue. But I will say, I definitely tried to leave them be and did my best to ensure no lights, but after some assurances and testimonies here, @GNick55 for one actually linked the info if I remember right, a dr b deal. I’ve def gotten a bit more lax…….


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Lolol. Meant to put this in the shareable pics thread. Woops.

Free range, grass fed, and local.

I grew up with the man that currently manages this family farm that's been going since the late 1800s. He slabbed these cuts himself too 💚💦.

Not worried about that leaky bag, it's all going on the grill today.
Nice keeping it local.

Looks human 😁


Man , if plants are in veg, I would chill in there for hours past lights out, as long as it was more than 16 hours light I didn’t care: some nights I’d be in there with all types of white light from my laptop and lighter flicking like crazy…..never had a mutation one from it. Now in flower power outages in succession can def fuck things up. But that’s only if you have a power grid as fucked as ours. I take a lot of nighttime shots too, never had an issue. But I will say, I definitely tried to leave them be and did my best to ensure no lights, but after some assurances and testimonies here, @GNick55 for one actually linked the info if I remember right, a dr b deal. I’ve def gotten a bit more lax…….
yea in veg i dont care about dark period light exposure at all. not even in the slightest

but then again i also dont in flower, assuming quick or very low level. I just keep full moons and lightning strikes on my mind during, and refuse to let myself worry about it, and have yet to suffer any perceivable consequences of doing so, well over a decade later.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Man , if plants are in veg, I would chill in there for hours past lights out, as long as it was more than 16 hours light I didn’t care: some nights I’d be in there with all types of white light from my laptop and lighter flicking like crazy…..never had a mutation one from it. Now in flower power outages in succession can def fuck things up. But that’s only if you have a power grid as fucked as ours. I take a lot of nighttime shots too, never had an issue. But I will say, I definitely tried to leave them be and did my best to ensure no lights, but after some assurances and testimonies here, @GNick55 for one actually linked the info if I remember right, a dr b deal. I’ve def gotten a bit more lax…….

With no issues to speak of …..
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