2024 Outdoor/Sexing. Is it too soon?

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It's not really tough to grow , we have excellent soil and such and hardly any pests. You were spot on about October though, it can get tricky around harvest. The only problem I have is I want the plants out earlier. We have to wait until basically June before we can Transplant them outdoor.


Yeah. This little venture may push me into indoor growing, even though I really don't have an interest for it. Especially because of my love of indica and the weather being like the Hawaiian tropics sometimes (80-90% humidity).

Next year, I will start everything much earlier and be better prepared, all around.

Thanks again for all your help. I'm sure there are a ton of growers here. I don't know of any anymore though.
Outdoor is where it's at brother!!! Come on and join the posse!! Nothing beats sun grown


I’ve only seen one buckeye give it a try, and he had a hard time, but that might not have been a because of the location! I have to wait till June here! But I can take them into November! Which is a luxury!


I’ve only seen one buckeye give it a try, and he had a hard time, but that might not have been a because of the location! I have to wait till June here! But I can take them into November! Which is a luxury!
I love outdoor. We've been doing big outdoors for a while now. I wish I could let them go until November, that way I could put some of Somas gear out.
couple pics of how we do the outdoor in Ohio


@cannafarmer420 Yeah, I can't get my camera to focus on what I need it too. Since the general consensus is it is too soon, I'm not going to fret. Thank you for your input. Much appreciated.

@Galgrows I'm all in with my seeds. Throwing caution somewhat to the wind. I can read all day about this plant and what to do, but I am not going to gather knowledge by not getting dirt under my nails. I wanted to be in the ground so bad, but bags it will have to be. Just transplanting all my veggies and flowers I started from seed yesterday(latest I've ever started my garden; weather has been weird too). They all handled it very well with no dramatics this morning, but I'm not so sure about these plants. It seems they can be very dramatic.


🐼 🚀
@cannafarmer420 Yeah, I can't get my camera to focus on what I need it too. Since the general consensus is it is too soon, I'm not going to fret. Thank you for your input. Much appreciated.

@Galgrows I'm all in with my seeds. Throwing caution somewhat to the wind. I can read all day about this plant and what to do, but I am not going to gather knowledge by not getting dirt under my nails. I wanted to be in the ground so bad, but bags it will have to be. Just transplanting all my veggies and flowers I started from seed yesterday(latest I've ever started my garden; weather has been weird too). They all handled it very well with no dramatics this morning, but I'm not so sure about these plants. It seems they can be very dramatic.
Anytime, when it's farther along what to look for is a male typically is 2 balls or more in a cluster with no hairs. A female has one ball aka a calyx and has a hair sticking out of it. If you see hairs you should be good, just watch the lowers in flower and pluck any male parts that may pop up ✌️


@GNick55 I was afraid of that. I couldn't find shit about it online, but I've gardened near them long enough to know majority of plants hate them. My peach trees don't mind and neither do my black raspberries or Allegheny blackberries, but those are native, just like the walnut. Corn doesn't mind it either. Again, it's native. Everything else I grow other than a few flowers want nothing to do with it. Jugalone is used as a herbicide. Damn squirrels are constantly forgetting where they bury the seeds. I've dug up and pulled over 30 BL starts this year already. 🙃 Thanks for helping me out.

@Thatoneguyyouknow_ Can you tag me a post about your mishape with BW? I couldn't find it.


@RealFarmer Beautiful field you have there. Love to see it. I started out on the dirty, filthy, sweaty team. I am not one to jump ship 30 years later.

Your photos have me contemplating removing this GD black walnut tree expeditiously and topping a few trees that black out the back half of my yard at about 6:30pm.

Thanks for the encouragement. Much appreciated.


Have some yellowing on some leaves. Pretty sure it is nutrient related. Posting in case I'm missing something though.

I hadn't been fertilizing them with anything other than fish emulsion and my comfrey tea I make. Gave them FF Big Grow (I know most of you guys hate it, for good reason. I had already ordered it before I knew that though) on the 20th and then again yesterday the 28th. ½ teaspoon per gallon.

I did have some neem oil burn on my basil and love lies bleeding. That has never happened to me. I threw out the old bottle, got a new spray bottle and made my own. Mentioning this because I use the neem on my plants. I don't see the same type of burn on these plants though.
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Yeah, I would say that’s a big outdoors! Nice! Is there a limit on how many there? Or are you say fuck it?
There is a 12 per household limit for rec grows. Some of those are pics of the farm. There's over 1000 in that field. The previous year we ran over 3000 but that was a headache and we had some hiccups. The processors don't pay enough to make it very lucrative right now so the field is more like Harvard than wells Fargo. We've learned more than we earned lol. In other states we could be better off but here 99% of farmers quit the because there just isn't a lot of profit. Between harvesting and drying and getting paid there's a lot headaches


@RealFarmer Beautiful field you have there. Love to see it. I started out on the dirty, filthy, sweaty team. I am not one to jump ship 30 years later.

Your photos have me contemplating removing this GD black walnut tree expeditiously and topping a few trees that black out the back half of my yard at about 6:30pm.

Thanks for the encouragement. Much appreciated.
Thank you. I say go for it brother!! 😆 I have a tree guy on speed dial if you need him. Be blessed , and good luck on the garden brother


Have some yellowing on some leaves. Pretty sure it is nutrient related. Posting in case I'm missing something though.

I hadn't been fertilizing them with anything other than fish emulsion and my comfrey tea I make. Gave them FF Big Grow (I know most of you guys hate it, for good reason. I had already ordered it before I knew that though) on the 20th and then again yesterday the 28th. ½ teaspoon per gallon.

I did have some neem oil burn on my basil and love lies bleeding. That has never happened to me. I threw out the old bottle, got a new spray bottle and made my own. Mentioning this because I use the neem on my plants. I don't see the same type of burn on these plants though.
Looking good. Seedlings lose those leaves. They always turn yellow and drop off. You may want to hit them with cal/mag if it persists. Good job and good luck


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
C: probably female.

B: i want so say male but not sure.
Which shape do they look like in the pic? Do they have a little stem or they directly attached to the node?

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I have to be honest tho. I can say one thing and they can turn out to be completely different. The only way to know for sure is for more time to elapse. Once they notice a change in daylight they will start showing. I misjudged a sherbadough just the other week that i thought was a male. Turned out to be female and i kicked out my best plant. Thank god i didnt cull it
Looking quite duder mang. Well this plant anywho.
IMG 7309


Nice work! How do you manage pests?
Hey brother. We put weed barrier down to keep the field weed free and that alone is basically the ipm. No weeds=no bugs, kinda lol. We use billys bone sauce to keep deer and rodents out. Pests really have never been a problem, but mold owes me a new truck by now lol
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