Buds & bugs outdoor pics collection

  • Thread starter Poekie
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Since this thread is call buds and bugs thought I'd post my latest GOOD bug find. Predatory stink bug.
Podisus maculiventris (spined soldier bug)

This is the immature stage.
20240622 164618


Since this thread is call buds and bugs thought I'd post my latest GOOD bug find. Predatory stink bug.
Podisus maculiventris (spined soldier bug)

This is the immature stage.
View attachment 2200474
Nice, we call them chinche over here, there are many different species of them, some herbivore and some predator.
Some bring disaster to my tomato plants and some are beneficial.




If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Same with the bees above, they first check me out for a while, then when they see i'm no threat they go back doing their thing.
You may be sweet like honey but you are not pollen or water 😁

Something I just learned and saw a video of… not sure if it’s true or how accurate but the bee was trying to self remove stinger by making circles while her stinger was in someone! It was successful in its attempt and flew away without ripping her self apart! Very neat : )


You may be sweet like honey but you are not pollen or water 😁

Something I just learned and saw a video of… not sure if it’s true or how accurate but the bee was trying to self remove stinger by making circles while her stinger was in someone! It was successful in its attempt and flew away without ripping her self apart! Very neat : )
What type of bee? I talk to all of these as well
20240623 130828

I've fed them mealworms by hand. There are videos of that somewhere on this site. Of all the smaller insects there's something about the intelligence of the mantis over all the rest😉


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
What type of bee? I talk to all of these as well
View attachment 2200934
I've fed them mealworms by hand. There are videos of that somewhere on this site. Of all the smaller insects there's something about the intelligence of the mantis over all the rest😉
It looked to be Apis mellifera (European honey bee).

Thats pretty cool! I’ve watched a couple snake videos of handlers with their “hots”! No thank you : ) I’m sure the snake might recognize the handler but they just don’t have the capacity to turn off their millions of years worth of survival instincts for me to want to trust them like that. Little lizards, sure lol.

Pretty sure Mantis’ are alien species taking notes on our dumbasses down here!😂 not looking like the report will be in our favor 😂😂😂


It looked to be Apis mellifera (European honey bee).

Thats pretty cool! I’ve watched a couple snake videos of handlers with their “hots”! No thank you : ) I’m sure the snake might recognize the handler but they just don’t have the capacity to turn off their millions of years worth of survival instincts for me to want to trust them like that. Little lizards, sure lol.

Pretty sure Mantis’ are alien species taking notes on our dumbasses down here!😂 not looking like the report will be in our favor 😂😂😂
I had a pair of ball pythons many moons ago and one bit my cheek sensing heat and in its feeding container. They're not that smart
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But very cool😚
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And apart from being beautiful, I just read the bark and flowers have been used for hundreds of years to cure injuries and as a sedative for anxiety and insomnia.
I'm curious, will try a cup of tea later on.
I make tincture with the flowers and bark. It is known as the happy tree in China or full happiness and is consumed regularly. I don't have many where I am. When I travel south to see family, I forage for it. I've always loved the tree. The flowers smell like Fruit Stripe gum to me (if you're old enough to remember that gum).


I make tincture with the flowers and bark. It is known as the happy tree in China or full happiness and is consumed regularly. I don't have many where I am. When I travel south to see family, I forage for it. I've always loved the tree. The flowers smell like Fruit Stripe gum to me (if you're old enough to remember that gum).
That is so nice, i was already thinking about doing that when i made tea from the flowers.
So i just drop a load of flowers in a glass jar with alcohol and let it macerate?


Those blooms are beautiful. Do you ever see bats or moths pollinating your dragon fruit?

Yes. I don't do a ton of measuring either, when making tinctures. Some overcomplicate it, imo. I always use 100 proof alcohol. With it being 50% water, that takes care of any properties that need to be extracted with water. It doesn't need to be top shelf vodka either. I fill my jar ¾ of the way full with plant material (I typically use dried material, except with mimosa, mullein, or fungi). With the mimosa, I've used flower only and with stem bark. I prefer the tincture with stem bark (bark is where the pain relief is, flower is the anti anxiety). Try flower only first, if you prefer, to see which will help you best. If you use stem bark too, put in jar last, on top of flowers, to weigh them down. I fill all the way to the top of the jar rim to avoid oxidation.

Be mindful of any pharmaceuticals you may take for anti anxiety or pain. This could interact, but I've never heard or read of there being any issues other than for pregnant or nursing women. In general, be mindful for how it makes you feel.

This is native to Iran as well. They use the root for insomnia.



Those blooms are beautiful. Do you ever see bats or moths pollinating your dragon fruit?

Yes. I don't do a ton of measuring either, when making tinctures. Some overcomplicate it, imo. I always use 100 proof alcohol. With it being 50% water, that takes care of any properties that need to be extracted with water. It doesn't need to be top shelf vodka either. I fill my jar ¾ of the way full with plant material (I typically use dried material, except with mimosa, mullein, or fungi). With the mimosa, I've used flower only and with stem bark. I prefer the tincture with stem bark (bark is where the pain relief is, flower is the anti anxiety). Try flower only first, if you prefer, to see which will help you best. If you use stem bark too, put in jar last, on top of flowers, to weigh them down. I fill all the way to the top of the jar rim to avoid oxidation.

Be mindful of any pharmaceuticals you may take for anti anxiety or pain. This could interact, but I've never heard or read of there being any issues other than for pregnant or nursing women. In general, be mindful for how it makes you feel.

This is native to Iran as well. They use the root for insomnia.

What an amazing tree that is, beautiful and medicinal.

Thanks for the warning, i dont take any pharmaceuticals except very rarely when my back gets really bad (lordosis, hernia, sciatica).

But even then i try first with Cbd cream, Dmso and acupunture.

I would like to try the bark but i dont think my neighbour would be happy with that, the tree is on his terrain.

IMG 20240624 120958

Looks like flowering is almost over.


Those blooms are beautiful. Do you ever see bats or moths pollinating your dragon fruit?

Yes. I don't do a ton of measuring either, when making tinctures. Some overcomplicate it, imo. I always use 100 proof alcohol. With it being 50% water, that takes care of any properties that need to be extracted with water. It doesn't need to be top shelf vodka either. I fill my jar ¾ of the way full with plant material (I typically use dried material, except with mimosa, mullein, or fungi). With the mimosa, I've used flower only and with stem bark. I prefer the tincture with stem bark (bark is where the pain relief is, flower is the anti anxiety). Try flower only first, if you prefer, to see which will help you best. If you use stem bark too, put in jar last, on top of flowers, to weigh them down. I fill all the way to the top of the jar rim to avoid oxidation.

Be mindful of any pharmaceuticals you may take for anti anxiety or pain. This could interact, but I've never heard or read of there being any issues other than for pregnant or nursing women. In general, be mindful for how it makes you feel.

This is native to Iran as well. They use the root for insomnia.

I dont think the cactus is dragon fruit, but San Pedro, quite common around here.
And psychoactive...never tried that one though.

No i didnt see bats around it, but had many bats in my previous house close to a lake, if i left a window open in the evening the whole family would come in, fly around for a while looking for mosquitos (i guess) and go out again, that was fun.


What an amazing tree that is
Incredible tree.

If you are cool with your neighbor, ask them to save you the branches when they trim the tree. I'm sure that won't be again until fall or spring next year.

It does look like it's almost done flowering. You have the knowledge now for next year.

I'm not sure where you are located. They aren't well liked trees in the south and are considered invasive. I just pull down a dirt road and take from several different trees. They are everywhere. Often times, I can't reach the blooms on the canopy. That trees branches aren't thick enough for a lot of climbing either.


Oh wow.

Thats incredible that you have access to mescaline.

I'm a little old for those parties now, but I still appreciate plants and their medicinal properties. Amazing what was done with plants before pharmaceuticals. Thanks for sharing.
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