Cal-phos And Odiferous Maximus

  • Thread starter CIRE408
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Cal phos and odiferous maximus
Whats going on farmers!! First timer here with a question about these two organic enhancers I guess I would call them I picked up today. Went to my local grow shop looking for some flowering boosters ended up buying these two things. It's called cal-phos and odiferous Maximus. From what the guy at the shop told me they're full of live microbes that help in terp production and resin production. Just wondering if anyone has used these or even heard of this stuff. Did I just buy snake oil?


I've never seen that before. It sounds to me like the one bottle is simply phosphorus and calcium for flower. The other one could be microbes in the form of a compost tea solution. Microbes generally are what you find in living soil. They help to breakdown matter and make it available for the plant to feed on.
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