Finding extremely tiny white bugs

  • Thread starter Trippie
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Hey guys does this look okay for low stress training? The plant ties are ac infinity I also have a Pic of that as well. On another post ppl are saying the plant ties will end up damaging and infecting the plant or something like that. Should I get garden staples?


This is 10 hrs later
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
On another post ppl are saying the plant ties will end up damaging and infecting the plant or something like that.
I could definitely see the potential for this material to cause some damage. Im using the ace hardware brand stuff that is just like what you have, I was keeping an eye on it because it was a concern of mine (i use soft ties for trees ans what not around the garden). We’ll see : )


Thank you I appreciate that! I'm thinking maybe pipe cleaners idk, just feels wasteful not to use the whole roll of plant ties I have😢.
geezus take the wire ties off you dont need that stuff for a while,.. surprised it’s not topped yet,.
look i enjoy your enthusiasm but leave the plant alone, being touchy feely with it everyday will only cause you more issues,..
learn to play the guitar or something,..


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
geezus take the wire ties off you dont need that stuff for a while,.. surprised it’s not topped yet,.
look i enjoy your enthusiasm but leave the plant alone, being touchy feely with it everyday will only cause you more issues,..
learn to play the guitar or something,..
I picked up growing weed as a hobby just to start another hobby so I dont fuck my hobby up!😂 ✌️ im with you though GNick55, gotta leave them things along at some point : )


geezus take the wire ties off you dont need that stuff for a while,.. surprised it’s not topped yet,.
look i enjoy your enthusiasm but leave the plant alone, being touchy feely with it everyday will only cause you more issues,..
learn to play the guitar or something,..
The plant is fine and lst is to help it grow bigger more yield? I'm confused why I wouldn't do that to a plant that is almost half way through it's life cycle? Guitars are lame, my hobby is video games😉


The plant is fine and lst is to help it grow bigger more yield? I'm confused why I wouldn't do that to a plant that is almost half way through it's life cycle? Guitars are lame, my hobby is video games😉
I dont do LST prior to adding the net and toping but I do LST after adding the net and I can say that wether is toped or untoped plants passing them through the net helps the lower nugs. If you can move the main cola so the lower buds get more light, thats great :P which is what you just did. Since no one is answering you there you go, Im not an expert on LST but yeah I guess you can consider using a net an LST method if youre making the branches grow horizontally.
There are more complicated methods of LST that involve tying all the branches after toping but thats way above my expertise, never tried it.


@GNick55 I get what your saying but that won't actually kill them just slow there reproductive down. It would take weeks if not over a month to kill them from dehydration, and a plant is not suppose to go that long without water, I've been watering when the plant tells me to(shows signs). Yes I am almost positive they are soil mites and they are reproducing. The plant was transplanted on the 8th of June and I watered it at same time. The following water was 2 days ago, and hasn't been watered again. The bugs live off of decaying organic matter (fungus, bacteria, etc). As long as there is a food source they won't die for awhile. When drying the soil out they go deeper and deeper so you necessarily wouldn't know if and when there dead. The bug is great for the soil and helps the plant in some spot especially funguses or diseases. But they are a problem in numbers and can infest anything they live in. More or less I just need to find a way to control them from being a problem. However I feel as if I don't need a bug to keep the soil clean, and before I put it in ffof 5 gallon fabric pot, I started it in a red solo cup with organic soil with little to no nutes, no bugs were in it and it did just fine . But in a way yes letting dry a lot and knowing when to water will regulate the amount you see, but will never really get rid of them. I think insecticide soap might kill them I'm not sure if I wanna use that. From all the research I've been doing I'm just glad there not spider mites. I appreciate all the help guys I do! I probably would have done something I probably shouldn't have if I didnt ask first! Also I plan starting lst tonight at 12 and wanted to make sure it looked okay after I'm done with

The plant is fine and lst is to help it grow bigger more yield? I'm confused why I wouldn't do that to a plant that is almost half way through its life cycle? Guitars are lame, my hobby is video games😉
that explains everything right there,..


that explains everything right there,..
Your silly, I've had over 50 ppl tell me to lst and your basically the only one telling me not to. Like all I've done to the plant is lst. A lot of people do it when the plant is around 2 or 3 weeks, I waited a month. Idk why you're acting like I did something so bad to the plant. I gave the bottom more light and that's all I planned on doing to it, and actually she's has grown significantly since I've done it.
Edit: I also immediately changed out the ties for fuzzy sticks so it doesnt hurt the plant.
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Your silly, I've had over 50 ppl tell me to lst and your basically the only one telling me not to. Like all I've done to the plant is lst. A lot of people do it when the plant is around 2 or 3 weeks, I waited a month. Idk why you're acting like I did something so bad to the plant. I gave the bottom more light and that's all I planned on doing to it, and actually she's has grown significantly since I've done it.
Edit: I also immediately changed out the ties for fuzzy sticks so it doesnt hurt the plant.
all good do as you wish,.
i meant in you saying guitars are lame and video games is your thing,..
enjoy the farm,..


all good do as you wish,.
i meant in you saying guitars are lame and video games is your thing,..
enjoy the farm,..
Thanks man! I'm just experiencing the whole feel and seeing what works I have plenty of seeds to experiment on. However I did see this guy on YouTube and he grew 2 pounds off a auto it looks crazy.


Thanks man! I'm just experiencing the whole feel and seeing what works I have plenty of seeds to experiment on. However I did see this guy on YouTube and he grew 2 pounds off an auto it looks crazy.
to me that is horrible and probably junk,..
you tube is full of non sense, so many growers acting like they know stuff and they don’t, like that video you just posted,..
i usually reply to their videos and tell them what’s wrong than i invite them here to learn properly,.. and some have,,.
lately that bacco? university guy i’ve had to set straight a few times
if you need 50 people, than there’s no hope in hell for the future,.
ask 50 people how to get rid of mites?
will you be switching at flower from 18/6 to 12/12? if so why?
are you flushing at the end of flower, why?

you should basically leave the plant alone until it’s mature or until the branching is not symmetrical from the main trunk,.


Hey guys does this look okay for low stress training? The plant ties are ac infinity I also have a Pic of that as well. On another post ppl are saying the plant ties will end up damaging and infecting the plant or something like that. Should I get garden staples?
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This is 10 hrs later
View attachment 2199827
i would stay away from training an indica, their internodes are real close. the only time i sorta go crazy off the bat is on say Ghost OG aka Josh OG. things a beast to control height wise after the switch, so you have to start early with all the tactics including pinching stems to even them up in growth. Ghost is a sativa btw.
the rrock

the rrock

to me that is horrible and probably junk,..
you tube is full of non sense, so many growers acting like they know stuff and they don’t, like that video you just posted,..
i usually reply to their videos and tell them what’s wrong than i invite them here to learn properly,.. and some have,,.
lately that bacco? university guy i’ve had to set straight a few times
if you need 50 people, than there’s no hope in hell for the future,.
ask 50 people how to get rid of mites?
will you be switching at flower from 18/6 to 12/12? if so why?
are you flushing at the end of flower, why?

you should basically leave the plant alone until it’s mature or until the branching is not symmetrical from the main trunk,.
Patience,gained from experience or visa versa?


to me that is horrible and probably junk,..
you tube is full of non sense, so many growers acting like they know stuff and they don’t, like that video you just posted,..
i usually reply to their videos and tell them what’s wrong than i invite them here to learn properly,.. and some have,,.
lately that bacco? university guy i’ve had to set straight a few times
if you need 50 people, than there’s no hope in hell for the future,.
ask 50 people how to get rid of mites?
will you be switching at flower from 18/6 to 12/12? if so why?
are you flushing at the end of flower, why?

you should basically leave the plant alone until it’s mature or until the branching is not symmetrical from the main trunk,.
No you don't listen I think your getting ahead of yourself honestly, ABOUT LOW STRESS TRAINING, NOT THE MITES HAVE A GOOD DAY BUD, happy growing to you!
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