How Long Until Harvest Time?

  • Thread starter MyCologist
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After many runs, I’ve come to conclusion that when you’re in later flower, the overall health of the plant determines just how much more it’s gonna “mature” or “ripen”.
I have to say that you’ve done a remarkable job with an auto. I’ve only grown autos a couple times and went right back to photos.
To me, it looks like your plant is about out of gas…..lots of yellow fans. When I’ve grown plants that yellowed but wasn’t quite textbook ripe, it never did get there. I refused to harvest with lots of white pistils showing and I didn’t have my preferred ratio of amber trichs… I waited….and waited.
The plant literally looked almost identical at 16 weeks as it did at 12. Unfortunately, there was a noticeable loss of terps.
IMO, you don’t have the circumstances for much upside. On a positive note, I’ll bet the buds are outstanding as is, provided u dry them correctly.
Good luck

Thanks for the advice and compliment on her, it really is a beast for an auto.

I hear you on the overall health of the plant, I will say that it looks healthier in person. The yellow leaves really pop in pictures. If you compare the first pics to the latest ones it's apparent that it bulked up over that time. You can also see that there are much less white pistils visible, but the trichs seem to not be changing much. We'll see what the next 3 days brings, when the next watering (or chop day) will be due.


Nothing wrong with harvesting on the early side. As long as the trichs are good to go then the quality you want will be there. The downside is a bid smaller yield. The bud I posted was cut down in 2 stages about 2 and 2 weeks sooner than I wanted. But sometimes you have to make tough choices. Glad i did. One neighbor lost everything to a whitefly infestation roght before he was going to harvest. The other kept his out waiting for amber but the rains cane abd he lost a lot to bud rot. So i think i made the best decision at the time. As you can see it turned out pretty good. I just didn't make it to bud swell and got a bit less, not that what I got was terrible. Just shy of 600 g is pretty respectable for an off season.

Any first grow that makes it to completion is a successful grow. As long as the flowers and branches look healthy don't sweat it. You're almost there! 👍


Kind of a pale honey color.
hurts reading the comments, seeing the amatures going by eye on pistils hahah

I am amateur in subject- thank you. I'm sure 98% of people here are. Love how many topics are going to shit here 🤣

Yes, Pale honey sounds good. I go for that- after that I am not interested 😉 I did harvested once on very late clear starting cloudy. It was a bit weird weed. Still better for me than any amber- as after that I am cleaning fridges like Tasmanian devil
Here there's nice microscope photos of 3 phases of cloudy explain. By scientist. He's calling that last phase opaque amber 😉

Let us know what she turned out after you will finally decide and cut. I have sentiment to JH. Nice plant to grow.


The calyx’s really swell up after watering. I can see the buds are fatter than they were yesterday when the soil was really dry, so it’s moving water through the plant well yet.

Here are some pretty decent trich pics from today, still looking like it’s safe to let it keep going.
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