Outdoor grow in Southeast Michigan 2024

  • Thread starter cpurola
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She is at about 15 hours and 15 minutes! The devil and mother nature stopped by and said for you to keep your eyes open for single lobed leaves in the new growth!
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She is at about 15 hours and 15 minutes! The devil and mother nature stopped by and said for you to keep your eyes open for single lobed leaves in the new growth!
Tomorrow! Is the longest day! Yay! (kind of)
Love that our plants will start flowering, hate that we're getting closer to the end of the season.

I did find this yesterday, but that's the closest I've seen so far.

20240618 140643


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡


Yep, I squished him/her/it. LOL
Okay, I need to ask, as an indoor long time grower, how would one reliably start and raise photos to flower early when transplanted outside, but not too early?
You know, what we're experiencing right now.
light deprevation if that's what your asking?


Beautiful work.
You definitely set a benchmark in prep of planting area, cleanliness, symmetry (oh god yes) and Gatdamned it people like you. 👊🏻🤡
Can’t wait to watch your flower run this year homie!
That she definitely does. I just come in here and look at her garden pretty frequently lol.

I'd love to be able to plant a more neat and tidy area. But unfortunately symmetry attracts the eye, and I'm in an outlaw state. I'll be preparing an area down by the flood plane over time in anticipation of changing laws though 😈


Keep them indoors at 18-6 and put 'em outside anytime and it'd be just like an indoor flip. I keep mine at 15-9 in a greenhouse (just standard 9 Watt LED's) so as not to garner too much attention but anytime I want to flip a vegging plant I just move 'em outside. I've done it in winter here.

Tomorrow, on June 20th our daylight will be 14 hours and 18 minutes, sumer solstice, longest day of the year for those of us above the equator, so as long as I keep enough extra light they'll continue to vegg and I can flip them whenever I want. You'll no doubt be seeing and reading about it. I can stagger out harvests and breed on my timetable😉
What I'm finding is that they all seem to be on different schedules. My frostberry bloomed right away, but the others may wait a couple weeks or a month before starting. And some were not bothered by the shorter day light at all and continued to veg just fine. I suppose genetics have something to do with that.


light deprevation if that's what your asking?
I don't know, what I don't know.
Trying to get it straight in my head.
If I want them to start flowering, they have to have less light. So, if they are in the ground the only way to have less light is to cover them like Bearwater said he's done in the past.
So, what happened to this crop? Some of them flowered right away and some waited for a month to start flowering. Genetics?


BTW, if you decide to use grass clippings as mulch, or any kind of mulch be aware of the critters that like it. Earwigs for example can be okay in moderation but lethal in greater numbers. My poor zinnias and snapdragons. Oh, and the asiatic beetles (nightime version of japanese beetles) are out and about too. 🙁

20240619 220411

20240619 220422

20240619 220557


Sprayed all planted soil/grass clippings with:

3 gallons water in sprayer with 3 teaspoons Tenet wp and 6 oz. Cease.
Tenet is: Trichoderma asperellum (ICC 012) and Trichoderma gamsii (ICC 080)
Cease: Bacillus subtilis
(both are 2 years old, kept in basement, viability unknown)

Then watered it in.


That's how the big farms are doing it now and have been for years, they build 100ft hoop houses first with heavy greenhouse plastic then roll out black plastic over the top 12hrs later they roll it backup and just clear plastic. I watched a illegal grow setup an take down in a spot on a ranch. Rancher was not aware about it being THC weed they told him it was hemp. Well it wasn't and on the second grow year he cleared them out.


Man chucky, this heat is unbearable!
Hubby's weather station says it's 87, humidity 70% but 'feels like' 97!
Went outside to work on the plants and just about melted. Thank goodness we've scattered clouds and a slight breeze.
I know it's drier there but still, how do you deal with it?


Yeah, that sounds pretty bad! I don’t think the plants like it anymore than you do! 98 today and 107 Friday and Saturday! But the saving grace! The humidity will probably get down to about 10%! It’s not that bad! The plants Continue to transpire! And I continue to perspire! And we both cool off thanks to evaporation! L O L! You don’t have any Evaporative cooling! I really do feel sorry for you! Hang in there, sister! You have it far worse! I picked Ann Arbor to monitor your weather! Your humidity is exactly the opposite of out here! Yours is highest between 2 and 7 PM and lower in the wee hours! Ours is lowest Between 2 and 7 PM and rarely gets above 50% at night! Two different worlds!
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1/2 - 1 inch of rain tonight (highest amount of rain in 7 day forecast). 63 degrees at night with a high of 73 day time. Near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
After today a little rain most days with a little warmer temps.
Sounds like you're still in Spring mode with the weather. How are your plants doing?


Yesterday I spent most of the time cleaning out and tieing down branches. Oh, and sweating buckets, LOL.
I took off fan leaves along the main stems on a few of the flowering plants. Love the super large leaves of LAX, unfortunately they covered bud sites on the ends of branches so I took many off. The leaves on the ends of the branches were whitish and crumpled up. (no pic)

I got a little over enusiastic pulling them down on the Blood, Milk and Sky and cracked the stem of one at the main stalk. Put it back where is was and secured with ties. More careful after that.

Had a front come through last night that knocked the patio table and umbrella down. I'll head out back this afternoon and see if it hurt anything.

Couple of pics

Snow angel before
20240622 140156

Snow angel after
20240622 151816

Okanagan Grape after
20240622 142859

LAX Fan leaves
20240622 162532


I'm doing the same thing. Almost sad to snip such beautiful fans but i do it too. I'm about ready to clip many small bud site branches those tiny whispy an not so whispy ones. My white widow x purple kush the youngest she had huge fans but the older plants not too many anymore. Blueberry muffin clones man oh man it's so tempting not to take clones as i clip. But i got no time for them. I hope all is well in the yard with the storm? Looks like were gonna cool down abit for a week low 80s.


Sounds like you're still in Spring mode with the weather. How are your plants doing?

Plants are doing well. Out of 3 got 2 females at least. Granddaddy Purple Ultraviolet taking it's sweet time. Aphids have shown up so plants are getting a little insecticidal soap.
The leaves on GDP are big even on top. Not just big fan leaves. LAX from your pics is impressive :-).

Granddaddy Purple left. Blood Milk and Sky right.


Blood Milk and Sky is over 5 feet tall now with lots of bud action.


Third up is Dirty Dancing. She was in a pot until last week because I wanted the option to bring her in if she took too long. I decided outside was doing well so she got planted in the ground.


I don't defoliate a lot outdoors. I put in stakes, then tie off branches using yarn to keep things spread out to get sun and air where I want it. I haven't giving the plants nutes in a long time now and usually don't water the plants in the ground. It's a lazy persons grow for sure :-).
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