Perpetual, permanent, perennial grow diary... 🙃

  • Thread starter lenhug
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Meant to ask, will you train your outdoor plants much or just let them go?

Somebody asked me up thread (hopefully not and I hadn't really thought about it. Was going to just let them go but now thinking maybe a little here and there to keep tidy?
I was thinking of doing a little folding and opening it up that way, I would like to add a trellis with posts eventually. I’ll clean up the leaves but leave the branches alone. I did top them once.

I don’t remember asking but some days I’m high as shit surfin around here😂🤷‍♂️


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Cool man, cool. Let's both just agree that I didnt! 🤣

I think that will be my plan as well. She's coming on well apart from all the leaf deformities!?
Agreed! 👍😂

Hey a little funky leaf never hurt nobody : ) I was just out watering them this morning and was looking at how I would train them. They already have a pretty cool structure so I may just try and get the trellis over them at this point and wait to tie off that (bending some branches to maximize bud sites)🤷🏼‍♂️


That sounds great. I might just follow your lead. Have you got them on one of your threads (so I can blatantly copy what you're

And agreed on the deformities, adds character!


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
That sounds great. I might just follow your lead. Have you got them on one of your threads (so I can blatantly copy what you're

And agreed on the deformities, adds character!
SURE!!!😀 the outdoor grow is inner twined with the Mission impossible grow. DISCLAIMER: copy at your own discretion and dont hesitate to question : )


It is done, have watered and fed the GP and others. I'd be lying if I said I'm not slightly worried. 🙏


Ok, panic stations this morning...maybe. 😬


Took the GP out as wanted to trim some of the leaves which have gone a little crispy, not many and probably ones that just progressed from before.

Anyway, then I noticed what I think is...mould on the top of the soil, see pics below. Immediately started having a panic attack that this is pre-cursor to bud rot! 😱 I cant see any on the buds (just the soil) but who knows what's inside them. And doesn't seem to be any on the other plants.

But from a bit of reading this might not be the case or completely bad news. From what I've read this can happen to some soils, is that true? The soil has definitely been overwatered to try and flush before so maybe that's caused it.?I have to say though, the soil doesn't smell great to me, which I've never noticed before. I've got her out the tent and in the blazing sunshine outside atm to try and dry her off.

Any advice/knowledge would be great here? Should I just cut my losses and cut her down to be sure? Or can I till/turn the soil and let her go on (have read this as an option)? Probably the former I'm thinking?

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Well, I took things in to my own hands and...

20240604 193422

Goodnight friend, you served me well and I can only apologise for the hell I put you through. 🫡

Had to be done as I'm not risking all of the other ladies. I think it was actually just waterlogged soil causing the mould but I'm not taking the chance it was more. Bids look and smell ok (obvs cant see inside them) so been chopped down and now drying. See what happens...

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Right, haven't updated for a while so here we go.

I've been battling the bloody heat for the last week or so, it has not been fun and a losing battle as ever. Been hard to get it under 81/82' at times but has eased slightly now so hopefully I can get these ladies over the finish line before it comes back with a vengeance (and it will). I even ended up looking at a/c units but don't think it's a realistic option in the garage. It's also shown me that there is no way I'm growing indoors in July/Aug here so that allows me to concentrate more on some outdoor growing (see below) which is fine by me.

I'll post all the ladies up separately but in relation to the outdoor growing the Pineapple Skunk (photo) is coming along nicely and seemingly pretty happy. My, I'll just let her grow mantra went out the window within! So I'm now bending her all over as you can see below:

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And also I got nice freebie with a new Mephisto CBD line they just released (Blue-C Birdie: It's a Hubbabubbasmelloscope x Northern Cheese Haze which from some reading up on should do well outdoors so couldn't resist and chucked a seed in a pot and off we go:

20240617 124526

20240617 124501
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Ok, first up the Zamadelica. This thing is nuts, leaves going almost black and just look crazy (love it!) It also just started sprouting new pistils and buds about a week ago!? Which worried me at first (heat/light stress etc) but it's uniform all over and apparently can happen with sativas and this doesn't get much purer so I think will be ok.

I'll do some closeup trichs first and then the plant, all from today:

2024 06 17 11 41 24 824

2024 06 17 11 44 07 280

2024 06 17 11 45 44 755

20240617 114751

She looks v close to me with those trichs, what does anyone else think?


And now her sister, the Pinot Noir #2. Which for those of you with long memories may remember I trialed in different soil and nutrients. Obviously a different pheno but look at the difference! I think I might have to start holding those colas up in place shortly she is so chunky (and frosty). Delicious. 🤤

2024 06 17 11 58 48 767

2024 06 17 12 01 25 618

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20240617 120226

I think she definitely has got a few more weeks in her and I was hoping to push a bit longer as well as just fed her again on 14th so wanting to make first week of July but let's see.


And last but not least, the Lemon OG. Now had she's been the tallest of the bunch and today I went in and saw a few very dry and crispy leaves just an inch or two down from the top of the main cola (see pic below). I removed them and also the buds feel dry and a little crispy in one spot. I'm thinking (hoping!) the heat in the last week has maybe done this as the rest of the plant is fine.

Any advice, should I just lop the top of the cola off below the dry bit or carry on and see what happens? I don't think it's rot but only one way to find out I suppose.

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2024 06 17 12 09 07 614

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Trich-wise I think she's got another week or so in her as well.
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All comments/thoughts etc most welcome. As I'm using the magic cannatrol to dry (over 10 days) I'm gonna have to pull most of these and put in there at the same time.

So my plan was all except the Pinot #2 (as wanted to push more as mentioned above). So maybe 4/5 in a week give or take then the Pinot #2 10 days after that?

Choices, choices... 🤔


I forgot to tag lots of friendly faces (and forgot others I'm sure), so doing now:

@Captspaulding - I saw you already swung by! 😉

Peoples thoughts on the slightly crispy cola on the Lemon OG? Chop off or just leave?

And opinions on waiting another week for most, if not longer for others, trich-wise? I get it's a very personal preference thing but interested in opinions. The AGE and Zamadelica (even with its new growth) look closest (if not done) to me? As an fyi, most of the pics above are top cola first then a side/lower cola to compare.

So maybe:

AGE & Zamadelica - tomorrow
Lemon OG (minus a bit of & Pinot #1 - 10 days later (cannatrol set to 10 days atm)
Pinot #2 - after that.
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Looking re
I forgot to tag lots of friendly faces (and forgot others I'm sure), so doing now:

@Captspaulding - I saw you already swung by! 😉

Peoples thoughts on the slightly crispy cola on the Lemon OG? Chop off or just leave?

And opinions on waiting another week for most, if not longer for others, trich-wise? I get it's a very personal preference thing but interested in opinions. The AGE and Zamadelica (even with its new growth) look closest (if not done) to me? As an fyi, most of the pics above are top cola first then a side/lower cola to compare.

So maybe:

AGE & Zamadelica - tomorrow
Lemon OG (minus a bit of & Pinot #1 - 10 days later (cannatrol set to 10 days atm)
Pinot #2 - after that.
Damn, len! Looking spectacular. I'm sure you will get some other points of view, but usually that lone crispy discolored bud is a sign of rot. I know you have the airflow and clean methods to keep that at bay, so it's not the likely suspect! It seems only the top, closest to the heat/intense rays from your light. Might just be a bit sun burnt...

On the other hand, botrytis is systemic and will spread to the whole plant if you let it. Play it safe, chop and ditch that cola if you have a 1% doubt it isn't the heat.

Wish I had a better answer for you len!


Looking re

Damn, len! Looking spectacular. I'm sure you will get some other points of view, but usually that lone crispy discolored bud is a sign of rot. I know you have the airflow and clean methods to keep that at bay, so it's not the likely suspect! It seems only the top, closest to the heat/intense rays from your light. Might just be a bit sun burnt...

On the other hand, botrytis is systemic and will spread to the whole plant if you let it. Play it safe, chop and ditch that cola if you have a 1% doubt it isn't the heat.

Wish I had a better answer for you len!

No, that's totally cool. I had just about come to that conclusion last night but thought I'd give it till this morning. It smells slightly hay like as well so not a good thing.

Best to be safe and chop like you say. Hopefully nothing has spread too much! 😬
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