Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
I never really truly knew how much I hated my job until I was on leave for 1.5 weeks and came back...
Lmao I know how that feels. That's why I quit turning wrenches and started growing hemp full time. Still the best decision I've ever made. To hell with dealing with customers, bosses, and daily grinds. Never doin that shit again 🤠


Lost a close friend today, Suzi. I taught her to grow and about a year ago she hands me a baggie like I use to do to her. I puffed that bud right up and couldn't have been more proud.

2 wks ago she was rushed to the hospital, docs found small cell lung cancer, started chemo, passed today.

Sad fucking day😢
Man so sorry to hear about this, quite a shock I would think, my condolences.


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Man so sorry to hear about this, quite a shock I would think, my condolences.
Thank you all for the kind words and thoughts. It was a shock. I knew she had a bad ticker and spent a week in the hospital a couple years ago because of it but this was very sudden and caught us all off guard and no one got to say even a good bye.

Part of life and always difficult to deal with. I can't dwell on my loss but I do deal with such things with humor. So while I'll be laughing a part of me morns.

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On a gardening page with people telling me stale beer, egg shells and coffee grounds work keeping slugs and snails away from plants. They have no clue who they're talking to apparently.

7 years ago my neighbor's daughter across the street worked for Star Bucks and would bring me bags of used coffee grounds. Didn't do shit for my slug and snail problem. I would invision groups of slugs and snails muching away with a mug of coffee.

I also buried jars around my garden half filled with beer. Kept them half full for over 2 weeks. Caught all of 8 snails. I pick off that many at least twice a week early morning in my large greenhouse.

We compost all tablescraps except meat and diary and I have tried several ways to use egg shells to keep the slimey bastards away with absolutely no luck.

Copper works and bait works, that's it. Look who finally got nipped up a bit
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Starry Eyed fem. Today she got a copper wire put around her. She'll be fine but she won't be a late night snack for any slugs or snails again.

This is the easiest way to protect individual plants
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10" of 14 gage wire. Just time consuming stripping off the insulation but well worth the effort😉
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
On a gardening page with people telling me stale beer, egg shells and coffee grounds work keeping slugs and snails away from plants. They have no clue who they're talking to apparently.

7 years ago my neighbor's daughter across the street worked for Star Bucks and would bring me bags of used coffee grounds. Didn't do shit for my slug and snail problem. I would invision groups of slugs and snails muching away with a mug of coffee.

I also buried jars around my garden half filled with beer. Kept them half full for over 2 weeks. Caught all of 8 snails. I pick off that many at least twice a week early morning in my large greenhouse.

We compost all tablescraps except meat and diary and I have tried several ways to use egg shells to keep the slimey bastards away with absolutely no luck.

Copper works and bait works, that's it. Look who finally got nipped up a bit
View attachment 2180749
Starry Eyed fem. Today she got a copper wire put around her. She'll be fine but she won't be a late night snack for any slugs or snails again.

This is the easiest way to protect individual plants
View attachment 2180750
10" of 14 gage wire. Just time consuming stripping off the insulation but well worth the effort😉
I use a copper band stapled to all exposed edges here. It really friggin works.
It causes them to get a. Little zap too. 🤡


I'm wondering what the Cannatrol does that an electronic humidor won't do.
Well I own 1... and alot of people tried to "recreate" the same results with a lot of other equipment... so.. honestly . If any of you think you can build 1 to be .1 pinpoint accurate of a degree of humidity or temps... then let me know I'll be all ears.. but just know it's been attempted.. and they failed... everyone.

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