Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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Well I existed to hard yesterday and somehow managed to blow up my shoulder. I was doing a walk through my garden to see if anything needed addressing after the butt load of rain we have had lately. When I reached down to pull a weed and bam. Shoulder fucked, I am fine from the elbow down but I can't lift my arm at the shoulder. When I try I get stabbing pain and then it gets all weird and week feeling and lowers itself like its a reflex and I have little choice about it. Its worse reaching infront of me than it is to the side but either way it is fucking useless. I was hoping I would wake up to a functioning shoulder but instead it kept my up most of the night. 😡
Sounds like you hyperextended it, or possibly dislocated it. Did you feel a pop when it happened? I’m not a doctor, but I know a guy…….🤣 don’t worry I won’t post his picture 🤣


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Well I existed to hard yesterday and somehow managed to blow up my shoulder. I was doing a walk through my garden to see if anything needed addressing after the butt load of rain we have had lately. When I reached down to pull a weed and bam. Shoulder fucked, I am fine from the elbow down but I can't lift my arm at the shoulder. When I try I get stabbing pain and then it gets all weird and week feeling and lowers itself like its a reflex and I have little choice about it. Its worse reaching infront of me than it is to the side but either way it is fucking useless. I was hoping I would wake up to a functioning shoulder but instead it kept my up most of the night. 😡
Damn man.
I hope you get on the mend sooner than later
My friend 👊🏻🤡


Well I existed to hard yesterday and somehow managed to blow up my shoulder. I was doing a walk through my garden to see if anything needed addressing after the butt load of rain we have had lately. When I reached down to pull a weed and bam. Shoulder fucked, I am fine from the elbow down but I can't lift my arm at the shoulder. When I try I get stabbing pain and then it gets all weird and week feeling and lowers itself like its a reflex and I have little choice about it. Its worse reaching infront of me than it is to the side but either way it is fucking useless. I was hoping I would wake up to a functioning shoulder but instead it kept my up most of the night. 😡
I see a sling in your future. 🙁


No its not dislocated Dr Google says it's a rotator cuff fuck up or cancer.
Probably AIDS 🤣, as my friends would say. I had a hyperextended shoulder injury in high school, lifting weights. My spotter wasn’t doing the one thing that I asked him to do, spot. I was on a bench with an incline and when I went to drop my bar back on the bench I missed the right side and held on all the way to the floor. Shoulder popped out of the socket and went right back into place. Had to do physical therapy for a few weeks and I was back to normal, although it still clicks and pops occasionally. Well hope that you heal up soon.


I see a sling in your future. 🙁
I hope not. My doctors out of the country right now too. Selfish jerk is off galavanting about with his doctors without borders friends.
I am going to -try- and rest it and see if it starts feeling better on its own. I am the worst injured person I can't fucking sit still. I can't just not use my arm...it's right fucking there...
Damn man.
I hope you get on the mend sooner than later
My friend 👊🏻🤡
Thanks I hope so too. What bullshit timing!


View attachment 2181012View attachment 2181013Durban poison, cali blues, Nl2, and the purest indica seem to like their new pots and have no objections today.^
View attachment 2181021
The slightly yellowy margins on the leaves in these pics, thats early stage potassium deficiency just in case you weren't already aware lol.

If you see that a lot, get some potassium bicarbonate from a brewery/wine making supply and put a tiny pinch in your feed whenever you mix it, youll never see those pale margins again 🤙 🤙

Light potassium deficiency, especially in veg isnt a big deal, plants will grow fine, take plants with leaves like that into flower, youll do fine end quality wise, but yield will suffer a bit.
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Probably AIDS 🤣, as my friends would say. I had a hyperextended shoulder injury in high school, lifting weights. My spotter wasn’t doing the one thing that I asked him to do, spot. I was on a bench with an incline and when I went to drop my bar back on the bench I missed the right side and held on all the way to the floor. Shoulder popped out of the socket and went right back into place. Had to do physical therapy for a few weeks and I was back to normal, although it still clicks and pops occasionally. Well hope that you heal up soon.
Yeah that shoulder AIDS is a bitch lol

That sounds crunchy and all kinds of painful 😬

Both of my shoulders grind and click and pop on the regular but going out of comish is unfuckingacceptable at this time of year. I wont have it!


The slightly yellowy margins on the leaves in these pics, thats early stage potassium deficiency just in case you weren't already aware lol.

If you see that a lot, get some potassium bicarbonate from a brewery/wine making supply and put a tiny pinch in your feed whenever you mix it, youll never see those pale margins again 🤙 🤙

Light potassium deficiency, especially in veg isnt a big deal, plants will grow fine, take plants with leaves like that into flower, youll do fine end quality wise, but yield will suffer a bit.
More added info because im that guy... Potassium bicarbonate is an interesting compound.

By the chemistry definition of "organic", it's about as organic as it comes, but by the biological definition of organic, it isn't organic at all.

Its the same compound they put in bottle RO water for drinking so it doesnt trip you of electrolytes, and thats used to neutralize the acidity of wine so it doesnt make you puke immediately. Makes water taste like its from a spring too, and plants, they absolutely LOVE it.

It's not quite as effective as lime, but you can also PH correct acidic soil with it. You can also use it to reduce the acidity of distilled or RO water up if you have to use that for flushing containers like im going to have to where im at now lol.

In hydroponic growing it makes a great nutrient solution PH up in a bind as well.
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Question guys and dolls
Should I be removing these big leaves at this or any stage?
IMG 0526
IMG 0529
IMG 0527


Question guys and dolls
Should I be removing these big leaves at this or any stage?
View attachment 2181258View attachment 2181257View attachment 2181256
Leave em for now. Those will prob end up defoliated leaves eventually but right now they are still very usable sugar generation factories
If its outside, and been outside since before preflower, its probably just reaching full maturity, it does look a bit like its wanting to go into flower now though, is it an auto?


Yeah that shoulder AIDS is a bitch lol

That sounds crunchy and all kinds of painful 😬

Both of my shoulders grind and click and pop on the regular but going out of comish is unfuckingacceptable at this time of year. I wont have it!
Have you tried yelling at it? I’m not trying to dismiss your pain, but the second someone mentions shoulder pain this scene 🎬 comes to mind:


So, i've been a little annoyed by something for a while. Been several years really.

When i've been to the potshops, or bought concentrates on the streets, for years now, it's been manufactured stuff. Not actual extracts, And most people seem to have not even noticed, but ive been fairly certain the products are off.

I have a perfect visual aid now to help me explain though.

So, i have made literal pounds of extracts at this point myself. Properly vacuumed purged, more strains then i could ever bother recalling. And not once has it ever turned out like this always yellow, always similar tasting, always same high wax that goes around and out the dispensaries at such cheap prices, often as low as 10/g? I mean, it has come close, sometimes, but not every single batch of every single strain....

How can an 8th of good flower that wont even quite produce a gram of wax by itself more expensive then the wax made from the plant?

It's not because they used trim or whatever, or shake to make it. It's because that wax isnt real plant extract.

I have some 99.5% thc-a diamons that are so pure they look like meth and crumble into a powder. They were synthesized from CBD into pure thc-a. You can order this stuff legally online from any number of suppliers in basically any state. I went down to the corner indian market the other day and bought a half gram dart of "Bana OG" terpines for $8.99

I crushed up 2 grams of purified synthetic thc-a crystal into powder, and emulsified it into the half gram of banana OG terpines.

And then i had 2.5G of dabs literally identical to 90% of the "concentrates" on the market. There is a big difference, in market, between advertising with the term "extracts" vs the term "concentrates" lmao.

Just had the thought that i should make a post about this before it's all dabbed up. Although im probably going to make some more very soon, i have plenty of this purified thc-a lmao. May make a thread on it when i do. Take extra pics and stuff.

pure thc-a crystal synthesized from CBD on left. Dirt cheap even by the gram. And on the right, after having been mixed with Banana OG terpines post-crush. Dabs great, had the idea to do this to enhance flavor, and help it stick to a dab tool. But it's actually identical to most the cheap dabs on the market lmao 🧐 Like i said, ive had the hunch for years, but I am now convinced, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that the majority of people dabbing on concentrates dont actually realize they are dabbing on intentionally misrepresented, predominantly synthetic, completely manufactured cannabis products. I consider this the work of charlatans personally. Even my own local guy admits after i questioned pretty heavily, that he's just ordering synthetic THC-a crystals and making stickers himself for the containers lmao.
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Leave em for now. Those will prob end up defoliated leaves eventually but right now they are still very usable sugar generation factories
If its outside, and been outside since before preflower, its probably just reaching full maturity, it does look a bit like its wanting to go into flower now though, is it an auto?
Yeah it’s an auto and it’s been in a poly tunnel all it’s beautiful life 8weeks old ish
Thanks for reply


There are def better growers here then I for advice on training autos. Id just let it keep doing its thing and only pull fan leaves in cases of over shadowed but still developing bud sites, keeping in mind the sun moves, or in airflow necessity.

It looks like you may be overwatering slightly. thatll prob back off as she expands to better fill the container though. But ive also had plants who go new growth droopy for a few hours no matter what after a thorough watering
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Probably AIDS 🤣, as my friends would say. I had a hyperextended shoulder injury in high school, lifting weights. My spotter wasn’t doing the one thing that I asked him to do, spot. I was on a bench with an incline and when I went to drop my bar back on the bench I missed the right side and held on all the way to the floor. Shoulder popped out of the socket and went right back into place. Had to do physical therapy for a few weeks and I was back to normal, although it still clicks and pops occasionally. Well hope that you heal up soon.
There's something seriously wrong with you. I like that🥰


Yeah it’s an auto and it’s been in a poly tunnel all it’s beautiful life 8weeks old ish
Thanks for reply
Yeah, leave the autos to grow. I've read about topping them once maybe twice but that plant better be growing like a beast. Grow a few and once you feel comfortable and have got a beast auto give it a go. On a lark I wouldn't cut it.

I've grown 100's of autos, bred them, even crossed one to a GDP regular. I've never topped one, for what it's worth.

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