Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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No its not dislocated Dr Google says it's a rotator cuff fuck up or cancer.
Probably a pull or tear. Go real easy (I'm sure you got little choice). Ice for a couple days then heat. I'm usually using both after a few days. Whatever makes it feel better.

I make this sauve for my wife's neuropathy. Coconut oil infused with THC & CBD that works within 5-10 minutes for her. I bet just THC would also work. 1gm decarbed bud to 1 oz oil. I usually make 8-10 oz in a jar at a time. Lost a 1/2 gallon batch once when the jar broke. I put oil and decarbed flower in quart mason jars with a loose fitting lid and cook in a covered slow cooker 3 hours. I strain the material out in a French press coffee maker, works like a charm. Add 1 Tbl bees wax, 1 Tbl tapioca starch and 1/2 tsp xanthan gum and cook until wax is melted.

You can add plant extracts like Lavender, Rosemary (both of which I grow) etc to cover the pot smell. Liquid vitamin E or several other oils with different properties for you skin can also be incorporated.

I never would have believed it would work this well but everyone I've shared it with loves it. Light up and feel better man.


FB IMG 1716988599756


Well I existed to hard yesterday and somehow managed to blow up my shoulder. I was doing a walk through my garden to see if anything needed addressing after the butt load of rain we have had lately. When I reached down to pull a weed and bam. Shoulder fucked, I am fine from the elbow down but I can't lift my arm at the shoulder. When I try I get stabbing pain and then it gets all weird and week feeling and lowers itself like its a reflex and I have little choice about it. Its worse reaching infront of me than it is to the side but either way it is fucking useless. I was hoping I would wake up to a functioning shoulder but instead it kept my up most of the night. 😡
Sucks to hear man. That shits been happening to me more and more lately. Out of nowhere one week pulled shoulder, next week sprained ankle, and on and on.. Seems like old age and 34+ of climbing trees is catching up..

Hope it gets better for ya 👍


More added info because im that guy... Potassium bicarbonate is an interesting compound.

By the chemistry definition of "organic", it's about as organic as it comes, but by the biological definition of organic, it isn't organic at all.

Its the same compound they put in bottle RO water for drinking so it doesnt trip you of electrolytes, and thats used to neutralize the acidity of wine so it doesnt make you puke immediately. Makes water taste like its from a spring too, and plants, they absolutely LOVE it.

It's not quite as effective as lime, but you can also PH correct acidic soil with it. You can also use it to reduce the acidity of distilled or RO water up if you have to use that for flushing containers like im going to have to where im at now lol.

In hydroponic growing it makes a great nutrient solution PH up in a bind as well.
I can’t tell the difference on a lot of the leaf deficiencies graphs the difference between a lot of the examples. They look too similar. The mothers had the same thing going on in veg. Cap attributed it to mag . One of the plants was almost bleach white at the end of flower. I am grabbing some potassium bicarbonate right now for the next feeding and see how they do. On another note, you now have me wanting to pursue brewing my own beer. Here’s the analysis with the potassium.
IMG 1497


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
What’s up next for flowering? Sorry if you’ve already mentioned that. I can’t keep up with the train wreck!
Durban poison
Trop cookies x okie
Peaceful cookies
Okie x cman
Cali blues
Haymeadow purpendurgenurgets
White truffle x okie
Red velvet x gojo
Super boof x okie
Cheese x triangle man
Okie x cman x pbb

A few more I’m sure…..


That’s cuz he’s busy posting memes on the farm!

Might have been better off flying him out here. lol

Watching dude on the ring cam and he's starting to get frantic. He just turned on the town valve then ran full speed back to the house then back to shut it off. Then went in the back of his van and dumped a box of shit on the driveway looking for something.

I predict a 3rd run to get parts..


@Captspaulding what is your take on the potassium that one guy posted? Yesterday I was going through the leaf chart I happened upon a potassium deficiency that described bleach white leaves late flower, which is exactly what one of those nl5 s looked like late flower. The earlier pictures were to my eye indistinguishable from the mag deficiency pictures.


Might have been better off flying him out here. lol

Watching dude on the ring cam and he's starting to get frantic. He just turned on the town valve then ran full speed back to the house then back to shut it off. Then went in the back of his van and dumped a box of shit on the driveway looking for something.

I predict a 3rd run to get parts..
Sounds like a shit show. How in the world is breaking stuff down the line underneath when he’s working on the wall ? Best of luck to you.


The shutoff valve was in the ground with a rod sticking up to turn it off. So everything is underground and apparently as old as the house. So over 70 years old.
Okay so he went to shut it off, it broke underneath. When I first bought my house I was coming home turned on my street, someone has a big leak. Proceeded down the street I am that someone. I went to shut off the main. It had a tag that’s it’s a felony for me to shut it off the leak is in between my main and the city main. They had to come out and twist the thing at $99. The dude was cool. He told me that when they built my neighborhood the tweakers went around and stole all the copper piping between. Sure enough after digging up the line it was copper with pvc as the middle where they stole it


Okay so he went to shut it off, it broke underneath. When I first bought my house I was coming home turned on my street, someone has a big leak. Proceeded down the street I am that someone. I went to shut off the main. It had a tag that’s it’s a felony for me to shut it off the leak is in between my main and the city main. They had to come out and twist the thing at $99. The dude was cool. He told me that when they built my neighborhood the tweakers went around and stole all the copper piping between. Sure enough after digging up the line it was copper with pvc as the middle where they stole it
Those damned blue collar tweekers are running this here town 🤣🤣🤣
They hit a Burger King bathroom nearby once while it was open and managed to make off with all the copper pipes in the mens room. Couple years later they tried tearing the copper pipe off an air conditioner that was behind the shop I worked at. Fucking numnuts must’ve had quite a scare when that condensed refrigerant came rushing out.


Those damned blue collar tweekers are running this here town 🤣🤣🤣
They hit a Burger King bathroom nearby once while it was open and managed to make off with all the copper pipes in the mens room. Couple years later they tried tearing the copper pipe off an air conditioner that was behind the shop I worked at. Fucking numnuts must’ve had quite a scare when that condensed refrigerant came rushing out.
Someone was trying to steal my ac unit. Left behind a lighter with burnt plastic that smelled nothing like herb.

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