Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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my peaceblasters were the most sunloving and light loving lineage i had along with that columbian. Both burned and went nutrient deficient very easily under LED's though. It's just odd.
I put a small, slow Triangle Kush seedling outside a few days ago. It wasn’t miserable looking under LED’s per se. I monitored it closely but I’ll be goddamned if it didn’t kick into high gear without ANY need for hardening off. Relatively dim LED with 70’s temperatures straight to greenhouse full sun and 100 degrees and happier immediately.


I put a small, slow Triangle Kush seedling outside a few days ago. It wasn’t miserable looking under LED’s per se. I monitored it closely but I’ll be goddamned if it didn’t kick into high gear without ANY need for hardening off. Relatively dim LED with 70’s temperatures straight to greenhouse full sun and 100 degrees and happier immediately.
theres definitely something going on with certain lineages and LED's

A week old cannabis plant *should be able to take your average full spectrum panel at 12" 100% no problem. Most do.

My smaller outdoor plants were outside in their containers by a week old in full sun. Did fine.

My peaceblasters' green looked deeper and happier within a few hours of putting them out. By the next day it looked like a different pant. Was wild. i keep going back in my journal to look at the difference.


About 8 years ago I quit cigarettes. While I already smoked pot at that time in my life it became my form of smoking cigarettes. I smoke weed everyday all day and never crave a cigarette. I'm fairly certain I will smoke like that until my time comes. Stay lifted my friends! Time to watch these dinosaurs debate 😂
Same here 😄 A colleague asked me if somethings up, I always used to stand around him and smoke at work, now I stand alone and further away on our breaks. I told him in private and after that we both stood further away, now sharing a cigarette like brothers 😄


theres definitely something going on with certain lineages and LED's

A week old cannabis plant *should be able to take your average full spectrum panel at 12" 100% no problem. Most do.

My smaller outdoor plants were outside in their containers by a week old in full sun. Did fine.

My peaceblasters' green looked deeper and happier within a few hours of putting them out. By the next day it looked like a different pant. Was wild. i keep going back in my journal to look at the difference.
Possibly bred into modern cannabis plants that can absorb high levels of lighting? Cap’s 86 Maui for example. Seems like my 1990s nl5 aren’t a big fan of led lights the same goes for the nl2. The purest indica however takes whatever I throw at her.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
theres definitely something going on with certain lineages and LED's

A week old cannabis plant *should be able to take your average full spectrum panel at 12" 100% no problem. Most do.

My smaller outdoor plants were outside in their containers by a week old in full sun. Did fine.

My peaceblasters' green looked deeper and happier within a few hours of putting them out. By the next day it looked like a different pant. Was wild. i keep going back in my journal to look at the difference.
I actually think tents need some of the blame…. Not all but some.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
shit, been going through some of the older post, shit, i'd be reposting bud pics till december...... so much truly fantastic stuff.... gotta love it..... at least one was of your stuff..... More Bud Pics Pleeeeaaase. 🥹 👍 😍😋
Thanks man, some genuine badass humble growers here. Hang on……
Here was a wild grow of mine.



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so ive noticed i dont really have enough experience with LED panels to make qualified claims on them. I only had a few full cycles with em before i stopped for a while. But i took the clones i was growing under HPS and outside with me to Led.

Its weird that LED panels can burn some plants at 12", and like 16-1800 ppfd, when if you manage temps, you can have plant material under sunlight, or hps light at 12" (roughly same ppfd, and like 2-3x the Lux) is usually wont, isnt it?

Im not trying to make this an ant-LED thing either. This is just an interesting discussion to me now lol.

I use Led's. Prob wont go back to HPS afterall. I want to learn stuff. But the light does work completely differently when it comes to light stress symptoms then other light sources.

Ive given straight up bad advice on this forum earlier on, because mid day sun can be like 2500ppfd. Ive grown plants close enough to HPS to bleach material white without them showing light stress anywhere below it lol.

Most plant under LED wont either. I have several 12" under a panel on 100% right now. That maui seedling has been there for nearly a week now lol. Shes thriving.
The technology has evolved quite a bit with led’s since I started growing in with them in 2018, six years ago. I went from blue red aka blurple, to a multi mode veg/flower. Then the full spectrum white light led’s with ir and uv diodes, then bar style, and most recently add on far red, uv and ir. There’s a fellow Irishman named Shane with a YouTube channel called Migro that does tons of comparison videos on lighting and grow equipment. Here’s a video debating led vs hps.


Fun times with lighting and temperature. I have playing with increasing the the light which brings some increased temps. I had to back to work today and they had more time under increased lighting. It was at 83 with the tent open ac set at 73 with the rest of the house chilling at 73. I opened the door and it was at 80 in a few moments. SMH I noticed the humidifier will need water soon. I add water and notice the water is warm. I add cold water and I at 78.4…. So the light is heating up the water and then sending warm water screwing up the temperature. I will be moving the humidifier outside of the tent. Right now the humidifier is running full blast creating a puddle. This is telling me the temperature and humidity readings are created by the warm water in the humidifier. I also have some blackout curtains on the way. It’s 111 today the Arizona sun shines through my curtains and the grow light shines through it at night.
IMG 1772


Sativas hate me. They stay alive and stick around just to be mean to me and show me what a bad grower I am, sucking my nutes and take up my space, then they just leave a little turd of a bud like a "Fuck you spig ass" note for me.

Im not fucking with them sativas no more. At least not indoors. They are too large also.

And Im sorry, but the "more energetic high" thing? Maybe for you, but I could never tell a difference. I think it has more to do with how much of the thc has become cbn. Or whatever its called 😄 The fresher the weed, the more energy is what I am trying to say.


Not everybody can squat like a slav. Thats the problem with those lanky ass tall sativas outdoors here. They cant squat but they stand around like western Spies. The indicas however can get down low, like me. Playing dice, smoking a joint and drinking a beer at the same time no problem.


The technology has evolved quite a bit with led’s since I started growing in with them in 2018, six years ago. I went from blue red aka blurple, to a multi mode veg/flower. Then the full spectrum white light led’s with ir and uv diodes, then bar style, and most recently add on far red, uv and ir. There’s a fellow Irishman named Shane with a YouTube channel called Migro that does tons of comparison videos on lighting and grow equipment. Here’s a video debating led vs hps.
I still believe the weed was "better" and more potent under HPS than LEDs. It could just be my receptors or some shit like that. It was a long time since I had any classic "streetlight" though.

And its what I tell the kids so I stick to it 😄


I really like the idea Secret Jardin has with their lights where you can add strips of 20 or 40 watts and use the strips as supplemental lights.

They havent received many good reviews but that part about them I think is really cool

It would be quite expensive to build a complete setup with those strips too.

Im looking at their Cossmorrow range


I still believe the weed was "better" and more potent under HPS than LEDs. It could just be my receptors or some shit like that. It was a long time since I had any classic "streetlight" though.

And its what I tell the kids so I stick to it 😄
I happened upon former parking lot from a campus, light foundation fixtures intact. Nice well hps fixtures all ready for the dump. They looked like they were never used.
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