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Yeah LED's have come a LONG way, even in the past 10 years or so. Like Azton said, I too, was a huge proponent of MH and HPS. Ahh the days of stealing street lamps 🤣

So, since I got these brand new full spectrum LED grow lights, I have definitely changed my opinion on LED's. A far cry from the blurples of yesteryear, that's for sure! My electric bill is happier, too! The cost of running MH/HPS is just not practical, especially in legal states, where the weed markets are already saturated, you really have to do every little thing you can, to cut costs and compete. The heat generated by MH/HPS for example, is enough to jack your electric bill through the roof. I'm glad I don't have to have ridiculous AC units running 24/7 just to keep the temps under control.
Regardless of spectrum, there's an LED issue that, if I had to guess one out of 100 plants has.

And unfortunately my own self created F1 lineage, my pace blasters, do not like LED panels. They don't like how unol full spectrum. They don't like low umol blurple either. Used to use those for veg.

Some plants for whatever reason, have to be a lot further away from an LED panel and they should have to be.

I'm leaning towards some plants not knowing exactly how to handle intense light that's not coming from ionized plasma like sunlight, HPs, and florescent does. Gas is in the form of ionized plasma are generating that light in those cases. With LED panels that is not the case.

My peace blasters can take more than 2,500 ppfd. They couldn't take more than 1200 under an LED without burning. I could grow those plants close enough to a high pressure sodium bulb to bleach the tissue white and they wouldn't even show light stress underneath the bleached tissue.

I still use LED panels and I don't plan on going back, I just want to understand what's going on there with some plants.

There's several other plants on thcfarmer right now the behave the same with LED light as well.

I'm not trying to knock LED or make a LED versus HPS comparison, I'm just trying to wring all the information out of the context I can so I can learn something lol


So I started this deck for an elderly friend in late March. And it'll be done finally after today. Getting his last liquor shelves done. He's undecided if he wants the ceiling and lower half of the walls insulated. He doesn't think it'll make much difference in winter even if he plastics the windows. I think it will though. I framed it where it can be insulated and drywalled on lower half of walls, and ceiling if he wants to lol. Rj19 will slide right into the ceiling. And one 2x4 per panel down low and same.

I'm very proud of this one. Haven't been able to do anything this big before.
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Thats a beautiful spot you got there.

On the lights, I have heard the same as you are saying here, many old strains dont grow well under LEDs. I am trying to find a female in a bag of 20 years old mystery seed, Its going to be interesting seeing how the take on the LEDs. Maybe its like trying to run windows 95 on a spanking new laptop.


Thats a beautiful spot you got there.

On the lights, I have heard the same as you are saying here, many old strains dont grow well under LEDs. I am trying to find a female in a bag of 20 years old mystery seed, Its going to be interesting seeing how the take on the LEDs. Maybe its like trying to run windows 95 on a spanking new laptop.
Yeah it's a weird thing man. Strange as hell. My Colombian land race lineage hates LEDs all but one have

And Captain's Maui Wowie 86 seems like he's got a few that like LEDs a couple that don't... and mine likes them... Loves them lol

I'm somewhat obsessed with understanding the mechanism of action behind that at this point though


If anyone noticed the cardinal sin earlier, yes, I am shielding the booze from the sun lol. Don't panic. All is gravy.

Curtains are super trippy over plastic. Hope it don't give the guy the spins xD
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Sacred Tree Organic Farms
You know, I was gonna run some gelato too man. Shit.

Baller smoke though eh!?
100%, haven't grown it personally yet but my homie has had her in the garden and she was great. Thick dense nugs, very minimal foliage to trim, potent as hell.
Everything kinda seems candy and generic nowadays. this was old school smoke meets new age genetics


You know, I was gonna run some gelato too man. Shit.

Baller smoke though eh!?
I made several gelato crosses trying to end up with a faster growing, but mostly gelato terp profile plant.

My best results were achieved with old kushes. Bubba x gelato 41 is my Biggs. My roommate has a specimen X. It's gelato x something, idr. Has that gelato flavor profile straight up. But it's even slower then the original gelato.

Even in deep water culture it only grew about as fast as your average sativa dom in soil. At least the gelato 41 s1 that hit the KC area commercial grows anyway lol.

It's suuuuuuuuuuuuch good flower though. So dank. So tasty. You can even totally bomb the dry and cure and it still tastes fantastic 🤣 first plant I've run since all the old piney sativa's you could bomb a cure and still pull good money for lolol. But the thing was a damn slow vegger.


Nah man, as well all already know, best terpene profiles come from guerilla growing on someone else's land and feeding your plant pure all purpose miracle grow.

I still think Gobnugget is the best dumb strain name that makes no sense ever.

I lived close to an old lumberyard they had closed down on a days notice because it was so poisonous it was contaminating the ground water. But they left the power on and the place was packed with old hps lights, buckets and random crap. Some local tweakers had a big grow op there over a summer mixing natural light with HPS fixtures, fancy stuff for their time and skill set. They also used natural soil from the spot and watered with water from a nearby stream, in old paint pots, lol. I was really careful with what I smoked that winter 🤢 I dont know what effects it could actually have when smoking the flower, but I dont wanna find out either
while i enjoy the idea of having many approaches/techniques to growing cannabis, toxic substances would definitely go above and beyond acceptable practices. 🥺😲😵‍💫😵🤮☠️


You know what's a damn shame?

99/100 people my age probably could not for the life of them tell you what this tool is called lmao. They would call it a protractor.

The guy I brought with me to help (few years older then I am), just asked me if he could borrow the protractor for a minute.

So I stopped and took this picture and then gave him the rafter square lol. I asked why I was taking a picture, so I just told him I need to troll someone on the internet.
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Seeds I made last year
View attachment 2204888View attachment 2204889

GDP mom about a year old I just took down a dew days agoView attachment 2204890
No seeds

The 4 plants I kept through the winter, 2 hemp 2 BBHP
View attachment 2204892
In the composter. No seeds
View attachment 2204891

Black Abyss 2022
View attachment 2204893
No seeds.

A bag of BBHP that I took down end of season
View attachment 2204894View attachment 2204895
No seeds.

If you don't believe what I say, and I am always factual, being it's My Word and all, ask me how TF I'm able to do it. It's straight forward and respectful.

I've been doing this for the past 7 years, some of it documented here, sometimes 2 or 3 tines a year. I bred autos one year.

I don't get seeds where I don't want them and get this, I don't change clothes or use gloves when fertigating 4 x's a day but I am mindful of the male in these groups and am careful.

I've read all the nightmares of seed contamination from hemp to God knows what but here I am, doing this, beyond what the "experts" tell us is plausible.

The older I get the "experts" don't really seem to know shit😉

I put a small, slow Triangle Kush seedling outside a few days ago. It wasn’t miserable looking under LED’s per se. I monitored it closely but I’ll be goddamned if it didn’t kick into high gear without ANY need for hardening off. Relatively dim LED with 70’s temperatures straight to greenhouse full sun and 100 degrees and happier immediately.
LEDs are a different beast than what I’m used to. I’ve always started my seedlings with my T5’s this year I put some under my new t8’s a gift. From wifey I like trying new stuff right! Nope the one’s under the 8’s stretched for light but got some burn while the 5’s didn’t stretch for light at all. Then they didn’t harden well crap man maybe they are good for starting veggies or plants in flower dunno?? The vegetables outside are doing great yet after up potting outside the 5’s are healthier as well all I know is wifey can have them all ha ha!!! Lesson # 505 learned the hard way again. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I was a gift and I love her for it she’s a tuff gal and has great ideas gotta love that gal on the jd 4100 smash those dead white ash no problem ok im done now


while i enjoy the idea of having many approaches/techniques to growing cannabis, toxic substances would definitely go above and beyond acceptable practices. 🥺😲😵‍💫😵🤮☠️
One of the buckets I'm using has some old dry water based paint chips in it. The paint was about as toxic as Elmer's glue though lol. Most pains nowadays are pretty benign.

I've even seen a couple of the chips flake off and end up on the soil above my outdoor plants.

But I'm also not too worried about it and I'm pretty much going to be the only one smoking that flower, so. Oh well lmao.

Yeah for a very long time I was exclusively vegging under t5 and flowering under HPS. Before i temporarily retired only had a handful of runs under LED panels.


Regardless of spectrum, there's an LED issue that, if I had to guess one out of 100 plants has.

And unfortunately my own self created F1 lineage, my pace blasters, do not like LED panels. They don't like how unol full spectrum. They don't like low umol blurple either. Used to use those for veg.

Some plants for whatever reason, have to be a lot further away from an LED panel and they should have to be.

I'm leaning towards some plants not knowing exactly how to handle intense light that's not coming from ionized plasma like sunlight, HPs, and florescent does. Gas is in the form of ionized plasma are generating that light in those cases. With LED panels that is not the case.

My peace blasters can take more than 2,500 ppfd. They couldn't take more than 1200 under an LED without burning. I could grow those plants close enough to a high pressure sodium bulb to bleach the tissue white and they wouldn't even show light stress underneath the bleached tissue.

I still use LED panels and I don't plan on going back, I just want to understand what's going on there with some plants.

There's several other plants on thcfarmer right now the behave the same with LED light as well.

I'm not trying to knock LED or make a LED versus HPS comparison, I'm just trying to wring all the information out of the context I can so I can learn something lol


So I started this deck for an elderly friend in late March. And it'll be done finally after today. Getting his last liquor shelves done. He's undecided if he wants the ceiling and lower half of the walls insulated. He doesn't think it'll make much difference in winter even if he plastics the windows. I think it will though. I framed it where it can be insulated and drywalled on lower half of walls, and ceiling if he wants to lol. Rj19 will slide right into the ceiling. And one 2x4 per panel down low and same.

I'm very proud of this one. Haven't been able to do anything this big before.
Fuckin eh bubba that’s awesomeness large!


while i appreciate that this is not the place for political talk i gotta think we as americans are screwed. while over the years i have cringed about the freaks and corrupt phonies that run this country the presidential candidates we are "allowed" to have at this point truly exemplify just how rotten the state of affairs we face today are.... 😳😭😱


while i appreciate that this is not the place for political talk i gotta think we as americans are screwed. while over the years i have cringed about the freaks and corrupt phonies that run this country the presidential candidates we are "allowed" to have at this point truly exemplify just how rotten the state of affairs we face today are.... 😳😭😱
But the entertainment value is A++🤣

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