Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Framing is hard fucking work and only for the young

I hear that ❤️

If only knew then what I know now ✌️💨
I helped my friend build his house after work “real work” for months( we were in our mid 20 to late 20s. I kid you not. There was a crew of middle aged framers who built 3 two story houses next to us in the time it took my buddy and I to fish his!😂the guys nickname was “animal”😂


Or maybe the Wuhan lab leaked the next bioengineered bird flu 😷 🤔🤣
Damn, I got a meme for that🤣
It's funny, when I have the choice of which plants to grow and then breed I NEVER choose any with funky growth to start off. Ever. My GDP has got some weird shit like that and the first thing I do is mark their solo cups with an X and they won't be included in breeding, no matter how beautiful they have become. Hell, I had a spider wind up a top just a month ago and I had to top the plant to remove the webbing and I Xed that cup. Today she's a Bute and I MIGHT reconsider being it was environmental but still doubtful.

I was yacking yesterday with another grower about all the time and work it takes to create or improve a strain. I'm going on 5 years now with GDP and I'm afraid I'm still a generation or two away from 75% purple plants. I'll know more come this fall when the weather changes but damn, this is a long haul to get there.


What's the difference between a Maserati and a pile of dead babies?

I don't have a Maserati in my garage.
17nt98 9


Something is raiding nests. Bet it’s an owl or some shit.
Owls are badasses, we got some big son the bitches here too, sometimes at night I'll see one standing in my driveway waiting for field mice to run out from my wood pile

Problem I have is birds keep flying into my windows, all kinds of birds from little sparrows & finches to this unfortunate hawk that bounced off one last year, surprised he didn't come through!
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Well I’m a retired tower climber and I’m here to say, The RF that cascades down 2000ft guyed towers most certainly fucks with wildlife in too many way. I seen a boatload of birds Kamakazi the towerr over the 1600ft mark, I’ve even seen the hop across a sector catwalk and jump, never flap, and disappear through the clouds., radiation from those tower at the focal point of the dish…..
My ribs are scarred from swing out in front of one, shit is no joke. 👊🏻🤡

Now on clear days the birds do eventually start flapping again if they dont hit a guyed wire before they snap too. Osprey like to nest on towers too, the. Things will rip your face off if you get close to a nest with eggs. On tower the barely register your there pulling a bunch and f crazy shit up his house. 😂

And bees wasps are the weirdest one, now I intuitively we get the fuck away from a stinging insect hive on the double, on tower no need, they land on and chill. While you climb on by.
Normally they would fuck you up. One hammer swing on a tower legwakes them quick. Now towers that are not hanging RF?
there no fast way down a tower. Your day h just got ruined 👊🏻🤡😂


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡


Hey, actually I was hoping to resurrect my big bud seeds from 86 with the successful mowie and Kona 86 but the big bud seeds just took too much of a beating over 38 years.

You have any bb seeds?
Ya got those OJ x big buds I sent 🤣

Those seeds make nice plants. They all have that big bud extra long middle finger. But there's also more pheno drift then I expected. More then my peaceblaster F1 honestly.

And they're pretty derpy. 6/7 female so far, and 3/6 of those females have been mutant weirdos lol

Being honest I prob don't recommend popping those, that opinion may change after I see some flowers though lmao.

I will get some good pics now that they're big plants when I get home though


Damn, I got a meme for that🤣
It's funny, when I have the choice of which plants to grow and then breed I NEVER choose any with funky growth to start off. Ever. My GDP has got some weird shit like that and the first thing I do is mark their solo cups with an X and they won't be included in breeding, no matter how beautiful they have become. Hell, I had a spider wind up a top just a month ago and I had to top the plant to remove the webbing and I Xed that cup. Today she's a Bute and I MIGHT reconsider being it was environmental but still doubtful.

I was yacking yesterday with another grower about all the time and work it takes to create or improve a strain. I'm going on 5 years now with GDP and I'm afraid I'm still a generation or two away from 75% purple plants. I'll know more come this fall when the weather changes but damn, this is a long haul to get there.
I do the same usually. The amount of stress testing, and time put into the pheno selections for my peaceblaster is kinda ridiculous. Took close to 10 years. Idk I don't really keep track of time. I'm about to start playing with making some stable seed batches just hunting interesting traits though too though lol

For PB.

If they had mutated growth, nope.

if they hermied from stress, even burning them until they were a sad miserable twig with a single flower, nope.

If they needed to be tied open away from thenselces to pull good yield, nope.

If the highs had anything remotely close to anxiety or jitters. Nope. Had to be a good mood, and a smile.

If it smelled like fruits or candy. Nope.

Multi generation non inbred F1. Not a single trash bin pheno yet either.

Those are the Pitbulls that are making my other plants look like pugs right now.

Not one misformed leaf anywhere, on any of them. Not one needs any training either.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Ya got those OJ x big buds I sent 🤣

Those seeds make nice plants. They all have that big bud extra long middle finger. But there's also more pheno drift then I expected. More then my peaceblaster F1 honestly.

And they're pretty derpy. 6/7 female so far, and 3/6 of those females have been mutant weirdos lol

Being honest I prob don't recommend popping those, that opinion may change after I see some flowers though lmao.

I will get some good pics now that they're big plants when I get home though
I know, but the ones @wallywonks has looks just like the same shit I grew in 03. It’s not crossed either.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I do the same usually. The amount of stress testing, and time put into the pheno selections for my peaceblaster is kinda ridiculous. Took close to 10 years. Idk I don't really keep track of time. I'm about to start playing with making some stable seed batches just hunting interesting traits though too though lol

For PB.

If they had mutated growth, nope.

if they hermied from stress, even burning them until they were a sad miserable twig with a single flower, nope.

If they needed to be tied open away from thenselces to pull good yield, nope.

If the highs had anything remotely close to anxiety or jitters. Nope. Had to be a good mood, and a smile.

If it smelled like fruits or candy. Nope.

Multi generation non inbred F1. Not a single trash bin pheno yet either.

Those are the Pitbulls that are making my other plants look like pugs right now.

Not one misformed leaf anywhere, on any of them. Not one needs any training either.
Yeah, I’ll kill an entire pheno if I’m breeding and toss it over a mutant or anomalous growth Pattern…

It’s how we at least mitigate some of the shit in breeding at least.
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