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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Woo hoo my new lights came today! Just unboxed one of em, and I gotta say quite impressed with their gear so far. Seems to be really good quality. Super stoked about the detachable drivers, bye bye insane heat in the tent! Got another couple weeks on the run thats in there and I can start revamping the tent 👊👊

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Fucking build quality is insane with them. Components as well.
It’s crazy how much a temp savings that little move is.
Do t know if I said it yet, you have some damned chops bro. gonna be crazy seeing you pull colas with that shit. 👊🏻🤡


Raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia?
the plant is from wild harvested seed collected in high desert mountains of bolivia by Ben Camm of sacred succulents in the 70s.

It'll survive where you live, i already know it will lol.

Ya want one? ill send it this week sometime. I could drop a cut of this plant this size in a facebook group and have $120 in my paypal in under 5 minutes. You can grow these part shade anywhere in texas, and even plant em in ground and leave them without bringing them in if your winters are mild enough.

This thing could probably make a 15 foot stand in 10 years if you feed it well where you live lol.

Ever seen a tree bow to you while you unintentionally held a funeral for it's life long friend, the fallen giant by the creek? I have lol. This is a cool plant. It showed me phosynthesis happening in real tie at the microscopic level once. Even showed me the secret to using it to remove the carbon from the environment, but then wouldnt let me keep it. I had a telepathic experience of mutual understanding with a wild possum once with this plant. After that night he lived in our yard keeping the ticks down for about 3 years til he died.

This plant is the single most prized and valued plant in my entire collection, all species included. This is not your average san pedro cactus. I learn paradigm-shattering fundamental truths, and am given genuine insight into existence, and the nature of reality every single time i consume this plant. I can put my hand on a tree and feel every single thing it does when i consume this plant. I can see the force of gravity itself, and i can see the silhouettes of other people already doing what they are about to do with this plant.

Its not fractals and funny feelings, its nothing at all like that lol.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
the plant is from wild harvested seed collected in high desert mountains of bolivia by Ben Camm of sacred succulents in the 70s.

It'll survive where you live, i already know it will lol.

Ya want one? ill send it this week sometime. I could drop a cut of this plant this size in a facebook group and have $120 in my paypal in under 5 minutes. You can grow these part shade anywhere in texas, and even plant em in ground and leave them without bringing them in if your winters are mild enough.

This thing could probably make a 15 foot stand in 10 years if you feed it well where you live lol.

Ever seen a tree bow to you while you unintentionally held a funeral for it's life long friend, the fallen giant by the creek? I have lol. This is a cool plant.

got chills typing that last part. This plant is the single most prized and valued plant in my entire collection, all species included. This is not your average san pedro cactus.
It’ll grow I have a bunch of San Pedro here. I can just throw it in the ground forget about it , rake in the fall. Find it rooted and ready to rip.
That’d be cool though, sounds like a strain I don’t have.


It’ll grow I have a bunch of San Pedro here. I can just throw it in the ground forget about it , rake in the fall. Find it rooted and ready to rip.
That’d be cool though, sounds like a strain I don’t have.
ss02 is the most renouned, respected, and appreciated cactus cutting im aware of that exists.

Its not the common predominant cultivar of san pedro. It would take about 25 feet of those pachanoi plants to equate to the alkaloid content of 8" of this plant lol.

Its more alkaloid ritch they peyote is.

It does also need a little more TLC food and water wise then your usual san pedro. San pedro is the common name for the species trichocereus pachanoi. This is trichocereus bridgesii, the most alkaloid rich species of columnar cacti known, and it's ss02, which is one of the most alkaloid rich bridgessi known.

SS02 is honestly probably the single most desirable and coveted of all san pedro cultivars around today.

This is not a inexpensive san pedro cactus found online for sale somewhere. Not gonna hapen, good luck lmao.

You probably wont even find this species of cactus for sell online anywhere, and thats very intentional. The only reason there is even a predmoninat cultivar of san pedro is to protect the real plants from prohibition.

It would be VERY ideal if the federal government continued thinking the trichocereus cactuses only have like 0.05% alkaloid by dry flesh weight like most san pedro cutting found. (pachanoi) I do call em all san pedros oon habit, but this isnt san pedro, its bolivian torch. Different species of cactus all together.

There is a very good reason im offering you this specific plant lol. Consider it sent.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
ss02 is the most renouned, respected, and appreciated san pedro cutting im aware of that exists.

Its not the common predominant cultivar of san pedro. It would take about 25 feet of those pachanoi plants to equate to the alkaloid content of 8" of this plant lol.

Its more alkaloid ritch they peyote lol.

It does also need a little more TLC food and water wise then your usual san pedro. San pedro is the common name for the species trichocereus pachanoi. This is trichocereus bridgesii, the most alkaloid rich species of columnar cacti known, and it's ss02, which is one of the most alkaloid rich bridgessi known.

SS02 is honestly probably the single most desirable and coveted of all san pedro cultivars around today.

This is not a inexpensive san pedro cactus found online for sale somewhere. Not gonna hapen, good luck lmao.

You probably wont even find this species of cactus for sell online anywhere, and thats very intentional. The only reason there is even a predmoninat cultivar of san pedro is to protect the real plants from prohibition.

It would be VERY ideal if the federal government continued thinking the trichocereus cactuses only have like 0.05% alkaloid by dry flesh weight like san pedro (pachanoi)
I usually just head west to the 30ft cactus, park, fill a few boxes and dip. A lot of variety at ridge bases and low spots.


I usually just head west to the 30ft cactus, park, fill a few boxes and dip. A lot of variety at ridge bases and low spots.
the only thing planted in commercial property is the predominant cultivar of san pedro. And it only grows wild in south american high desert mountains.

Youd have to go to a legit botanical garden to find any others that arent in someones private property, and are also not the PC san pedro.

Promise there is nowhere you can just run to and cut a plant like this. Would bet money lol. Not gonna happen. its worth hundreds of dollars a foot on the cacti collector markets. Often more if no one else is selling any at the time. And if you did, you'd have some very upset collector out for your blood, because you cut the single most valuable plant in his entire collection lol.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I guess I was lucky, I mean other than my hand being hamburger for the first couple weeks of swinging that hammer. No one fucked with me like that but I did haul a ton of wood by hand those first couple months until we got a new guy😉
New guy is what I refer to as “whizzbang”
I have known many,
Named after the ordinance we used in war back in the day, they roll in cause carnage, and a little more carnage, and ask you for lunch money daily, then watch them not eat, and buy a couple beers at the end of the days

Fucking whizz bang,
Picks up a left handed worm drive circular saw, and can’t make a straight cut alllllllll day.
And wonders why? like he chose the wrong grail at the end of the last crusade all ride home.
Yeesh, 😂


Wife had to help so I could get all the tomatoes on the plant in one picture haha, every tomato plant is stacked like this down the line, blemish free and huge already already 2-3 flower sets above these already 🤣🤣

And the cucumbers and zucchini are stackin lol
Lookin’ good man!! A word of advise that you may already know..

Whenever you harvest a cluster of indeterminate tomatoes, prune off EVERY leaf below that cluster. Keep that up all season. Every leaf below the last harvested cluster will do nothing aside from increase the odds of disease.


Best San Pedro I’ve had was from a special spot in Peru. Totally different spirits inhabit those cuts..
they use bolivian torch down there, thats why its so good. I cn identify most species of trichocereus on a glance, everything they are using is t bridgesii for those tourist brews. They do that to make sure it works every brew lol.

Like i said, ive had trees bow to me as ive accidentally held females for their fallen friends with this plant. Telepathic experiences of mutual understanding with other life, animal and plant both. It can show you the silhouettes of life doing what they do before they even do it. Ive been shown photosynthesis in real time at the micro level.

Every time i consume this plant, its like the hand of god itself is reaching down, removing all my pain, my anguish, and replacing it with energy, and pure love. It doesnt do fractal light shows, it doesnt do hallucinations, itll take everything you thought was bogus but isnt, and everything you thought was real but isnt, and show it to you in the most loving, slow moving and respectful way i can imagine.

Every time i consume this bridgesii cutting, i am taught directly by a staggeringly powerful force much larger then i am or ever will be.

The spirit is in the plants Ramm777, i assure you, i have been collection these plants for a very very long time. And there is a damn good reason this one is so valuble on the collector market.

ss02 came from seed harvest from Don Robert Howard's personal bolivian torch (brisgessii) patch in the high bolivian mountains. This is species, and the genetics used in the majority of practicing curandera's brews down there lol.

ss02 is actually a lot more powerful when prepared properly then anything ive sat it on, Peru, or Native American church. And i definitely am not saying this to say how good it is.

This plant coming from me to captain, from my perspective, is the single most respectful gift i could give another cultivator of plants.

It feels me with a profound sense of honor, and spiritual satisfaction both for me to gift someone this particular plant. The grandfather's spirit is with this plant everywhere it goes. It only goes where it intends to go, im absolutely 100% convinced of that.

@Rama777 id love tot gift you one as well.


they use bolivian torch down there, thats why its so good. I cn identify most species of trichocereus on a glance, everything they are using is t bridgesii for those tourist brews. They do that to make sure it works every brew lol.

Like i said, ive had trees bow to me as ive accidentally held females for their fallen friends with this plant. Telepathic experiences of mutual understanding with other life, animal and plant both. It can show you the silhouettes of life doing what they do before they even do it. Ive been shown photosynthesis in real time at the micro level.

Every time i consume this plant, its like the hand of god itself is reaching down, removing all my pain, my anguish, and replacing it with energy, and pure love. It doesnt do fractal light shows, it doesnt do hallucinations, itll take everything you thought was bogus but isnt, and everything you thought was real but isnt, and show it to you in the most loving, slow moving and respectful way i can imagine.

Every time i consume this bridgesii cutting, i am taught directly by a staggeringly powerful force much larger then i am or ever will be.

The spirit is in the plants Ramm777, i assure you, i have been collection these plants for a very very long time. And there is a damn good reason this one is so valuble on the collector market.

ss02 came from seed harvest from Don Robert Howard's personal bolivian torch (brisgessii) patch in the high bolivian mountains. This is species, and the genetics used in the majority of practicing curandera's brews down there lol.

ss02 is actually a lot more powerful when prepared properly then anything ive sat it on, Peru, or Native American church. And i definitely am not saying this to say how good it is.

This plant coming from me to captain, from my perspective, is the single most respectful gift i could give another cultivator of plants.

It feels me with a profound sense of honor, and spiritual satisfaction both for me to gift someone this particular plant. The grandfather's spirit is with this plant everywhere it goes.

@Rama777 id love tot gift you one as well.
I feel you man! We gotta meet up in person soon anyways..


Ive always been fascinated with all drugs from nature. Sadly you dont find much here. Psilocybin and some herbs but many of them have nasty side effects, like, you know, death, so Ive just looked at them. Still cool though. How historically significant many of these plants have been.
if you make a list of true psychedlic compounds (indole based tryptamines)

Not only would a portion of your natural brain chemistry be found on that list, but every compound on the list, save a few modern research chemicals, and compounds like ibogaine, would also be considerably *less toxic then thc technically. Psilocybin, lsd, dmt, all orders of magnitude less toxic then thc actually. No ones been able to even kill a rat yet with pure compound LSD. Although you could drown the rat in a bucket of it i guess. But youd be wasting like $2 billion worth of acid to prove that rats can drown in liquids.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Ive always been fascinated with all drugs from nature. Sadly you dont find much here. Psilocybin and some herbs but many of them have nasty side effects, like, you know, death, so Ive just looked at them. Still cool though. How historically significant many of these plants have been.
Some 5meo Dmt, 😂
Some? Adorable blotter art
A special batch of acacia and mimosa mix DMT pull
DMT on the frost precipitation, it’ll be ready ina few hours.
A clean pull of fresh 5meo
And some legit decendant penis envy via a spore stamp mocked up in a syringe, Terrence mckenna brought that strain from the Amazon in the 70s with some spore prints.
Colonized grain spawn, now we fruit them!!!!!
Or free air exchange.
Some daily micro dose medication I make
It works.
Golden teachers

Brought to you by Carl’s Jr,
We have a new location, on the motherfucking moon 🌑

This ain’t poison homie.
This is freedom, and love for the intangible.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
if you make a list of true psychedlic compounds (indole based tryptamines)

Not only would a portion of your natural brain chemistry be found on that list, but every compound on the list, save a few modern research chemicals, and compounds like ibogaine, would also be considerably *less toxic then thc technically. Psilocybin, lsd, dmt, all orders of magnitude less toxic then thc actually. No ones been able to even kill a rat yet with pure compound LSD. Although you could drown the rat in a bucket of it i guess. But youd be wasting like $2 billion worth of acid to prove that rats can drown in liquids.
You may shit yourself and chew on your own hand drooling and babbling.
Tomorrow ain’t too lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngg away. 😂

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