Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What do you want your humidity at during in flower? My grows not using a humidifier the highest I could ever get the humidity at was 50%. When it was time to water it would be at 29-30% watts in my 2X4. Now that I got the 5X5 if the plants are freshly watered I am up to 60% or even higher when lights go out. Which eventually creeps down to 50ish where the humidifier will kick on later in the day when the ac is pumping hard, this is dependent on when I last watered them and how many I watered. For example I watered all of them yesterday (8). The humidifier hasn’t turned on and probably won’t for a few days. When I water the smaller ones a few days later or just the bigger ones I get similar results, high humidity above 50. My weather app states humidity is 28 indoors. So the extra humidity is either coming from the pots water or the plants themselves. The increase in humidity drops when I open the tent in the morning rapidly. The increase when I close it doesn’t climb rapidly. There’s an intake and exhaust fan running. I may have set the exhaust to off at a temperature. I got to check on that one but I can tell the intake is still running at all times. I was checking out dehumidifiers . They seem pricey and don’t have a lot of good reviews. The vivosun lol were some of the worst. Quite frankly I don’t want to use a dehumidifier. My hvac removes humidity on it’s own for one . Second the room is next to one of the hvac intake which the hvac sucks airflow into which has sensors to tell it what to do. Also the air is so dry here I used a baby humidifier next to my bed when sleeping because the air is so dry… discontinued that. One stopped working, bought the same brand. Leaked all over the carpet furniture and in the electronics. I got another but it some owl one for kids. My dog refused to go in any room with the owl blowing smoking water out it’s head.🤣
I mean I don’t blame her, I don’t know what I would do if I saw a smoking owl. It’s not like we are at the bohemian grove 😳
IMG 1789
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Some 5meo Dmt, 😂
Some? Adorable blotter art
A special batch of acacia and mimosa mix DMT pull
DMT on the frost precipitation, it’ll be ready ina few hours.
A clean pull of fresh 5meo
And some legit decendant penis envy via a spore stamp mocked up in a syringe, Terrence mckenna brought that strain from the Amazon in the 70s with some spore prints.
Colonized grain spawn, now we fruit them!!!!!
Or free air exchange.
Some daily micro dose medication I make
It works.
Golden teachers

Brought to you by Carl’s Jr,
We have a new location, on the motherfucking moon 🌑

This ain’t poison homie.
This is freedom, and love for the intangible.


Fucking build quality is insane with them. Components as well.
It’s crazy how much a temp savings that little move is.
Do t know if I said it yet, you have some damned chops bro. gonna be crazy seeing you pull colas with that shit. 👊🏻🤡
Thanks bro, yep I'm amped to do a major redo in the big tent! Not sure what I wanna get goin in there first, but got a few things on deck. Had some of your beans going till my friends vultured em up. But I did manage to keep a Cali blues stashed in the mom closet, may take some cuts off that 🤔
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I like the spiral bendy things!
It’s literally wire pulled from the casing from a roll of 12/2 romex wire lol, I strip the casing and use the individual wires to bend them as needed, they are may go to LST / bonzai material bends and holds and can be reused as many times as ya want I just wipe them off with a bleached rag after each grow and throw them in a pile usually


It’s literally wire pulled from the casing from a roll of 12/2 romex wire lol, I strip the casing and use the individual wires to bend them as needed, they are may go to LST / bonzai material bends and holds and can be reused as many times as ya want I just wipe them off with a bleached rag after each grow and throw them in a pile usually
lol, me too! I feel silly using copper but I love the rigidity.


What do you want your humidity at during in flower? My grows not using a humidifier the highest I could ever get the humidity at was 50%. When it was time to water it would be at 29-30% watts in my 2X4. Now that I got the 5X5 if the plants are freshly watered I am up to 60% or even higher when lights go out. Which eventually creeps down to 50ish where the humidifier will kick on later in the day when the ac is pumping hard, this is dependent on when I last watered them and how many I watered. For example I watered all of them yesterday (8). The humidifier hasn’t turned on and probably won’t for a few days. When I water the smaller ones a few days later or just the bigger ones I get similar results, high humidity above 50. My weather app states humidity is 28 indoors. So the extra humidity is either coming from the pots water or the plants themselves. The increase in humidity drops when I open the tent in the morning rapidly. The increase when I close it doesn’t climb rapidly. There’s an intake and exhaust fan running. I may have set the exhaust to off at a temperature. I got to check on that one but I can tell the intake is still running at all times. I was checking out dehumidifiers . They seem pricey and don’t have a lot of good reviews. The vivosun lol were some of the worst. Quite frankly I don’t want to use a dehumidifier. My hvac removes humidity on it’s own for one . Second the room is next to one of the hvac intake which the hvac sucks airflow into which has sensors to tell it what to do. Also the air is so dry here I used a baby humidifier next to my bed when sleeping because the air is so dry… discontinued that. One stopped working, bought the same brand. Leaked all over the carpet furniture and in the electronics. I got another but it some owl one for kids. My dog refused to go in any room with the owl blowing smoking water out it’s head.🤣
I mean I don’t blame her, I don’t know what I would do if I saw a smoking owl. It’s not like we are at the bohemian grove 😳View attachment 2208757
I’m running at about 55% RH in my flower tent as per usual, keep that air exchange up and air circulation and shouldn’t be a problem, im also running a large AC in the flower room, I pretty much ignore low RH but anything over 60 I get nervous, came home one day from work to my flower tent in week 7 at 78% RH took 3 days to get it to lower back to 50-55% even running a 4500sq ft dehu but I kept the airflow up, opened up the doors for a few minutes here and there during the dark period to let some larger volumes of lung room air in and, no mold, no issues, got lucky.

But I’ve never had a mold issue flowering at 55-62% as long as that air was moving

Also how you say the RH drops before you water, mine does too I use that as my timer to know it’s time to pick up the pot and check if it’s time to water


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
. Bc not
Hey I use the bare ground wire too! Haha no waste here!

But it just holds!
Been using it forever now. My crusty ass ground wire pieces really pay their way, need a quick s hook? Done, you need a stake, done
Lamp mounting tie down? Done. Wire tie? Hells yes. Back scratcher? Oh hell yes?

You could say, it really tied the room together,
Did it not dude? Well, did it not?

I’m calmer than you are dude 🤡
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. Bc not
Been using it forever now. My crusty ass ground wire pieces really pay their way, need a quick s hook? Done, you need a stake, done
Lamp mounting tie down? Done. Wire tie? Hells yes. Back scratcher? Oh hell yes?

You could say, it really tied the room together,
Did it not dude? Well, did it not?

I’m calmer than you are dude 🤡
Imma steal that hydrometer idea with my mason jars that’s brilliant hahaha I did that with my little cloner hood never thought about a mason jar and some JB weld haha

Yeah you’re probably calmer haha just finishing up at work so o haven’t moved in awhile 🤣 hope the neighbors are ready for a 7am fattie 🤣🤣🤣


. Bc not
Been using it forever now. My crusty ass ground wire pieces really pay their way, need a quick s hook? Done, you need a stake, done
Lamp mounting tie down? Done. Wire tie? Hells yes. Back scratcher? Oh hell yes?

You could say, it really tied the room together,
Did it not dude? Well, did it not?

I’m calmer than you are dude 🤡
You use those spare lights when you do your over under? Or just old spares now?

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