Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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Smart. Our kids decided not to follow in my footsteps seeing me being whittled away daily but they never worked with me. Shame. Eldest tried local college, wasn't for him. He's a night owl and works stocking overnights in Seattle. Hates it but gotta do something. Youngest tried North Arizona State at $10k a year, partied away a couple years and today works at WinCo, department manager making $75k a year.

They saw me come home Many days beat to shit so can't blame 'em for not wanting to learn but everyone should learn a little something of how to repair a toilet or a leaking faucet. At least the basics.
Hey it’s what we strive for as parents right? Let our children have better than we did, I always wanted to build stuff so it was a no brainer I hated school, always skipping to go smoke etc, so the old man said either you’re going to school or work, so at 14 i said work he said be up at 430 tomorrow you’re coming with me, and I did, for the next 15 years, my brother and sister don’t know my old man at all compared to me, neither of them could change a window blind if they had to.


A little GDP foreplay
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20240629 170937

Get that afternoon sun just right and you can see the sun kissing that boy. He's a stunner. One of the biggest and strongest yet but that's what I've been breeding for, and the color of course. Day 3 coming to an end.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Yeah, I know light stress, I accidentally, and I’m at a loss when I did it, cranked the 7000 to 85% from 60%I start ramping up into mid late flower which is this coming Tuesday for some, I keep under the g4500 at 50-60% to allow new plants to acclimate, as they get older they will be moved to the back and around the room like a Chinese fire drill, but I’m a little blown away I let that one by me….

Regardless, mowie 86 fem, I’m calling it the “baby d” pheno, it’s def no slouch, to the right is a jet feul og leaf that’s the next biggest plant. Wild to compare. Real sativa is cracking
IMG 5992


Yeah, I know light stress, I accidentally, and I’m at a loss when I did it, cranked the 7000 to 85% from 60%I start ramping up into mid late flower which is this coming Tuesday for some, I keep under the g4500 at 50-60% to allow new plants to acclimate, as they get older they will be moved to the back and around the room like a Chinese fire drill, but I’m a little blown away I let that one by me….

Regardless, mowie 86 fem, I’m calling it the “baby d” pheno, it’s def no slouch, to the right is a jet feul og leaf that’s the next biggest plant. Wild to compare. Real sativa is cracking
betcha that plant could handle like 16" off a 1kw hps if temps and humidity were in check.

Id bet it could take a full 10 hours of equator sun and eat it up like nothing lol just like the peaceblasters. The peaceblasters seem like they dont even know how to use LED light correctly or something. Put em in real sun and they explode.

They would be getting crispy already if they got exposed to the amount of LED light that maui already has been lol. Im prob gonna bump the cali blues and punch pie up to 10" tomorrow and see how long it takes em to put their hands down lol.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
betcha that plant could handle like 16" off a 1kw hps if temps and humidity were in check.

Id bet it could take a full 10 hours of equator sun and eat it up like nothing lol just like the peaceblasters. The peaceblasters seem like they dont even know how to use LED light correctly or something. Put em in real sun and they explode.

They would be getting crispy already if they got exposed to the amount of LED light that maui already has been lol. Im prob gonna bump the cali blues and punch pie up to 10" tomorrow and see how long it takes em to put their hands down lol.
Only thing out of wack was my lights output.
Everything else is golden. I have a window unit in the lung room and central air. I’m gravy , elec bill ain’t tho hahahaha


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
betcha that plant could handle like 16" off a 1kw hps if temps and humidity were in check.

Id bet it could take a full 10 hours of equator sun and eat it up like nothing lol just like the peaceblasters. The peaceblasters seem like they dont even know how to use LED light correctly or something. Put em in real sun and they explode.

They would be getting crispy already if they got exposed to the amount of LED light that maui already has been lol. Im prob gonna bump the cali blues and punch pie up to 10" tomorrow and see how long it takes em to put their hands down lol.
Slap em around a bit. 🤌🏻💪🏻🫵👊🏻


Only thing out of wack was my lights output.
Everything else is golden. I have a window unit in the lung room and central air. I’m gravy , elec bill ain’t tho hahahaha

I really do think this is one of the funniest memes of all time.

when growers first started using HID lamps to grow pot back in the day, some breeders actually intentionally selected plants that performed better under artificial lighting. Some did it unintentionally. But everyone who bred under them did that selecting lol.

Same is currently happening with LED lighting systems i think and the weird LED specific sensitivities will prob even out through time. It's actually hard to find a plant that doesnt thrive under HPS lighting these days. Eventually it'll role reverse.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Proxima Centauri was beautiful.
As the Swedish chef once said…..
Schmurggity burguttiy
Ohhh burgen schmurgen.

Wild shit. Outlines of beings behind pinwheels of sacred geometry. There was a moment. Of a color flood with bright flashes of energy, with some truly welcoming vibes. The entities we tune into when we do go in trip, I’m convinced that they are just as curious as us. It’s a link to a subconscious connection with…….something more. What is madness if we are not around to perceive it as such? Madness is a construct. Going to the edge of the galaxy to kick it with the intangibles many seem to a square a bit off the deep end.
Indeed. Inmotherfuckingdeed
Sometimes after I defrag the hard drive I get a bit introspective. Every time I do, it’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done save the last dose of coarse.

📐 pinnacle shit.
IMG 6081


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
They teach kids nowadays that she most likely was marooned in an island not far from the search area, that fucking coconut crabs most likely eaten her and drug back to the sea. Cthulhu wins, flawless victory.

Legit tho, fuck those hellspawn. I’m breaking out my .45 and doing the world a favor 👊🏻🤡
IMG 6084
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