Your plants in VEG! Veg plant photo, cloning discussion , share your pre flower prep!

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I dinā€™t have time to read 43 pages of posts but I put in half an hour and I wanted to add my two cents. It seems like a good idea to let folks see the various paths taken.

Iā€™ve completed 5 tent grows but each of them was with liquid nutes and there were issues each time. I always managed to harvest several ounces but I also encountered yellowing leaves and diminished growth. I canā€™t say I was happy with that path.

This is the healthiest tent grow Iā€™ve had yet. This is a 7 gallon fabric pot with %50 Build-a-soil and %50 Ocean Forest and sand to start, and rain water and Build-a-flower amendments only since then, 100% organic soil grow. Week 6 of veg and the leaves and stems are green!

Number one, itā€™s been a lot easier since Iā€™m not calculating and mixing nutes, keeping track of pH, PPM and timing. Not doing any of that. So far, no issues and I feel much calmer and having a more enjoyable, less stressful experience.

I gave the Bubba Kush seedling 300 ppfd and she was short with big leaves from the start. I super cropped the main stem above the 4th node and trained it to the side. Iā€™ve grown out the stems from below the bend. I did allow a few additional suckers off the main stem above the bend so she now has 13 tops. Iā€™ve removed suckers below 3 nodes from the top to prevent more tops and force growth up on the stems I have. I might remove the shorter tops before flip.

Sheā€™s currently 12 inches tall and I have enough tent headroom to let her veg to 18 inches so I guess she might have a week or two to go in veg.
A lot more fun once we dial it in, eh?šŸ˜˜

Run with this and continue to read how others are doing something similar (the true beauty of the Farm) and continue to dial this in for YOU 'cause once you do that you'll never have to worry about top shelf smoke againšŸ˜‰


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šŸ¼ šŸš€
My outdoor post wind storm, they have been topped at least once a piece. All organic amendments minus one dose of kelp in the beginning and the mega crop line for a boost. After that craft blend and gaia 4 4 4 in small amounts, plus some castings are it. Water only occasionally if needed.


@mikedyour I used a set up similar to yours (pictured below) for my DIY SoG aeroponics system from like 2005-2010. The cloner was the same design with a run off to a reservoir below. The SoG system was self-contained. My emitters sprayed a super fine mist aimed at the base of the net pots on two sides for even coverage, longer root contact and the run off fed the roots as it trickled down. Eventually the tap roots sit in solition and can sip during the off/oxygenation cycle. I went with a fine mist because smaller droplets mean more root coverage and slower run off extending root contact during the on/feed cycle. On my set up I just drilled a hole in each of those squares on the lid for a net pot, reserving one hole in each for monitoring and topping up. The reservoir could drain from the bottom. Two fit perfectly into a 4x4 tent. Clones were rooted and got a short veg and then moved straight into the tent to flower. I think you will like that rig. šŸ‘
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Same tote and everything.
Glad I scrolled back I didnā€™t get tagged (tag got combined with ā€œyourā€)

I was gunna jump up to the next size tote and put a 6ā€ net basket in the center and give it a go, i belive itā€™s more aeroponics than hydro technically, as instead of sprayers you use atomizers,but Iā€™ve also heard growth rates in those systems are, explosive. We used to have a member who was designing a system, using the larger size of these totes as well, 4x fit perfectly into a 4x8 1 plant in each.


I dinā€™t have time to read 43 pages of posts but I put in half an hour and I wanted to add my two cents. It seems like a good idea to let folks see the various paths taken.

Iā€™ve completed 5 tent grows but each of them was with liquid nutes and there were issues each time. I always managed to harvest several ounces but I also encountered yellowing leaves and diminished growth. I canā€™t say I was happy with that path.

This is the healthiest tent grow Iā€™ve had yet. This is a 7 gallon fabric pot with %50 Build-a-soil and %50 Ocean Forest and sand to start, and rain water and Build-a-flower amendments only since then, 100% organic soil grow. Week 6 of veg and the leaves and stems are green!

Number one, itā€™s been a lot easier since Iā€™m not calculating and mixing nutes, keeping track of pH, PPM and timing. Not doing any of that. So far, no issues and I feel much calmer and having a more enjoyable, less stressful experience.

I gave the Bubba Kush seedling 300 ppfd and she was short with big leaves from the start. I super cropped the main stem above the 4th node and trained it to the side. Iā€™ve grown out the stems from below the bend. I did allow a few additional suckers off the main stem above the bend so she now has 13 tops. Iā€™ve removed suckers below 3 nodes from the top to prevent more tops and force growth up on the stems I have. I might remove the shorter tops before flip.

Sheā€™s currently 12 inches tall and I have enough tent headroom to let her veg to 18 inches so I guess she might have a week or two to go in veg.
Iā€™ve done a few 100% organic grows, twords the end they tend to fade quicker (for me at least) this current flower run I fully amended organically as I did the past multiple runs but have been adding in 1/4 dose of FF neuts to test how it will work In combination, and itā€™s excellent. While I do like pure organic bud, I have a good 18oz of it on hand to smoke, figured Iā€™d use up some of my old FF neuts I paid a fortune for a few years ago haha

But I still do not PH my water at all, I only hit with 1/4 dose of the FF, and water in, just to keep an eye on it I have one of those soil PH meters with the 2 prongs that stick into the soil, it averages roughly 6.5 so I just let it ride as long as I donā€™t see it jump above 7 or below 6 I consider it good


šŸ¼ šŸš€
Iā€™ve done a few 100% organic grows, twords the end they tend to fade quicker (for me at least) this current flower run I fully amended organically as I did the past multiple runs but have been adding in 1/4 dose of FF neuts to test how it will work In combination, and itā€™s excellent. While I do like pure organic bud, I have a good 18oz of it on hand to smoke, figured Iā€™d use up some of my old FF neuts I paid a fortune for a few years ago haha

But I still do not PH my water at all, I only hit with 1/4 dose of the FF, and water in, just to keep an eye on it I have one of those soil PH meters with the 2 prongs that stick into the soil, it averages roughly 6.5 so I just let it ride as long as I donā€™t see it jump above 7 or below 6 I consider it good
I find if I under amended they fade early, if it's my current super soil they fade latter on. That's just me though, I never use synthetic nutes to supplement. If I were to add anything it would be a compost tea i made or a ferment as a extra feeding or a bloom booster. That's just me though, I've run all organic for years now. I rarely ever use any salt based ever unless it's a caci or succulent, they seem to prefer to be fed a couple times a year with synthetics in a pot. That or I did a one time boost from megacrop for my outdoor garden. Salt based are just not my thing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thank you for the insight I'll keep an eye out. Is there a specific thing you would suggest that the grow lacked that FF provided? I
N mostly, could also be I was under feeding them but I was damn near full 3tbs gal suggested rates with the Gaia green while also using EWC tea (homemade) with the AN big mikes organic tea

My normal mix is promix BX M, additional perlite (about 20% of volume) Gaia green 4-4-4 or 2-8-4, in flower I even substitute 20% of the 2-8-4 for 4-4-4 in flower. Epsom, Gypsum, Azomite, EWC, great white shark Myco, might be missing something just got home, in and outta the tent and ripped a big jointšŸ¤£

this time Iā€™m using the micro and bloom, every 3rd watering 1/4 dose, in between those feedings is advanced nutrients organics big mikes OG tea and the 3rd watering is Cal Mag I start early before that week 3 cal pull starts so weā€™ll see how this goes šŸ˜


I find if I under amended they fade early, if it's my current super soil they fade latter on. That's just me though, I never use synthetic nutes to supplement. If I were to add anything it would be a compost tea i made or a ferment as a extra feeding or a bloom booster. That's just me though, I've run all organic for years now. I rarely ever use any salt based ever unless it's a caci or succulent, they seem to prefer to be fed a couple times a year with synthetics in a pot. That or I did a one time boost from megacrop for my outdoor garden. Salt based are just not my thing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
Not me either really, first time in a few grows since Iā€™ve used any, but I donā€™t mind a small amount her and there 1/4 recommended dose every 3rd watering itā€™s mainly for me and a few people I give out to just for free Iā€™ll work on a new mix and try again with the organic as itā€™s my preferred way to grow, same with the garden, any amendments I use are OMRI donā€™t wanna wreck the trainwreck lol or Iā€™d post them all again. But too many pics to post it all again I added a ton to my journal last night though


šŸ¼ šŸš€
Not me either really, first time in a few grows since Iā€™ve used any, but I donā€™t mind a small amount her and there 1/4 recommended dose every 3rd watering itā€™s mainly for me and a few people I give out to just for free Iā€™ll work on a new mix and try again with the organic as itā€™s my preferred way to grow, same with the garden, any amendments I use are OMRI donā€™t wanna wreck the trainwreck lol or Iā€™d post them all again. But too many pics to post it all again I added a ton to my journal last night though
I have some people I start plants for and those I will just hit with salts to push them hard to get them out the door since they are getting salts anyways. I think hydro is the peak of cannabis if done right, But my personal stash is as close to organic and like nature as possible. Just a preference, but I've been looking at nature and trying to mimic it as best as I can. Seeking out leaf mold in the forest, making my own amendments to experiment with. You never really see deficiencies in nature and I am trying to use good bugs to keep the bad bugs away. Planting certain plants to attract predator bugs and all that. Even companion planting. I've just been having fun with it man, nature is beautiful, I love it.
Been battling Japanese beetles so that has been a pia, getting geraniums to lure them away, as a side effect it also paralyzes then temporarily for easier capture. Milky spores on the grass for the babies. nature always has a way to remain in balance, just gotta learn her ways.
My current opponent...
Screenshot 20240630 112938 Brave



Aeroponics grows insane fat pearly whits happy roots. I had to stock up on net pots because the roots would trash them by the time I harvested and sometimes cut the roots to get the pots out. The roots liked to anchor on the tubing. IIRC I got the best results with a 15 min On/20 min Off cycle. I think I started at 30/30 but they seem to prefer a little shorter Off cycle for it to be a little longer then the On cycle. You saw how beefy those roots were that you got in a short time. Now image them after a full run. If I ever do hydro again I'm building a FOGoponics system. The design has been in my head for a couple decades. I tested a couple of small scale experimental designs that had some bugs but I think I've worked them out....on paper at least. I just haven't had opportunity to grow indoors.


I dinā€™t have time to read 43 pages of posts but I put in half an hour and I wanted to add my two cents. It seems like a good idea to let folks see the various paths taken.

Iā€™ve completed 5 tent grows but each of them was with liquid nutes and there were issues each time. I always managed to harvest several ounces but I also encountered yellowing leaves and diminished growth. I canā€™t say I was happy with that path.

This is the healthiest tent grow Iā€™ve had yet. This is a 7 gallon fabric pot with %50 Build-a-soil and %50 Ocean Forest and sand to start, and rain water and Build-a-flower amendments only since then, 100% organic soil grow. Week 6 of veg and the leaves and stems are green!

Number one, itā€™s been a lot easier since Iā€™m not calculating and mixing nutes, keeping track of pH, PPM and timing. Not doing any of that. So far, no issues and I feel much calmer and having a more enjoyable, less stressful experience.

I gave the Bubba Kush seedling 300 ppfd and she was short with big leaves from the start. I super cropped the main stem above the 4th node and trained it to the side. Iā€™ve grown out the stems from below the bend. I did allow a few additional suckers off the main stem above the bend so she now has 13 tops. Iā€™ve removed suckers below 3 nodes from the top to prevent more tops and force growth up on the stems I have. I might remove the shorter tops before flip.

Sheā€™s currently 12 inches tall and I have enough tent headroom to let her veg to 18 inches so I guess she might have a week or two to go in veg.
I would run 100% build a soil. Put it in a earth box. Amend with craft blend and watch it grow.


I would run 100% build a soil. Put it in a earth box. Amend with craft blend and watch it grow.
That sounds like a good idea. For now, I'm gonna watch what happens with what I got and then I'll be better informed for next grow. The two things I like about the earth box are the general size, (it would fit in my tent), and the self watering system, so that's on my radar.
When I was planning this grow I was not particularly enamored with Gaia Green or anything I needed to measure. That was a purely philosophical decision, partly about keeping under budget, some disgust with previous experience and partly about following a path closer to nature. In general, I want to have fewer bottles of chemicals in my house and I'd like to see if I can grow weed without them altogether.
But I appreciate all the feedback and suggestions.



Aeroponics grows insane fat pearly whits happy roots. I had to stock up on net pots because the roots would trash them by the time I harvested and sometimes cut the roots to get the pots out. The roots liked to anchor on the tubing. IIRC I got the best results with a 15 min On/20 min Off cycle. I think I started at 30/30 but they seem to prefer a little shorter Off cycle for it to be a little longer then the On cycle. You saw how beefy those roots were that you got in a short time. Now image them after a full run. If I ever do hydro again I'm building a FOGoponics system. The design has been in my head for a couple decades. I tested a couple of small scale experimental designs that had some bugs but I think I've worked them out....on paper at least. I just haven't had opportunity to grow indoors.

You know what, youā€™re right! He was making a FOGponics design. Had automated dosers, res emptying and refilling, was using fish tanks as nutrient tanks with valves dry up with homemade controllers he was designing and putting together with rasberry PIā€™s etc never saw it fully run after he left but saw some testing that looked really promising

I would run 100% build a soil. Put it in a earth box. Amend with craft blend and watch it grow.

Now that Iā€™m getting space set I may start an earth box in the new mini lab, make a nice room but itā€™ll be learning curve with 46ā€ total height, I was thinking it would be more of a SOG area if I did one Iā€™d design it more to be a rectangle so I could run a single line of 3 plants. I do prefer full organic as thatā€™s what all my bud in hand is but imma push these frostettes, after what I saw my last pheno do full organic I knew I had to push the absolute shit outta these to see what she can really do

All of these are organic grows, last 3 pics were the last Frostette clone run, this time Iā€™ll give them that extra edge with that 1/4 salt dose and see what they do also, that was in a 5 gallon bucket run 640g off 2 Frostette clones in a 2x4 scrog table

Canā€™t wait to see what these double size bushes in 12 gallon bags give out šŸ¤©

these pics are of:
Cali dream (from @Captspaulding) (2 different runs)
Cali blues also from cap (2 different runs)
Frostette (grape crĆØme cake x okie) (trust)
Gary Payton x okie (trust)
IMG 5557
IMG 5534
IMG 5535
IMG 4986
IMG 4951
IMG 4901
IMG 4902
IMG 4907
IMG 4675
IMG 4680
IMG 4601
IMG 4247
IMG 4248
IMG 3718
IMG 3703
IMG 3704


That sounds like a good idea. For now, I'm gonna watch what happens with what I got and then I'll be better informed for next grow. The two things I like about the earth box are the general size, (it would fit in my tent), and the self watering system, so that's on my radar.
When I was planning this grow I was not particularly enamored with Gaia Green or anything I needed to measure. That was a purely philosophical decision, partly about keeping under budget, some disgust with previous experience and partly about following a path closer to nature. In general, I want to have fewer bottles of chemicals in my house and I'd like to see if I can grow weed without them altogether.
But I appreciate all the feedback and suggestions.
I hear ya! But man Iā€™d kick myself in the ass if I threw all this out without using some of it up haha

Been on a bottom shelf for near 2 years, itā€™s still good so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ¤£

Yes I bought the whole lineupā€¦ as my wife says.. Mike always has to go big or go home hahahahahaha
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