The Uk Awesome Member And Growers Thread

  • Thread starter ghettogrower
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Gpw is the correct way to measure how much u can for gpw this doesn't mean efficency a guy can veg plants for 6 month before flip and take the flower to 12 week so a 9 month crop and get say 1 gpw and another guy can veg for 2 week and flower for 8 and still get 1 gpw :)




Gpw is the correct way to measure how much u can for gpw this doesn't mean efficency a guy can veg plants for 6 month before flip and take the flower to 12 week so a 9 month crop and get say 1 gpw and another guy can veg for 2 week and flower for 8 and still get 1 gpw :)

That's why g/kwh is important if you're counting costs any real business counts every cost including the entire electricity bill so why shouldn't we? We should factor every single cost including nutrients, maintenance I like numbers what can I say lol.

Or we could smoke another spliff and just count oz per month.

In fact oz per month per sqft is far far more useful calculation and super easy to do ;)

For most people it doesn't matter and I'm sure in gnome's case the benefits of adding co2 outweighs the cost otherwise he wouldn't do it lol but since none of us use CO2 we're playing in different ball parks and Gnome mommy loved him and got him the good baseball bat whilst we've got a bit of wood with a rusty nail in it ;)
G gnome

G gnome

That's why g/kwh is important if you're counting costs any real business counts every cost including the entire electricity bill so why shouldn't we? We should factor every single cost including nutrients, maintenance I like numbers what can I say lol.

Or we could smoke another spliff and just count oz per month.

In fact oz per month per sqft is far far more useful calculation and super easy to do ;)

For most people it doesn't matter and I'm sure in gnome's case the benefits of adding co2 outweighs the cost otherwise he wouldn't do it lol but since none of us use CO2 we're playing in different ball parks and Gnome mommy loved him and got him the good baseball bat whilst we've got a bit of wood with a rusty nail in it ;)
Im not getting the baseball bat thing.....


Not if you use a co2 controller 1400ppm is the ideal spot but you need to extract heat of the lights!

So to add Co2 you need to cool the heat the lights produce otherwise you are extracting the co2 quicker than you can add it.

There are 2 ways people commonly get co2
1. Propane bottle (Orange calor gas bottles) they use a heater that burns propane to produce co2+h20+heat the h20 and heat need to be removed that's why most people use air cons.

2. Compressed co2 bottle much more difficult to source but can be found at welding supply stores. Doesn't add heat and by far the best way to add co2 but also most expensive generally and most hassle. You still need air con to remove heat of lights.

You can air cool the lights on a separate circuit so the air is sucked from outside the tent and blown outside the tent without changing the internal air in the tent this would severely reduce cooling needs.

No US and Candians growers do lol.

Commercial growers of any product work on g/kwh of the entire grow area, heating, fans everything this is the only measurement that has any meaning at all for large scale commercial cropping of anything under lights not just cannabis.

Anything is really a meaningless measurement
On Monday Wednesday and Friday I do my grow room chores with anal beads but the rest of the week I have a vibrating butt plug on full power inserted right up there. Does that need to be factored in to my overall gpw?
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