Papa's Propagation Playland

  • Thread starter Papa Indica
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Well you know sometimes in most cases dealing with fresh air intakes or plants counts its allot harder then many think even with 5 degree difference in temp

Personally no matter which way a person grows Reg or Fem it still takes 4 - 5 weeks for them to mature .
So really who cares you mention your looking at seed tips in determining sex ??
but you been growing fem seeds now how long ?? maybe i read that wrong
it matters in not waisting time vegging out a 50% male crop.if im a breeder and already have the male i need,then why grow more males?i can save half on my utilities also.



it matters in not waisting time vegging out a 50% male crop.if im a breeder and already have the male i need,then why grow more males?i can save half on my utilities also.

I know but don't come crying that your harvest has seeds lol ..
99 percent of commercial growers take the time to sort out males ,, an if your a breeder males are more valuable then females
Think of it this way you have 10 elite plants out of the 10 one out performs the rest should you still call them other 9 elites ??? i think not
Same thing applies to males

How many times have you heard some growers growing fem seeds and finding a male or plants hermied or threw nannors that they never caught in time ???
I am very Curious how many plants do you grow ??? couple hundred or just a few ??

Which either way you choose to use fem or reg its up to the grower but i assure you most commercial grows are reg seed clones not feminized ...
Its just not worth losing big money over

Fem was made for growers in Spain and Italy where plant count matters :)
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i currently have 50vegging after a final topping.i usually run about 150 -200 a year.all from seed.most are bagseed breeds ive gathered over the years plus blueberry i bought from nl.
i always create new seed stock and work on my stock so none of my stuff runs real true but i also have things that would hang with the big dogs,i just dont share my stock or sell ten years ive released seeds to folks only twice.
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I know but don't come crying that your harvest has seeds lol ..
99 percent of commercial growers take the time to sort out males ,, an if your a breeder males are more valuable then females
Think of it this way you have 10 elite plants out of the 10 one out performs the rest should you still call them other 9 elites ??? i think not
Same thing applies to males

How many times have you heard some growers growing fem seeds and finding a male or plants hermied or threw nannors that they never caught in time ???
I am very Curious how many plants do you grow ??? couple hundred or just a few ??

Which either way you choose to use fem or reg its up to the grower but i assure you most commercial grows are reg seed clones not feminized ...
Its just not worth losing big money over

Fem was made for growers in Spain and Italy where plant count matters :)View attachment 641343
Is this yours ?


Is this yours ?
Hell no most i ever grew at one time was around 1200 plant grows and after 3 - 4 grows.
I tell you a person gets paranoid.

Either growing it or meeting up with a person selling, its scary shit which ever way you look at it.
When dealing with that much product

But i personally helped out and advised people doing this been offered big money to operate rooms like this,but refused.

As a person gets older not only does his balls sag ha ha, he just does not have to balls like he once had..

Point i was trying to put across is most people have plant limits, and most go way over there plant limits
So between fem or reg beans whats the difference ??? really

When the genes of two plants meet, the chromosomes all get thrown into a proverbial bag, shaken well, and thrown out in different combination.
The resulting progeny show characteristics of both plants in various ways.
Often times when recombining two plants that are polar opposites of one another, ie...a short season indica and a long flowering sativa, the resulting progeny will often show a good high degree of hybrid vigor and health.

On the other hand, if we breed two sibling plants, or plants of the same strain, the resulting progeny are far less diverse. A continuation of generation of a cross of similar genetics can eventually run into a phenomenon of inbreeding depression. The genetic material available (or lack of) for each subsequent breeding can lead the plant to less vigor and sometimes mutations that were once latent, can now show themselves.

When we force a female to pollinate herself, she has a stand of DNA that contains her genes, which is bred to an identical strand of genes. If we think about it, we have cut the available genetic material in half when we self a female. And the result can often times lead to the inbreeding depression I mentioned.

Yes, the two genetic maps of a forced female and herself are identical, but they get shaken up in the proverbial bag I mentioned, and the result can be close to the original but not always. It will depend on how the shake out takes.
Thing is, we have shorted ourself genetic material when we create an S1 and luck must be with us if we are to hope to get seeds that will be identical to the mother and donor.
And we will still need to do a grow and selection of the progeny to find the ones that shook out similar to the moms. We simply can't trust that S1 seeds will result in the same plant. Chances are there that it can, but also that it won't.


i totally agree with seeing it in my 5th generation bluberry.alot.for me the worst signs are in the early leaves.even numbers,offset leaves,splitting of leaves.about 30% of the plants i grow out of that strain.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

I can't believe I'm explaining this again...

With limited space along with limited resources and very limited physical ability due to my disability, running regs just doesn't work as well for me as fems. I don't want to be wasting my time, effort, growing space, and money on growing out something that I'm just going to throw away in the end.
I don't have the space, or even the desire really, to grow out males and start breeding so, males are no good to me, period.
People talk and talk and talk about the fems being so prone to herm and since I've been on the forums I've seen far more problems with regs herming that anything I've ever seen with fems. Of all the fems I've popped I had just one throw some male flowers down low and I know damn well I light stressed that one into doing it so, I just don't see it. Granted, I don't run any big numbers, in fact, I've far more often than not been below my states number allowed.
Things are far too difficult for me already without adding more work to it. I've had a bunch of nice sounding stuff given to me that I want to run but, they're mostly regs so, every once in awhile I'll try popping some but, I wouldn't buy regs for the reasons stated above and I won't be popping a bunch of regs at once either.
Fems definitely have their place with some of us and I've come across phenos that beat the hell out of some of these "elites" that I've had. So, to each their own I say.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

So, I felt the need to replace my flower tent ballast, I didn't much care for the high pitched whining sound coming from it all the time now and I really didn't need the piece of shit carving on me at some point and catching me with my pants down so, I bought the SolisTek ballast I've had my eye on for a while now.
I fired it up yesterday just to make sure there was no problem with it and I'm really happy with my choice. I have no doubt whatsoever that the light was brighter than I had seen it before, I can't wait to get my new Digilux bulb in there and get it fired up.
First time in a long time I've had my flower tent empty so I could clean it out and get some stuff done and it's nice to be able to do it but, I've got to get this thing producing again! lol


So, I felt the need to replace my flower tent ballast, I didn't much care for the high pitched whining sound coming from it all the time now and I really didn't need the piece of shit carving on me at some point and catching me with my pants down so, I bought the SolisTek ballast I've had my eye on for a while now.
I fired it up yesterday just to make sure there was no problem with it and I'm really happy with my choice. I have no doubt whatsoever that the light was brighter than I had seen it before, I can't wait to get my new Digilux bulb in there and get it fired up.
First time in a long time I've had my flower tent empty so I could clean it out and get some stuff done and it's nice to be able to do it but, I've got to get this thing producing again! lol
Japan makes them ballasts, definitely eyeballing em here. The 600 watt/400 watt, nice. Great growing!
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

I got a couple cuts off the Chemdog D papa! She's finally throwing 5 fingers everywhere!
View attachment 643420
That's awesome! Not sure why I didn't get an alert for this post but...
Hope you like the finished product when you get there. Funny, these last two I grew were rank as hell while they were budding and the first day or two of drying, after that it went away. The last time I grew it there was no smell to it really at all until it had a couple days in the jar and then it was rank as hell. These have been in the jar for a little bit now and that rank smell isn't coming out. ???
Hell if I know. It's a little more enjoyable for me this way anyway. lol About to vape a nugget of it now actually, it's been a few days, wanna see if I like it even better than last time. Not that it would matter. :facepalm: lol

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