Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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I know right! It was a crazy experience.

If you start bowhunting, you’re forced to be really close, like 20 30 yards away from animals that are way more in tune nature than you.

Get to observe some really cool stuff ✌️
You'd probably love the land out here. Im near the top of a mountain at about 3300 ft or so, surrounded by forest and dirt roads. I see more bears here then deer lol.

Theres groundhogs all over the place but they largely keep to themselves, you can even get pretty close before they lumber off. Never seen one move that fast before thats nuts. But to be fair, i've also never been caught red handed by one trying to shoot it either 🤣
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Otto Bonn

Otto Bonn

I have a bradford pear tree im probably going to cut down. It seems to be growing tiny mushrooms out of all of its fruits. Like 100% of them. They appear orange and swollen from a distance because of it. None of the other bradfords are doing that worried itll spread. Ill snap a pic when the rains stop its down at the bottom of the yard lol. Haven't looke dit up.

Hell i may cut all the bradfords down. Hate em, they make such a mess when they inevitably break in a storm. And they're heavy as hell when you have to clean them up.
they look good for a week when they bloom, other than that I consider them a shit tree too. There was a street here in town that had them lined for a 1/2 mile or so, just as they were blooming we had a freak storm and snapped 90% of them. What a waste of money planting them
Otto Bonn

Otto Bonn

Only time I’ve ever hitch hiked, was after I bailed myself out of jail. I got pulled over at a local college, passed 8-9 field sobriety tests and then they yanked my passenger out of the car and found 3 out of the 4 ounces he had on him and they cuffed us both. They were still pushing for a dwi for me even though I was sober, so they impounded my car and took me to the hospital to have my blood drawn and tested against my will. Meanwhile my buddy gets bail and started walking home, with a whole ounce still on his person 🤣.
After I passed 8-9 field sobriety tests and a drug test, they charged me with transporting a controlled substance and I posted bail. I start hitch hiking and get picked up with in twenty minutes, get dropped off in the next town and then continue hitching and get picked up by a second car, we passed my buddy about 12 miles away from the police station where he started walking and the guy who picked me up agreed to give my buddy a ride too. So we both get dropped off at my house and then my buddy lets me know he’s still got an ounce that the cops missed 🤣🤣🤣. Yeah we got high and called it a night. Next day I got a lawyer who had a field day with those “cops” all charges against me were dropped and I ended up with a possession charge and a $420 fine. This happened 25 years ago and I haven’t had to hitchhike since.
$420 fine! 😆
Otto Bonn

Otto Bonn

Launched an arrow at one of these and missed.

Then we made eye contact. It made me nervous. True story. 🤓

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I had a monster groundhog living under my deck last Summer, he was out in the lawn and I wanted to run him off so I could close out his spot he used to get under it. I ran at him and thought he'd go the other way but the fucker made a bee line for the deck and when I tried to cut him off he veered off course and ran right at me! I was giggling like a little kid as he chased me up onto the deck! They can be aggressive


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
So i inherited another black lab.
She’s 8mo the and her name is Eva.
She is crazy sweet, matched my other black lab well.

I’ve been calling them the soul sisters.
Baby girl is in with mom snoozing still.
But they be twinkies. 👊🏻🤡
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