Please help me save these!!!

  • Thread starter WickedMichelle
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🐼 🚀 living soil
Theres nothing wrong with fox farm soils. My seedlings love happy frog. When I up pot I go with ocean forest. I never understood why people mix the two.

OP, looks like they're liking the new environment already! Now just give em some time and relax, you're gonna worry yourself to death lol! There is such a thing as over mothering 🙂
Because they contain different amendments and myco content. OF usually has unprocessed forest products in it and is not the best.

The worst thing you can do is mother your plants just let them grow


I thought of that. I have 3 other seeds I can sprout. All different strains though. I hate to toss these, the watermelon is bouncing back, the purple queen not so much. 20.00 shot to hell if I toss them. :(

Where are the icons?!?!?!?!?!

So it's only the lights I would need to worry about with the camera? I do have the lights on the humidifier set to off... There are no lights on the camera, I did a test where the camera was on and I looked in the tent window to make sure that there was no light. I mean the camera itself should have anything in it to hurt the plants... my fan and lights are WiFi so that should not be an issue.

I am going to agree with this.... all my problems started when I asked about keeping them from getting too tall and skinny. I moved the lights closer, I added a humidifier, I started messing with VPD and not doing it right....

I will agree with this as well. I use to grow in my dining room, all natural light and they grew fine. Shitty weed but the plants grew even with my cats eating the bottom leaves. The reason for the tent was to control the environment and get a potent grow that tastes good and not like "homegrown". Lights, nutrients... do it right.

I also think those peat pots were a HUGE mistake! Maybe part of the problem was the plants roots were growing into the peat. Maybe some were all the way through and exposed. The royal purple were really into the peat. I think tearing them away was more stress than it's little body can handle. The watermelon was not so bad. There were a couple small roots that were attached but they came off with minimal tearing. Could be why it's bouncing back. Bottom leaves still yellow but the top is looking good.

I am still hopeful for the purple queen but she is not looking good. She was not as expensive as the watermelon, got them on sale. She was doing so well too, I cannot believe she is not bouncing back. Sprouted a day after the watermelon and grew much faster,

Either the mix of the HF and OF is better, or these plastic pots are holding moisture much better. I transplanted before noon yesterday and gave a good watering. They are still really moist at 5:49 AM, lights on at 10:30 PM last night - too early to do math LOL. The peat pots would have been dried out already. I think that too could be part of the problem.... could not regulate proper soil moisture in those.

Ok, I think I will take the advice to start the other seeds. Watch, I will end up with 5 plants and not enough room. HAHAHA. So disappointed. That purple queen looked good and so did the watermelon. Very pretty buds. I have a critical kush, og kush, and sherbet queen I can start. 3 seeds and 2 pots left. I think I will wait until Friday, I may need one of those pots if one does not make it.
Well, hopefully both of them survive. And if they do, they absolutely deserve the chance to go the distance. Who knows, maybe they will take a week or two longer overall to grow, but they might turn out really well in the end. Never know, and if nothing else, you are certainly doing a lot of learning in these early weeks.


Your camera is shooting ir. We cant see it. Your camera sees it and it illuminates its field of view.

Not that it will hurt your plants. Just so you know it is actually shooting a light we cant see.

Some say it will cause hermies... not sure what that is but it does not sound good.
My cameras on the no visible light setting is Near IR 940nm, yes it's still shooting IR but I've had them 3 grows and no Hermies.

OP, a Hermie is when you have a female plant that either by genetics or stress ends up with male parts and seeds even though it still has Buds and was never introduced to male pollen. Basically it's both a Girl and Boy, Hermaphrodite aka Hermie.


That was about the extent of the leaf misting. When I mentioned misting there after it was the top of the soil I was misting and not the leaves. Having the lights closer with water on the leaves could burn them. The soil was too dry to pour water so I had to pre-soak the soil by misting it. Then the water would pour in and not run off.

Ah you know- we live and learn 🙃
While misting water goes everywhere- misting medium you were covering bottom of leaves with water, add to that constant mistsupersonic from humidifier on upper part and you have layer of water on both sides of the leaf. Older plant would handle such a treatment, younger one can clog.
Always pot seedling deeper leaving yourself bit of a space in upper part of the pot for control of watering or use soakage from bottom with pots up to 1 gallon

Would take on board advise about fungi.
People use loads of products that they can recommend.
I load in first 3 weeks intensively, then every shock/transplant/change of lights - eight species of Endo Mycorrhizae with mycorrhizae helper bacteria -Bacillus-also 8 types, nitrogen fixing bacteria called Azotobacter & Azospirillum, two species of Pseudomonas, Trichoderma, humic acids, amino acids, enzymes, yeasts, proteins, carbohydrates and seaweed extract. In flower I do it just once in the middle.
Pack of above in powder for one full grow equals 5euro with leftovers poured into houseplants.
And it's worth it! 🤟
will give better chances in recovery for sproutlets and speed up 3 new planned ones 😉


Some say it will cause hermies... not sure what that is but it does not sound good.
Hermies are hermaphrodites. Plants with both male and female sex organs. (The plant can fertilize itself).

Infrared light actually stimulates growth in cannabis plants, and is considered good for them. Not sure how it increases hermaphroditic population, but I haven't grown photo-periods before. There may or may not be truth behind that claim.


If your worried just put your camera on the light timer, problem solved, when it comes time to flower there is nothing you can do during lights out anyway except monitor not sure what Flir will do to, if anything to the plants. In other words I wouldn't worry about it.


Hermies are hermaphrodites. Plants with both male and female sex organs. (The plant can fertilize itself).

Infrared light actually stimulates growth in cannabis plants, and is considered good for them. Not sure how it increases hermaphroditic population, but I haven't grown photo-periods before. There may or may not be truth behind that claim.
I have IR lights that I paid additional for. Would they be different than IR on the camera?


If your worried just put your camera on the light timer, problem solved, when it comes time to flower there is nothing you can do during lights out anyway except monitor not sure what Flir will do to, if anything to the plants. In other words I wouldn't worry about it.
I believe the camera only turns on when I open the phone app. I think it would be nice check in when I am at work.... see how things are going. They are not really needed. The night vision is just black and white... the video is great when the lights are on.


I have IR lights that I paid additional for. Would they be different than IR on the camera?
I mean infrared light is a specific range of the spectrum. I'm not really sure if different frequencies of infrared light waves have different effects on different parts of the plant. There may be subtle variations in the exact IR frequency used by the camera versus the light, but that shouldn't have some profound effect on the plant one would think.


I mean infrared light is a specific range of the spectrum. I'm not really sure if different frequencies of infrared light waves have different effects on different parts of the plant. There may be subtle variations in the exact IR frequency used by the camera versus the light, but that shouldn't have some profound effect on the plant one would think.
Fingers crossed. LOL.


Decided not to wait. Just put the sherbet and critical in soil. I figure the new ones would have a chance to catch up should one or both survive. The purple still not looking good unfortunately. I have not given up on her though... she took a day longer to sprout she may take longer to recover. Keeping her until she falls over.


I have IR lights that I paid additional for. Would they be different than IR on the camera?
The IR Supplement Lights you should only be using 15 mins before lights on and 15 minutes after lights go off, that's not long enough to make your plant Hermie. If you left it on for hours while your main light is off, it could cause an issue.

I just want to note that any light, not just IR can cause hermies.
If your tent was in your bedroom and you had your regular room light on while your grow light was off and the light was leaking into the tent through zippers, passive flaps, or any way at all then it could cause Hermies.
This is what people mean when they say light leaks.
Easy way to see if your tent has light leaks is to turn on the light in the lung room your tent is in, get inside your tent with your grow light off, close it and see if you see light leaking in anywhere.

Another reason I use active intakes, if the passive flaps are open they are an easy way for light to leak in if the lung room isn't completely dark.
I actually have blackout curtain plus cardboard over my curtain/windows inside my lung room so even in the middle of the day, my lung room is pitch black.
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I have IR lights that I paid additional for. Would they be different than IR on the camera?
Same light. Intensity would be the key difference between the 2. Like an led keychain flashlight vs your grow light. Try an experiment. If your light has an ir channel on its own you could switch the ir on your light on and view it through you camera an note if you see much more illuminated. But if you have a far red, uv ir combo it will mess with the night vision and alter the experiment. I can not turn on just the ir on my light. Its far red uv and ir on 1 channel.
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So it's only the lights I would need to worry about with the camera?
I have Wyze V3 cameras in my tents. For night vision, they use near or far IR. I added the cameras after reading a thread about them. One of the staff helped, but I'm sorry but I can't recall who it was. (I suddenly got sick--profuse sweating, nausea, dizziness--so I'm having trouble thinking.) Anyway, he said to use near IR, so that's what I'm using. I have three plants within a few days of harvest and there has been no sign of hermies or nanners.

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