Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
My grow tent looks like the Milky Way galaxy when the lung room lights are off, my Maine coons have been climbing that thing like mt Everest 🤣🤣🤣
Ha! My one tent is just like that. Used to have a cam in there when I would split. Pop that sucker on to see during lights out, it looked like the final frontier 💫


Idr what this is, but I found it in a cellophane in my old stash box I haven't opened in well over a year. Not since I was still in KC.

Doesn't have a smell anymore. Doesn't dab clean at all though. So assuming it's prob some old pressed 90 micron from someone's early harvest or something. It fully melts but doesn't evaporate clean. Flavor is long since stale lol. Just tastes like old hash.

Isn't dark enough to be old enough to be something I made from my own plants. But I also don't recognize it at all. Not one bit 🤣🤣🤣

Shiny too because I wanted to see how it melts and smells before I actually smoked it lmao. Which has also already happened.
Did you just find a crack rock 🤣🤣


🐼 🚀 living soil
I reuse ♻️ old soil and root balls constantly 🤣. Just to keep the biology alive. Living soil baby 😉🤣
Living soil is 🔥, you have to add Colorado company castings from build a soil they are not screened so you get worms predator bugs all that. I dug in my top layer last run and found red wigglers eating my top dress. A few runs back I had fungus gnats and i did 3 top dress with it and they were gone👍


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
i'm pretty sure if i died and went to heaven, this is what it would look like. jesus would walk around welcoming the new arrivals and would be passing around joints, buds and bong hits to anyone that wanted them.....🙂😊

Can I Get An Amen Brother... 😍😶‍🌫️👽
Pizza Jesus has a slice just waiting for you!


Living soil is 🔥, you have to add Colorado company castings from build a soil they are not screened so you get worms predator bugs all that. I dug in my top layer last run and found red wigglers eating my top dress. A fee runs back I had fungus gnats and i did 3 top dress with it and they were gone👍
Next time I go to the grow store I’ll see if they have any, they definitely have BAS products, it’s where I get my pumice, cover crop and craft blend. I don’t like paying out the ass for freight, so I only order light items from their website.


You find out about tom bombadil and the lack of the power the ring has in like, the first 1/6th of the fellowship of the ring lol. They stay with tom bombadill before they even hit Bree. And to find out his backstory you kind of have to take in the majority of Tolkiens works on middle earth. Including most of the companion literature as well.

Tom bombadil has his own entire book of peoms by Tolkien a lot of people dont even know exists.

Youll know all there is thats knowable, and important about tom bombadill right off the get go in the fellowship.

I genuinely apologize for the spoilers, but i havent met anyone else in quite a lot of years, who has actually sat down to absorb that world in literary form. These arent actually spoilers though either, honestly...

Honestly, i went into nearly as much detail as you ever get about tom bombadil. And you can get that detail and more from the companions youre supposed to read before the main literature. The ones no one ever reads anyway lol. The vast majority of readers never even notice he's the single most powerful being in all of middle earth, and even makes gandalf and sauron seem like children.

This info will actually probably help you wrap your head around the tom bombadil thing in LoTr. Most people gloss right over him like hes a side charachter. There's die hards that have read the main story multiple times, and would respond to "who is tom bombadil" with a confused look, and start asking "was he the guy that"...... NO! HE WASNT

Even the writers of the movies, and Peter Jackson himself never noticed how important tom bombadil is to the entire story from illuvitar all the way to the one ring lol.

Tolkien would prefer the reader know what there is to know about Tom, before you read the main stories really. If you dont, you miss important things.

Theres even a fellowship companion book you should read before starting the fellowship, and it also makes it more clear who/what Tom Bombadil really is. And gives even more infor then i did here.
It was a few years ago I read the trilogy, but whenever someone mentions Tom bombadil all I think of is some hippy off his tits and singing random songs!

I think I even skipped a lot of his stuff. Absolutely no memory of him being some powerful being 😂.


Some kind of blight eh? Or is that fungal? Do you know?
Peach leaf curl is fungal, when temps and humidity are just right in the spring when leaves are emerging, if the conditions are right it is the pwrdect environment for the fungus to grow, leaves comes out normal then quickly blister up and discolor before dying, i had fruits up and down the branches till it started showing , then the trees went full fall mode, dropped every leaf and fruit and went dormant for about 2 weeks then started pushing new nodes and branches. Gotta hit them with the copper fungicide again in fall then again in spring before leaves start emerging


It ended up being a tree sickness that affects all types of trees here. All rotting from the core. It is literally everywhere here. My neighbor had a fucking Goliath of a cedar come down on his brand new roof too. It’s bad here
Every pear and apricot on my property is growing mushrooms out of the fruit themsleves... tiny red pin-head sized mushrooms blanketing all the fruits. Started on one, quickly spread, then jumped ship to the apricot. My fir tree has a blight or fungus or something shooting up it's side like no tomorrow, it went from a branch to 1/3 of the tree this spring alone. In the same time this fungus spread from one pear to all of them and the apricots. My apple tree is rapidly yellowing off and the leaves are smaller then they should be (my first year here though, so idk there)

My cucumbers have something eating holes in their leaves, i thought it was 2 cycle mix sprayed from the weedeater without being careful, but it's not, it has spread to the zucchini and watermelon plants now too on some leaves

Some of my goldenrods definitely have viral or fungal related mosaic variegation on them, its spreading pretty quick.

If there is one thing i've learned accumulating large amounts of information over time, it is that fungi are not to be toyed with, they are not to be misunderstood, they likely brought life to this planet, and they can likely take life out of it if they so chose to. Mycologists will be doing some head nodding to this one too. Fungi are not the organism most of us think they are. They are very intentful creatures that play with chemistry on whims that make our best PhD chemists look like nerfs. They are the largest organisms that have ever lived and some fungi living today dwarf the biomass of the largest blue whales that have ever lived. They very thoughtfully and intelligently steer the evolution of species, and even orchestrate their own evolution and we watch them do it right inside of petri dishes. They communicate with each other in very complex ways, actively organize and repair the environmental world as a whole, and intelligently redistribute nutrients to other species of life in ways a human mind cannot even begin to comprehend. They are sentient, and they know that we are here, and they respond accordingly. All they are is a neural network and platform for redistributing and recombining nutrients. They terraformed this planet to make way for complex terrestrial life on their own, creating niches for it in the process. We are here because fungi allow us to be, im almost 100% convinced of that. The more i learn about them, the more im convinced of that.

If you want to know how panspermia likely works, well... Many species of mushrooms have evolved chitin spore casings. The strongest organic material known, and could probably survive cosmic impacts, but they wouldnt even have to. They have evolved their spores to be able to perfectly reflect DNA damaging UV and cosmic radiation, which is something that shouldnt even be able to evolve under a magnetosphere and oxygen rich atmosphere like ours. The spores are also light enough to percolate into space on air currents alone, and they do. Our planet leaves a trail of fungal spores in space everywhere it goes. The planet has never since the dawn of time here, been in the same point of space twice. Many mushrooms can produce BILLIONS of spores a minute for sometimes weeks on end. And they project them out of their gills under truly absurd g-forces. Like thousands of G's.

I both fear, and respect fungi. Very deeply. But im also about to kill every last one of those trees. And probably my vining fruits too. F*ck all that.


Peach leaf curl is fungal, when temps and humidity are just right in the spring when leaves are emerging, if the conditions are right it is the pwrdect environment for the fungus to grow, leaves comes out normal then quickly blister up and discolor before dying, i had fruits up and down the branches till it started showing , then the trees went full fall mode, dropped every leaf and fruit and went dormant for about 2 weeks then started pushing new nodes and branches. Gotta hit them with the copper fungicide again in fall then again in spring before leaves start emerging
I think I have something going on with my citrus trees. The summer of love when everything was burning in California and Oregon was dry and all me leaves on lemon tree died. Since then I have had small lemons vs. grapefruit size. This year they have all fallen off so I will get zero.


This is what the pears and apricots are doing.
IMG 20240626 141451854 HDR

Sorry for bad pic. This is the fur (I think, my tree game is real bad. Awful really) you don't see many of these this big and pretty on this side of the mountains. I just noticed how bad it was getting recently.
IMG 20240626 141642632

IMG 20240626 141656310 HDR

And yes I just pulled the polk green out of it while down here lol


🐼 🚀 living soil
Next time I go to the grow store I’ll see if they have any, they definitely have BAS products, it’s where I get my pumice, cover crop and craft blend. I don’t like paying out the ass for freight, so I only order light items from their website.
Nope gotta get it at build a soil, it's from a small family farm, very limited supply
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