Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
wow. i wish you the best. that definitely don't look good.
Oh that isn’t me, those are just pics I have in a file called grow tools that is full of every damned thing you can think of with corresponding pics, stages of growth, lst, topping and mainlining, stalk splitting feed, plant biology ect.


Starry fking Eyed
20240626 152214

I'm sitting on a plastic crate in my lg greenhouse, that Starry Eyed to my left. Next
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The Sin City Juice breeding group includes Granddaddy Purple, Blueberry Hash Plant & Rhubarb - all indica or indica leaners with this sativa leaner

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Another GDP in back and a Rhubarb, a Mother's Milk x BBHP and a couple Starry Eyed cuts.

Next are my GDP all-stars
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Past them
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7 hemp and 4 BBHP all 2023 cuts.

Right in front of me is a Sin City Male
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With some GDP males and other not wanted plants. To the right of those
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GDP, strawberries, green onions and who knows what all?

I'd rather sit here among my plants in
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92F than on the patio. Besides, I've got the greenhouse fan blowing on me🤣

THIS is the fun part of growing. Babies are big enough to withstand most pest problems yet no flowers are developing to worry about yet😁


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Did this at a party at my house once walked up behind everyone with my junk tucked back and asked “would you fuck me? I’d fuck me!” Jaws dropped and one person ran away. I know how to break the ice better than a fat girl on figure skates 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s all the rage at get togethers.

If you can’t find the humor in that, we can’t be friends anyways, 😆


You know man, I really think you may have an issue with intermittent lights In there. I’ve never seen a plant in veg start to mutate under any other self inflicted conditions. But let’s say the theory of less light was what caused the fall back in blade count on your leaves & was the culprit? That would mean that overcast days in nature would spawn a possible reveg? Not so sure there. Just a thought brother.
When o did a major cut back the cali blues threw out some 3’s until 2nd new nodes, stress obviously, but I’d imagine you’re right gotta be some sort of intermittent light if it’s continuous, I mean in my flower tent I have at least 3 small red or green LED’s (covered with duct tape but still illuminated through obviously, plus the 8x 940nm LED’s for the IR on my camera, and none of that has ever caused problems (knock on wood)

But I do remember someone having issues posting here awhile back with some sort of controller / timer and only through watching the full night of video they found their lights were randomly flicking on and off all around the grow room, possible timer malfunction allowing lights to rush on randomly at night?


Test time?

Yes clones are sad, let’s see how they do now lol

Still scared to move the cali blues mother over here I’ll let these chill out for a few days, I think I sealed up the cat entrances but only time (and dark and silence) will be able to tell 🤣 haven’t checked Temp or RH but I’ve been comfortable in here all day while it was 80 and raining out

Brought 24 marglobe tomatoes and 8 tiny Tim seedlings over under the barrinas then under the @SpiderFarmerLED SF600 I threw the 2x cali blues freak clones and a Frostette 1 and 2 clone along with the cman x okie seedling

Same light schedule they were in before but 1 hour later so no real difference there
IMG 5932
IMG 5933
IMG 5935


Test time?

Yes clones are sad, let’s see how they do now lol

Still scared to move the cali blues mother over here I’ll let these chill out for a few days, I think I sealed up the cat entrances but only time (and dark and silence) will be able to tell 🤣 haven’t checked Temp or RH but I’ve been comfortable in here all day while it was 80 and raining out

Brought 24 marglobe tomatoes and 8 tiny Tim seedlings over under the barrinas then under the @SpiderFarmerLED SF600 I threw the 2x cali blues freak clones and a Frostette 1 and 2 clone along with the cman x okie seedling

Same light schedule they were in before but 1 hour later so no real difference there
The more experienced you become as a lifelong grower, the sadder your clones look until back in veg.

Pretty 1 for 1 with most growers lmao.

I'm pretty sure it stems from becoming less anxious about your plants hahahaha.


Test time?

Yes clones are sad, let’s see how they do now lol

Still scared to move the cali blues mother over here I’ll let these chill out for a few days, I think I sealed up the cat entrances but only time (and dark and silence) will be able to tell 🤣 haven’t checked Temp or RH but I’ve been comfortable in here all day while it was 80 and raining out

Brought 24 marglobe tomatoes and 8 tiny Tim seedlings over under the barrinas then under the @SpiderFarmerLED SF600 I threw the 2x cali blues freak clones and a Frostette 1 and 2 clone along with the cman x okie seedling

Same light schedule they were in before but 1 hour later so no real difference there
What's you talkin 'bout Willis, you fill that up!🤣

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