Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Oh for sure haha the cali blues clones were in water for about 2-3 weeks 🤣 there doing ok the frostettes I took last minute before flip and they are in water 2 days then I just stuck em in dirt 🤣 they’ve been underneath the cali blues mother maybe some real light will kick em up they’ve been in those for like 5 days now and they are barely tipped over they’ll come back fine 🤣

I’m more worried about the cats gettin in haha

Stapled the fuck outta everything and wove pool sticks throught he bottom row all the way around and weighted down, sealed between rafters, we’ll see 🤣

Crafty little bastards I know they were in lol

She snuck in like a ninja but didn’t realize the evidence would be so overwhelming afterwards 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah I’m an unmitigated asshole to my cuttings. Leave them In The box for weeks too long. Look at them start to get deficiencies all, “fuck off, hang In there. I don’t wanna yet” meh, they bounce back errr time


By mordors flame make this happen.
That pipe weed ain’t gonna puff itself.

Longbottom Leaf and Old Toby were one's i wanted, but have been taken lmao.

Westman's Weed hasn't been taken yet though. That's what the Gondorians and Rohanites called it.

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡

Blues Blaster.


This has to happen. I will not accept anything but seeing plants by all three of these names flowerin gnext to each other.
GMO x gojo x peace b? Eh?

Haymeadow blaster?

Super boot x okie blaster?
Mowie x peace blaster = haku happy blaster 🤣
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