12 Keepers In 12 Months

  • Thread starter GT21
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Yeah same bags go for almost 40 on amazon,same reason I'm not buying any soil from bas cuz of shipping that doubles or more the price,I'd rather just make own and can get amendments and stuff other places cheaper too.
BAS cant make your soil locally resonant mate so dont worry, you wont loose out through this process of hikes through shipping. Rather it forces you to use local material which is more in tune with your local conditions. You will get going faster than trying to breed a system from zero, based on someone elses materials


I even seen a few buildasoil products on amazon for like twice the price on their website lol
most municipals have waste management processes, many areas have mines, and or industrial zones which you might raid for material like rock dust to enhance minerals. These companies, typically here at least, must be able to say whats in the material, so you can have a look and see if it suited. People will often drop green waste and woodchips to you if you have space to take it. It is possible with some work, to source everything you need for free, where not you might read books like "The ABC of Organic Agriculture - phosphites and stone meal - Jairo Rivera - Julius Hensel
in this there is a section dedicated to the worlds peasant farmers, with many ideas on how to circumvent costs or at least lower them


I agree and have been thinking of those exact things as you mentioned. Finding and using local materials and creating my own from scratch,I mean that's the way I prefer to cook my food so why not do it with my soil that helps create my food.
BAS cant make your soil locally resonant mate so dont worry, you wont loose out through this process of hikes through shipping. Rather it forces you to use local material which is more in tune with your local conditions. You will get going faster than trying to breed a system from zero, based on someone elses materials

most municipals have waste management processes, many areas have mines, and or industrial zones which you might raid for material like rock dust to enhance minerals. These companies, typically here at least, must be able to say whats in the material, so you can have a look and see if it suited. People will often drop green waste and woodchips to you if you have space to take it. It is possible with some work, to source everything you need for free, where not you might read books like "The ABC of Organic Agriculture - phosphites and stone meal - Jairo Rivera - Julius Hensel
in this there is a section dedicated to the worlds peasant farmers, with many ideas on how to circumvent costs or at least lower them
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