2 Purple Ghost Candy , 2 Lsd , 2 original Glue and 1 critical 2.0 Auto germinated /in dirt on St Patty's day. Outside only is my growth good?

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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Like anything else, you just keep an eye on it and trust your gut! They heal up pretty fast
Ok that’s what I was thinking! Sounds like a good way to go about it.


Things are happening with the Original glue !😄. I stuck these guys in shade for a day or two, they were melting in this heat and this is what's happening 💚💚Science is fun!
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Well what can I say! This guy was doing great , sat out in the sun to dry out , to transplant , because I was able to get more good dirt finally! And in that journey , went to let out the dog and forgot I put it in the sun and dog ran it over 🐶🐾🐶🐾paw on plant !! 🥺 split her right down the middle yesterday morning!

I put some wet cotton on the split thinking hell maybe if I keep it wet , I'm not a plant surgeon at all, bandaid the hell out of it for a day and cross fingers , treating it like a clone now in my mind!

So this is now today , one leaf died , maybe she will make it !
Removed stick and tape today , holding up so far. Looked like stalk got a little girth to it so I ripped off bandaid basically , decided to let her see if she can survive on her own today and finish repairs .
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Removed stick and tape today , holding up so far. Looked like stalk got a little girth to it so I ripped off bandaid basically , decided to let her see if she can survive on her own today and finish repairs .
Looks like she’s going to make it! Well done kat!


This is new and has gotten worse I think as today has progressed a few leaves started to look yellow yesterday, couple days ago , rained super hard last night I actually moved this guy out of the weather at almost midnight out of the hard rain and wind.

However I think ?? Dunno but after reading maybe just a ph flux from all the rain we have had last few days ??

I haven't a clue hope it's not bad and can be delt with.
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Lots of tropical depression😜 rain past few days .. !!🤪🤪 Explosive! Still battling 100 degrees temps when it isn't raining cats and dogs!!
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If those are photos starting to throw Flowers I would be pissed! Something is wonky! Edit! Maybe not! You’re pretty far south! But it does seem like you have a lot of one and three bladed leaves!
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If those are photos starting to throw Flowers I would be pissed! Something is wonky! Edit! Maybe not! You’re pretty far south! But it does seem like you have a lot of one and three bladed leaves!
This is the first year I'm keeping track. Complete novice , no experience . In it for the fun and my last two grows produced buds by August. All photo , I tried autos in the beginning , first year. The Next year I got photos , planted them in yard , they super cropped is the term I think , actually made buds and re vegged, this year I decided to contain and document . I am a complete novice is my 3rd grow. I think it is my environment. And that I have no clue 😁


I hear you! The closer you get to the equator, the harder it is to sort things out! Light issues! All you can do is try and figure it out! I don’t know how far south you actually are, so I just googled Miami! And they are below 14 hours of daylight already! Rough place to grow! Where you are!


This is the first year I'm keeping track. Complete novice , no experience . In it for the fun and my last two grows produced buds by August. All photo , I tried autos in the beginning , first year. The Next year I got photos , planted them in yard , they super cropped is the term I think , actually made buds and re vegged, this year I decided to contain and document . I am a complete novice is my 3rd grow. I think it is my environment. And that I have no clue 😁
This is also the first year I germinated late usually I do it in January February I think 🤔, like here you could pretty much grow it outside all year probably , rarely gets below 40 ever , I covered the ones that did the reveg during an 8 hour freeze we had. But I can't remember if it did it before or after the freeze. The buds were like glue traps was Durban poison and a raspberry cough. They just do weiered things here and hence my feelings on sharing and documenting my journey 😊


I hear you! The closer you get to the equator, the harder it is to sort things out! Light issues! All you can do is try and figure it out! I don’t know how far south you actually are, so I just googled Miami! And they are below 14 hours of daylight already! Rough place to grow! Where you are!
About 3 hours north of miami silver springs area


About 3 hours north of miami silver springs are

I hear you! The closer you get to the equator, the harder it is to sort things out! Light issues! All you can do is try and figure it out! I don’t know how far south you actually are, so I just googled Miami! And they are below 14 hours of daylight already! Rough place to grow! Where you are!
I actually wondered , if I should consider investing in a official larger grow light , basically adding a light to them (next year) so they can get extra light till about 10 pm or to get them closer to that 18 hour mark , maybe that would have improved this from happening. As you said the 14 hour thing is the most we get , we are now actually already down to 13:58, I usually check that and wondered how that affects things. In the beginning I did supplement some artificial light keeping them on a light outside until 10 pm or basically until I went to bed and was until they outgrew the area. Like maybe I should have done that longer ?


I don’t have to deal with the light stuff! I’ve seen Growers in Thailand, have to keep light over them as long as they are in veg to keep them from going into flower! Then they flip them when they are ready! Yours I’ve gotten pretty big before flowering! Maybe you’re on the right track. If they flower normally, from here on out, you should be through by September, which might be a good thing in your case! It’s good that you investigated the lighting thing! When I popped off, I was applying rules for my area which don’t apply on yours necessarily! Guess we will see what happens!😃
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