2024 ONE GALLON CHALLENGE interest topic

Would you join in on a 2024 ONE GALLON CHALLANGE

  • Yes

    Votes: 39 88.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • I’d like to discuss other pot size options for the challange

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .


Saved! Looks like a good format! I’ll doctor it up a bit As we finalize stuff!
Awesome template this is rolling along nicely, hats off to the you for taking the wheel on this.
Pretty excited, is there anything against someone running more than one plant? Like documenting each one from the start not running a full tent and picking a winner.
I’m almost thinking about popping a three pack and running one organic amended soil, one coco and perlite with organic bottle nutrients, and one coco and perlite mix with salt based nutrients.


🐼 🚀
Ok call me crazy but we should do our own cannabis cup, whatever your best plant of the year was, submit pictures at the end of the year, doesnt matter when it finished as long as ita in 2024 and winner gets a custom signature for the year or something easy, bragging rights type deal. The first annual THCfarmer cup. Honor system, moderators judge? Everyone votes? What yall think?


Ok call me crazy but we should do our own cannabis cup, whatever your best plant of the year was, submit pictures at the end of the year, doesnt matter when it finished as long as ita in 2024 and winner gets a custom signature for the year or something easy, bragging rights type deal. The first annual THCfarmer cup. Honor system, moderators judge? Everyone votes? What yall think?
But it could only work if we all get together to smoke and judge that shit 🤩😉🤣
Just pick a venue in a friendly state and use the religious gathering excuse 🤡🍄


But it could only work if we all get together to smoke and judge that shit 🤩😉🤣
Just pick a venue in a friendly state and use the religious gathering excuse 🤡🍄
On a serious note, the Dude Grows Channel has a DGC cup in Colorado in June annually. They just had their cup, something like 75 entries?? Don’t quote me on that number but they had a bunch and all the attendees decided on their favorite strain.


i think its getting a little out of hand, who cares what u grow in, as long as its a 1 gal pot, i agree with splitting up auto's & regular seeds, i also think it should be the cheapest strains of each, maybe we can get one of the seed vendors to sell us a choice of the two seeds from their cheapest inventory, then we can see how good or in my case bad we can grow them in a 1 gal pot.......

Because soil cannot compete with coco in terms of yield, especially considering the pot size restriction


Your not having a set time limit just a flip time?
Correct we’ll all splash on the same date, once everyone’s pops we’ll set a flip date, everyone gets equal time to train and veg depending on what they think will make their pant the best in flower,

The challenge is if you do decide to top or fim etc etc you eat into your veg time but could make an overall better plant at the end etc. what makes it fun is each choice you make for the plant is no longer a minimal choice, oh topping sure I’ll add another week and a half to veg, nope only have this much time, makes you double think every fan leaf you remove lol


Because soil cannot compete with coco in terms of yield, especially considering the pot size restriction
Correct, I mean imma run my promix BX as usual and I’m sure some will want happy frog or ocean forest or other soil based medium, some will want coco etc, this one will be more of getting through the learning curve of how we want to handle categories on the next one

This one’s gunna be more of a, let’s see how many people join and stick with it to the end,

I mean if we can get up to 50-60 people I’m sure we could break down to 2 categories and make it work if we have enough for each, usually starting one of these creates intrest and the next one blows up so that’s the goal here really, start something we can continue to do and improve on


Because soil cannot compete with coco in terms of yield, especially considering the pot size restriction
most hydro systems (aside from DWC) in my experience cant even out perform a good coco setup imo. But in my experience, 50/50 peat/perlite can outyield coco.

you can even do a pot of straight perlite and set atomizers on it at close to 1000ppm constant with a heavy feeding plant and out-yield DWC. The setups a bitch to maintainand if it fails while away, your plants will be unrecoverable within an hour or two lol. but it's results as far as growing in a pot go, are completely unparalleled, mho no other method of growing aside from DWC can out perform a pot of straight perlite well implemented.

You could just set a slow constant 600ppm synthetic feed drip on coco with drainage to waste if you really wanted to. You results would be right on the heels of the same plant in DWC most likely.


I would like to see a soil mix off. 15 gallons or less water only. No feeding
I use only bioactive soil and water no nute feedings not very many people run that way indoors from what I've seen on here
(Tangerine dream auto ran with bioactive soil)
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I can already tell I’m outclassed. 🤣

I’m in it for the friendly competition. I say keep it simple, keep it fun.

Splash a bean and go ✌️
That’s where I am, I’m not gunna go crazy just wanna have some fun haha gunna pop a bean and see if she’s a winner! If it goes really well I’m sure we will put tighter rules or multiple comps at the same time for different categories but we’ll figure that out


most hydro systems (aside from DWC) in my experience cant even out perform a good coco setup imo. But in my experience, 50/50 peat/perlite can outyield coco.

you can even do a pot of straight perlite and set atomizers on it at close to 1000ppm constant with a heavy feeding plant and out-yield DWC. The setups a bitch to maintainand if it fails while away, your plants will be unrecoverable within an hour or two lol. but it's results as far as growing in a pot go, are completely unparalleled, mho no other method of growing aside from DWC can out perform a pot of straight perlite well implemented.

You could just set a slow constant 600ppm synthetic feed drip on coco with drainage to waste if you really wanted to. You results would be right on the heels of the same plant in DWC most likely.

Ive only done organic with peat so i couldnt tell you. I dont see many people bottlefeeding peat, mainly use it as a base. I have seen one or two grow bangers on here bottle feeding peat, i believe i sent one a message a few years back when i was looking to try it.


Ive only done organic with peat so i couldnt tell you. I dont see many people bottlefeeding peat, mainly use it as a base. I have seen one or two grow bangers on here bottle feeding peat, i believe i sent one a message a few years back when i was looking to try it.
withpeat/perlite the 50% peat is really just a moisture and nutrient reservoir, the substrate is really the perlite for the most part. And i personally think straight perlite works better, and straight coco is easier to manage and way less prone to root pests. Pure perlite atomizer setup is worth doing at least once in a growing career. its a massive ass pain, but the performance of the setup is truly jaw-dropping.

I have been able to get larger plants faster using a 50/50 peat perlite mix vs straight coco. And 50/50 coco/perlite will out yield that most of the time, the coco/perlite substrate is just the point of aeration frequently timed atomizer or a constant drip becomes necessary if you dont want to water 10+ times a day later on.

Ive actually grown plants to harvest in nearly straight peat too. and i def dont recommend it, but it is indeed possible.

I actually tend to mix organic and synthetic feeds. I use flora micro all the time with just about any plant, any cultivation method, thats probably my one common denominator. roots organics buddah grow and bloom hangs around a lot.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Lovin it. Sometimes leaders need to lead and get stuff don't or all we'll do is talk about it. I may throw up, literally🤣 a Christmas Solo Cup contest if no one else will. Use to have them here back in the day and I always wanted to get in on the fun so we'll see if I can't get one of y'all to put it together😉
Lovin it. Sometimes leaders need to lead and get stuff don't or all we'll do is talk about it. I may throw up, literally🤣 a Christmas Solo Cup contest if no one else will. Use to have them here back in the day and I always wanted to get in on the fun so we'll see if I can't get one of y'all to put it together😉

Do it. I’m fucking in. Solo run 👆👆👆👊🏻🤡


I'm in as long as it's from seed. Clones in my area are not easy to find, ordering them or taking them from your own plants is about the only option.

As far as medium, nutes, and photos/autos I say growers choice. If it's a competition to see who can grow the best in the 1 gallon pot then growers shouldn't be limited to a certain medium, nutes, or autos/photos.
I just don't think it's fair to take someone who grows with synthetic nutes and say now you need to use organic now, people who grow organic already would have an advantage.
Plus people are always like organic is better or synthetic is better, soil is better or coco is better, or photos are better or autos are better....I say put your money where your mouth is and let's see who can grow the best in their own style.

Also only 1 plant, no starting a bunch and at the end picking the best.

Oh and if we do this, I'm growing it in the middle of house somewhere because I'm not giving up tent space for a 1 gallon pot lol
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