2024 ONE GALLON CHALLENGE interest topic

Would you join in on a 2024 ONE GALLON CHALLANGE

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • I’d like to discuss other pot size options for the challange

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .


@Mikedin maybe we should have separate categories for organics vs salt based nutrients, as well as autos vs photos vs clones. This would allow more growers to strut their stuff without any shady or questionable practices. What’s a good start date for you? I’m struggling with space issues currently but don’t want to miss out on the contest.
Oh we can give it some time, once we have people we’ll set something up so we can all talk and figure out a starting date, it’ll obviously be restricted to indoor as we will decide the flip date for the photos based off starting date, I see that almost fair, everyone has a certian amount or some to train their final pant

Idk let’s keep spitballin!


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
there was also a solo cup challenge, I think the 1 gallon gives a bit more freedom, the solos were fun to watch but a lot of us don’t have time to water multiple times a day, figured make it easy

Gotta figure out how we want it though to level the playing field

All entries must be the same so we gotta figure out the rules.

1: must be in a 1 gallon pot
2: must be (either seed or clone will determine which by consensus)
3: Must be soil / or peat based medium (growers choice but no DWC)
4: (considering) all neuts must be organic, but would be hard to enforce, I think most of us are respectable upstanding folks who would want to compete legitimately, and there no real prize here other than bragging rights,
5: have multiple categories best looking plant / frostiest / heaviest yeild etc

Lemme know what else you guys think to keep the challenge fair!

Also NO RULES ARE FINAL this is simply a brainstorming topic to see who’s interested and we can finalize the rules with the full roster of contestants
Well I’d get down, but my nutes don’t make the cut. This will be rad to watch 👊🏻🤡
The more I run 1gs the more I’m leaning towards having them be my primary size.


Let’s see how many people want to do each type of medium I was gunna lump all mediums together as some run soil, I run peat, some run coco, if we spilt to too may categories it’ll be a mess on the forum with 20 topics going lol

OR we can have a closed category, all start from seed, medium types soil coco peat only exemption would be hydro but organic only, anything used must have an OMRI approval on it and hand water only no automatic watering for those that want a hard ruled challenge

BUT then have an open category where it’s open to all types, and you can enter both of them with seperate plants or the same plant


Should absolutely have 2 separate categories. One for coco and one for soil imo
As a coco grower I agree, if there's enough people. If not I'm good with growing something in soil.

It could get crazy with some wanting indoor and outdoor seperate and we do not have enough people for that. I'd be good with whatever but dividing it too much might make this impractical.

Since it's going to be voted on it really shouldn't matter on grow style anyway. I'm game for whatever😉


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Nothing is decided yet for rules Capn might decide on different categories for autos and photos, organics and fertilizer. Definitely all ideas are welcome
Man my brain is in full on wisecracker mode.
I’ll def pop up and throw 2 cents down when I can get some of the Cerebral sense kicking.
Like chunk Boris. 👊🏻🤡


This sounds interesting. I don't have any free tent space and just sprouted 3 more plants. I have 2 in their 4th week since the flip, so I'm about 6 weeks away from having space to do this. The most I can grow at a time is 5.

Would everyone grow the same strain?
Nope open strain selection, I’ll have room for 1 more plant in a few weeks, but that’s why I wanted to plan this early, maybe give folks a few weeks to clear room and we will set a start date once rules and categories are decided,I know a most states still have plant counts and most people max it out so will need space, we can throw it up for a vote when the start date would be to give people time to prepare I also have plant count and I’m maxed until I throw a few plants into the flower tent (soon) once these clones straighten back up imma get them right into the flower tent so I can have room for this


Yeah I’d definitely be up for it. Not sure about all doing same strain as us non US peeps don’t have access to all the seedbanks ☹️
Nope I wanna stay open for strain selection for any category, a single strain challange would be fun down the road let’s see how this one goes with open genetics and maybe we can eventually get everyone a seed or 2 from the same strain / breeder and give that a Try too! But that’s later, for now it’s whatever you’d like strain wise!


i think its getting a little out of hand, who cares what u grow in, as long as its a 1 gal pot, i agree with splitting up auto's & regular seeds, i also think it should be the cheapest strains of each, maybe we can get one of the seed vendors to sell us a choice of the two seeds from their cheapest inventory, then we can see how good or in my case bad we can grow them in a 1 gal pot.......


Nope open strain selection, I’ll have room for 1 more plant in a few weeks, but that’s why I wanted to plan this early, maybe give folks a few weeks to clear room and we will set a start date once rules and categories are decided,I know a most states still have plant counts and most people max it out so will need space, we can throw it up for a vote when the start date would be to give people time to prepare I also have plant count and I’m maxed until I throw a few plants into the flower tent (soon) once these clones straighten back up imma get them right into the flower tent so I can have room for this
Outta Room, story of a Grower's life!

It's getting crazy. Let's do an open, set a date and everyone interested soak a seed and see what we got.

Voting criteria? Height? Leaf size? Favorite? Color? Best Male/Female?

Regs 120 days?
Autos 90-100 days?

While this is happening we keep talking about everyone growing the same strain and all fems. I got regs and may end up with a boy. Plan it and set dates, many outdoor growers won't be able to participate or be at a disadvantage so how about a Spring April/May start date and do this every year?

A Christmas tree contest grown in a solo cup would also be interesting and would need to start August, just a thought😉


Outta Room, story of a Grower's life!

It's getting crazy. Let's do an open, set a date and everyone interested soak a seed and see what we got.

Voting criteria? Height? Leaf size? Favorite? Color? Best Male/Female?

Regs 120 days?
Autos 90-100 days?

While this is happening we keep talking about everyone growing the same strain and all fems. I got regs and may end up with a boy. Plan it and set dates, many outdoor growers won't be able to participate or be at a disadvantage so how about a Spring April/May start date and do this every year?

A Christmas tree contest grown in a solo cup would also be interesting and would need to start August, just a thought😉
Kinda where I’m at, but we can do 2 seperate ones that’s not a problem but one big one would be the preferred way to do it, I would say seed only, regs or fems. (Males win best photo too!) I say anyone can grow any strain they want, it’d be too difficult to get everyone the same seeds, but we’ll see majority wins lol


Outta Room, story of a Grower's life!

It's getting crazy. Let's do an open, set a date and everyone interested soak a seed and see what we got.

Voting criteria? Height? Leaf size? Favorite? Color? Best Male/Female?

Regs 120 days?
Autos 90-100 days?

While this is happening we keep talking about everyone growing the same strain and all fems. I got regs and may end up with a boy. Plan it and set dates, many outdoor growers won't be able to participate or be at a disadvantage so how about a Spring April/May start date and do this every year?

A Christmas tree contest grown in a solo cup would also be interesting and would need to start August, just a thought😉
Love the idea of the next one starting at outdoor planting time, we’ll keep that one in our pocket for now!

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