My Return to Growing by BudRanger!

  • Thread starter BudRanger1919
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It has been done. I have faced this problem before, having to make 3 girls spread out like 4. I want to thank @Captspaulding for confirming what I had suspected but had hoped was not true. It should have been a dead giveaway that it was coming from where pre-flowers originate, but I was praying for symmetry.
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I took this opportunity to pull the root ball out and have a look. As this is living soil instead of throwing it out I have it drying out so I can save it for later. Root growth for the girls is doing well, when I lifted the stem it was very stuck in there by roots, which means the other girls roots are doing well.
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The other girls will need a water today, I could tell by the soil I just dug my hands through.

How do YOU guys water your living soil? Do you do what all those YouTubers and online guides say, to give 5-10% of their soil mass in water per day, or do you water them like any other medium, then let them dry slightly (until they are light) before watering again? Everybody on this site that seems to know what they are doing do not do the 5-10% per day method, and prefer to give their plants all the water they will need for a few days and let them dry out slightly.


I have been doing my best to keep tucking fan leaves as low as I can. It is a bit of a struggle but I am keeping on top of it.. I still have the 4th pot drying on top of a seedling mat in front of my intake. Yesterday I gave them another 1 litre of water.
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Some pictures of the side branching going on. Wont be long before I am LSTing the main colas.
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I have turned my Spiderfarmer LED up to 30% (approx 150w) and the light is 30 inches above canopy still.
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Theyre looking great, very healthy! Im sorry for the hemie :( happens sometimes. Im assuming youre gonna use a net since you toped, its much better. If you mentioned it I didnt see it sorry, and Im curious.


Theyre looking great, very healthy! Im sorry for the hemie :( happens sometimes.
Hey man thank you for the kind words! Yeah it really sucks :( . Before I made the hard decision I picked off the strange growth and it was as Capts said when I inspected it with my loupe, hermie 100%. This was my fault for not running more than 4.
Im assuming youre gonna use a net since you toped, its much better. If you mentioned it I didnt see it sorry, and Im curious.
Yep you assume correctly my friend, I will be using a net once they go into the flower chamber (5x5, 730w LED). Until then I will just be using wire for LST, and I will have to use it soon to start giving the branches time catch up.

I went in to do some tucking and 2 of the fan leaves on 2 plants had so much moisture between the mix of tucked leaves that there were water droplets present, so I removed them. Now those lighter green branches that were shaded are getting light. Took a pic of each plants branch progress.
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I did some LST on the 2 main tops with wire. Each plant has at least 2 branches that will have to be tied down soon as well.

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The day after I did some adjusting and some tucking, and gave them half a litre of water as I will be unavailable tomorrow. Maybe should have removed those fan leaves earlier, the branches are catching up fast. I have not yet noticed any more cases of moisture buildup between leaves, and I'm keeping an eye on it now.
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I just flipped to flower I think I will fill up this tent
Absolutely stunning, I think you wont have a problem with that haha they look like they will occupy every inch of that space. I am anxious to start a real pheno hunt again, I should have ran all my seeds then maybe I would have had plenty like you, that is a massive L for me. My next run is going to be up to 10, depending on how many make it. I have 4 candidates, but I think the Bella Vista (MSG99 x RMQ) will be what I end up running.


sometime new branches form on nodes on preflowers location, that's what it looked like, you should have waited a little bit more for clear sign of either male or female preflower ...
That picture there is what I was hoping for :( I had heard of it before. But when I plucked it off there was a pod forming on the inside. There was also another one growing on the node below.


That picture there is what I was hoping for :( I had heard of it before. But when I plucked it off there was a pod forming on the inside. There was also another one growing on the node below.
from the photos you've shared to me it neither look clearly like a male or female part but more like some young small leaves forming.

there is no hurry in removing a male or hermie as soon as the first preflowers show, they need some time to mature open up show banana and release some pollen, next time be a little more patient to be 100% sure.


there is no hurry in removing a male or hermie as soon as the first preflowers show, they need some time to mature open up show banana and release some pollen, next time be a little more patient to be 100% sure.
Next time I will wait a bit longer, you're right, patience in this case could have served me better. I get paranoid about weird growths, even weird growths on leaves cause me to panic and wonder about its genetics. Perhaps I was a little too quick on the chop, I will remember this for next time.


Next time I will wait a bit longer, you're right, patience in this case could have served me better. I get paranoid about weird growths, even weird growths on leaves cause me to panic and wonder about its genetics. Perhaps I was a little too quick on the chop, I will remember this for next time.
it' not rare for me to deal with a few hermie pheno per batch of seeds.

it could even happen some pheno throw a few balls first on nodes bottom of the canopy first weeks of stretch then produce massively calyx and pistils afterward


it' not rare for me to deal with a few hermie pheno per batch of seeds.

it could eve happen some pheno throw a few balls first on nodes bottom of the canopy first weeks of stretch then produce massively calyx and pistils afterward
Its a good thing I decided to bite the bullet and sign up here, I'm glad I know that now. My next run is going to be 10 seeds, so chances are I am going to run into something weird again. These girls right now I am just going to flower them as soon as they have a canopy worth it so I can get started on a pheno hunt.

Any advice on watering living soil? I see lots of people do the water a little every day (5-10%), but a lot of people here do wet-dry cycles instead. I have been doing wet-dry cycles but I try not to let it dry out too much.


wet dry cycles for me to, once the plant get big enough i usually wait once for the bottom leaves to drop on most pheno before watering again and set my watering frequency for flowering, it could vary a little depending the season and from one strain to another.

6L pots usually watering 1L every 4-6days once the plant are big enough


wet dry cycles for me to, once the plant get big enough i usually wait once for the bottom leaves to drop on most pheno before watering again and set my watering frequency for flowering, it could vary a little depending the season and from one strain to another.

6L pots usually watering 1L every 4-6days once the plant are big enough
Thank you! That is what I heard, many times, from many different threads of people asking the same thing here. Wet-dry cycles are what I have always understood. I know you cant let it get bone dry, and I have been on top of that. But watering 5-10% every day just felt wrong to me so and my plants did not like it either so I went to wet-dry. They are responding much better to me giving them a proper watering every 2-3 days.


what cannabis don't like is permanently too wet soil, roots need to breath.
>.< Yeah it makes sense the more I think about it, its the reason they put perlite etc in the soil. I'm glad I know now. When my plants were in their starter pots I stuck to 5-10% every day like they said for living soil and they grew very slowly. Since I stopped they are looking better and growing much faster. Ill stick to wet-dry cycles from now on.
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