New grower looking for input

  • Thread starter Azton
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So I'm starting a new grow. Where I live it is considered a crime I should add, so I have all the problems that comes with that and trying to be discrete. I dont know anyone I can ask about stuff or who can give me some input so I thought I would try online. This seems like a very nice forum and I am happy to be here 😊✌️

In the past I have grown with HPS lights, ad much space as I could ever want and two seasons outdoors. Now I am old and I just want weed for me and the missus really, but leftovers are traded and comes to good use

So I'm going LED and I want you, with your experience, to look for holes in my planning here so I can do better and get good yeilds

I have a vegging area. Its a small wardrobe with a cheap 65W Quantum board. Its one of those older ones with a switch for the red diodes. It has IR and UV if that matters. My plan is to keep a mother plant under that light in the wardrobe. Its not very well ventilated and I have to keep the door open a little. It has a small clip on fan too. I also have one of those older blurple 50W LEDs that has actually given me some bud in the past, but I dont see myself using it now, I just have it in case of future projects. It was cheap and I got it for supplemental lighting for a plant on my balcony originally. But the purple light got to my head, my entire world turned weird somehow.

My flowering area is a small growtent with a viparspectra 95W light in it and a carbon filter with an inline fan. The tent is only 1.5ftx1.5ft though which is maybe a limiting factor but if I do small pots I should be able to flower 2 smaller plants for variety, what do you think?

Next step will probably be a real vegging tent, also a tiny one like the one I have. I just cant have a big tent now so Ill go with several small ones.

I grow in soil. Wife wants to do hydro because of less mess, but I really like working with soil and I think it tastes better. But, she has a way of winning arguments. We have good water with good PH straight from the tap. But I havent read into everything that comes with hydro yet.

Nutrition: I'm thinking Ill try Bio-tabs or something similar, seems simple enough. Right now I'm still on the nutes that came with the soil. Going to get a PK booster or something like that for flowering. I want to recycle my soil.


I got a really good price on a secret Jardin 2x2 kit with a temperature controlled fan and a 100w full spectrum light. I mean a couple of $ above what just the fan with filter would have cost.

Now I need to explain this to the wife.

Anyhow, I can fit it in the garage with a bit of will.

Me rising up from the ashes to grow some weed


I got a really good price on a secret Jardin 2x2 kit with a temperature controlled fan and a 100w full spectrum light. I mean a couple of $ above what just the fan with filter would have cost.

Now I need to explain this to the wife.

Anyhow, I can fit it in the garage with a bit of will.
and just dont consider it a crime, dont let it be in anyones face atall


So I'm starting a new grow. Where I live it is considered a crime I should add, so I have all the problems that comes with that and trying to be discrete. I dont know anyone I can ask about stuff or who can give me some input so I thought I would try online. This seems like a very nice forum and I am happy to be here 😊✌️

In the past I have grown with HPS lights, ad much space as I could ever want and two seasons outdoors. Now I am old and I just want weed for me and the missus really, but leftovers are traded and comes to good use

So I'm going LED and I want you, with your experience, to look for holes in my planning here so I can do better and get good yeilds

I have a vegging area. Its a small wardrobe with a cheap 65W Quantum board. Its one of those older ones with a switch for the red diodes. It has IR and UV if that matters. My plan is to keep a mother plant under that light in the wardrobe. Its not very well ventilated and I have to keep the door open a little. It has a small clip on fan too. I also have one of those older blurple 50W LEDs that has actually given me some bud in the past, but I dont see myself using it now, I just have it in case of future projects. It was cheap and I got it for supplemental lighting for a plant on my balcony originally. But the purple light got to my head, my entire world turned weird somehow.

My flowering area is a small growtent with a viparspectra 95W light in it and a carbon filter with an inline fan. The tent is only 1.5ftx1.5ft though which is maybe a limiting factor but if I do small pots I should be able to flower 2 smaller plants for variety, what do you think?

Next step will probably be a real vegging tent, also a tiny one like the one I have. I just cant have a big tent now so Ill go with several small ones.

I grow in soil. Wife wants to do hydro because of less mess, but I really like working with soil and I think it tastes better. But, she has a way of winning arguments. We have good water with good PH straight from the tap. But I havent read into everything that comes with hydro yet.

Nutrition: I'm thinking Ill try Bio-tabs or something similar, seems simple enough. Right now I'm still on the nutes that came with the soil. Going to get a PK booster or something like that for flowering. I want to recycle my soil.
and let the wife in! hydro is cool too!


So, I ended up with another tent, a 2x2. I was looking at stuff in the store and that guy knows how to sell me stuff. "Are you interested in that light sir?" "Too expensive for me man" "But what if I told you I can give you a tent, a carbon filter, a temperature controlled inline fan, A BOOSTER KIT and a timer free with that light?"

What the fuck is a booster kit? I think it might be those extra bars so the tent dont suck up. What I did with sticks and tape on my old tent basically.

Anyways, I slapped it together and now I have another grow area, my best and largest atm.

Gonna try and get a descent mother out of a bag of mystery seed and do a SoG. I did one once in like 98, but now I have some more information. Put a known seed, a femmed OG Kush in too, just in case I still cant find a mom. Getting inpatient 😄

I had some auto seeds Ive gotten from different coffee shops and stuff. Figured Id grow a couple cuz why not. I heard you shouldnt transplantat and shit with those so I put them in jiffy pods and in a mix. Never grown anything like that before but I figured Id be vegging mothers anyhow so the light will be on.

One of those autos is just a lil shit but showing signs of burn. The soil is too nutritious I would guess, well see what happens with that one. Its the first run in this soil and it might be a bit off yet. Still learning to work the light too. The other ones look fine.

Having fun ✌️ Ive missed fucking with this more than I thought


You know this, so more like a note-to-self, and perhaps someone who reads this. The seed has enough nutrition in itself for weeks. The substrate can be pretty much sterile at this point. First time Im growing autos but Ive read and been told that they dont want a lot of nutes at all and as little as possible in the beginning pretty much. I didnt realize how little and went on with a soil I put together myself and turns out its a bit too strong.

PH and shit, nah, I dont. I used to when I did hydro a long ass time ago, but in soil I never bothered. But I am lucky enough to live where I can drink out of the streams without worry. But people piss in the water upstream so its more of a metaphore.

Also I did a hydro experiment with my daughter for school and we used tapwater and her cherry tomatoes looked awesome. And I fucking hate those little strips and I dont want one of those PH meters cuz they 666 and I dont wanna go to hell.

There is something diabolic and scary about knowing too much about shit. Its just water. Ive snorted shit up my nose that has been in someone elses asshole. I dont give a shit right.

So, my wife is gonna love not having to listen to this so thank you all for your time.
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So, Im doing nutes. In the past, in hydro I have used an old school 2 part fertilizer, you have a general npk, like 7-7-7 and then you add some bloom fertilizer to change the ratio to raise yer old P and K. Outdoors I have done pretty much the same but with farming fertilizer and a PK-booster. Like you would any fruiting crop besides for the booster.

So, indoors in soil now. BioBizz seems cheapish (shit like this is incredibly expensive however you choose to look at it. Think about what it is in them bottles)

Its biological. I dont mind mineral at all, just that I want to recycle the soil and organic fertilizer is good for that. Taste, I dont know man. I think the difference is in your head. I flush also, although I honestly dont really believe in that either, lol. Outdoors weed never get flushed and always tastes better, right? I am open to discuss this.

BioBizz seems alright and is readily available. Ill add Top Max and maybe some fishy fish sauce later on. I am fucking sceptical to shit that says it does shit like "Opening up the cell walls" and stuff like that, but, they recommend Top Max, so. I have a feeling this will be my last bottle. If someone has something thatll make me feel its a better idea to get that stuff and it isnt just sugar, tell me.

CalMag I have never ever used or heard about. I dont think Ill need it. Been looking around greenhouses in town and everything grows fine, so water is good.

Nope. I refuse measurements. WATER IS GOOD. Tjernobyl is a stonethrow away and radioactivity cant throw stones so we good.

I dont think I know everything, I am telling you what I think I know and I am patiently waiting for someone to tell me I am FUCKING IT UP

Any suggestions welcome. Im starting to open up about crazy shit when I think nobody is reading, lol.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
🤣 🤣
your welcome 🤣
ps: you might need calmag under LEDs, you might not. depends on water. but if it's close to Chernobyl it should be ok 😉
especially since the elephants foot has finally completed the metamorphosis back to a earth bound creature with actual dna again, I feel good about it too. 👊🏻🤡
IMG 6130


which country?
One of the worse on this specific subject, if not thee worse. Seriously, lets not focus on my locale. Western Europe.

I know it sounds strange, but the level they are going after people at now is fucking crazy. That and they have legal right to force blood out of you for test and they take. Your. Fucking. Life. Away.

So if its a concern where I come from Ill rather just now come here again. It says UK or some shit on my VPN, it will have to be close enough.

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