New grower looking for input

  • Thread starter Azton
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I think the big problem is not that the cops are sitting scanning the internet. I dont think they personally have much problems with my hobby. But "normal" people. I know a cop down south, he has said the number of calls they get because someone is smoking a pipe or just acting weird. And people are bored and shit online and fucks with people because they can. It gives them a sense of power I guess.

The old art of minding your own fucking business seems to have died.


One of the worse on this specific subject, if not thee worse. Seriously, lets not focus on my locale. Western Europe.

I know it sounds strange, but the level they are going after people at now is fucking crazy. That and they have legal right to force blood out of you for test and they take. Your. Fucking. Life. Away.

So if its a concern where I come from Ill rather just now come here again. It says UK or some shit on my VPN, it will have to be close enough.

I also heard about it. Was thinking strong before going on forum and posting any photos. But then I thought - fuck it. Never got even ticket in my life. I grow for myself and was growing for mom in cancer treatment and cousin with MS. Will go to court with them in case and fight 😎🤟

I am from a country that had it legal at start of 90ties. Then they changed the law in a day and prisons were full of young people, students dragged from the street for one joint. Situation was so ridiculous that they ran out of space for them. Put them in, wasted two years of their life, destroyed life, didn't even said sorry. Left my country shortly after that permanently- no intention of going back to lack of rights.


Yeah, Ill read up on the security around that. About a month ago I read in the news about a guys getting busted exactly that way, lol.
Hey there!

If you are worried about metadata you should download an app that purges it. I use EXIF Purge on my PC, but I know there are apps for it as well for phones if you are on a phone. This is just being extra careful though, because the image hosting for this website clears metadata. Most websites like this often go with this method because they worry they will be the cause of getting their users in trouble, so to make sure nobody does it by accident the metadata is purged when the image is hosted.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
so if people were getting popped the the farm, that would mean that interpol would have to get involved for an herb grower. Seems a bit much, the boogy man will always be there no matter legal or not. If you are in the forum and requesting help for stuff, there is no real way any of us in good conscience just think up what you are describing with out seeing the affects plants. I say maximize the risk you are already taking and let us help, like that would be a good thing. other wise I’m just gonna say cal mag


I think the big problem is not that the cops are sitting scanning the internet. I dont think they personally have much problems with my hobby. But "normal" people. I know a cop down south, he has said the number of calls they get because someone is smoking a pipe or just acting weird. And people are bored and shit online and fucks with people because they can. It gives them a sense of power I guess.

The old art of minding your own fucking business seems to have died.
Whilst this is true most of these kinds of busts come from telling too many people about your grow or posting about it on social media, but you are right to be careful my friend. Don't tell a soul about your garden, no matter how proud of it you are. Show and tell us instead haha. Keep all identifying information about yourself to an absolute minimum and get yourself an EXIF scrubber (just if you are being extra careful, the image host already scrubs it)
I really hope it is 🤣
lol Dont worry! I looked this up before I started using this website. I saw Staff members answering this question many times, the image hosting for this website has an EXIF scrubber.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Yes sir. Yeah, Ill get that done. It would be awesome for someone outside to have a look at my setup since I hardly know what Im doing. Ive downloaded the photon-app, but I havent figured out how to calibrate it
I’m not a gambling clown,
Not taking that bet.
I’m gravy, but just know, some folks get bent when folks chill and never show a grow; it shades people out.
I could care less, but I’ve seen and read folks who hang into that shit. FYI

Hey man! You’re not the man are you man?
type of shit.


Here you go I found it, all the way from 2015! A direct quote from the Administrator, one of the many times I have seen this question answered. EXIF data is all the information embedded into the image that the OP is referring to, things like your location etc and it is purged

no exif data is saved :)


No one gives that much of a shit.

Well I don't but you would be surprised.
I have a grow house as neighbours third year. two dudes- no women at all, big house, windows cracked all year round and covered tight last 3 years, they use back doors, camera up the front, smell of weed in harvest in neighbourhood- lovely, pick up is always in nice Audis, BMW and usually individual have some golden chains and shit around the neck. Had to go to them this year as their air pump from hydro was buzzing against my wall and I couldn't sleep. They fixed it fast. I mean - it have to be grown somewhere and as neighbours growing people are lovely- they rarely have any beef
In case I will direct the boogy man door further 🤣 sorted


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Here you go I found it, all the way from 2015! A direct quote from the Administrator, one of the many times I have seen this question answered. EXIF data is all the information embedded into the image that the OP is referring to, things like your location etc and it is purged
View attachment 2206955

Well I don't but you would be surprised.
I have a grow house as neighbours third year. two dudes- no women at all, big house, windows cracked all year round and covered tight last 3 years, they use back doors, camera up the front, smell of weed in harvest in neighbourhood- lovely, pick up is always in nice Audis, BMW and usually individual have some golden chains and shit around the neck. Had to go to them this year as their air pump from hydro was buzzing against my wall and I couldn't sleep. They fixed it fast. I mean - it have to be grown somewhere and as neighbours growing people are lovely- they rarely have any beef
In case I will direct the boogy man door further 🤣 sorted
If you dress like a target, well, win stupid prizes bro. They were asking for it.

If you are getting rolled on the clink, it’s because you really fucked up.

At least that is how I survey cannalyfe


You moving weight? Have a telegram with a digital store and sell to unvetted customers?
You may have some reason to trip,
Otherwise, outlaw types,
We stay to ourselves and don’t bother a soul.
No one gives that much of a shit.
Nah. Theres so many myths around this. Something I have heard people say a lot is that drug dealers sells to children.
I havent told them the truth about that and that children are HORRIBLE customers. They dont have money, cant shut up about anything and they run up to you on town to talk to you once they know you. Nothing I am looking for in a customer, nothing.


The blues here wait until you in flower before they bust ya preferably so they can lock you up good for a lot of weight. Theres no phone calls in our prisons or jails man. None. Youll meet your lawyer in a couple of days, until then you sit and wait. Just that.

It has been questioned by the US and the UN, but nah.


The blues here wait until you in flower before they bust ya preferably so they can lock you up good for a lot of weight. Theres no phone calls in our prisons or jails man. None. Youll meet your lawyer in a couple of days, until then you sit and wait. Just that.

It has been questioned by the US and the UN, but nah.
I wish I could say something bad ass now like next time they take me in till be in a bag, but nah, Im a father and a husband.

Yeah, I only talk to the wife and we been partners in crime for 20 some years now. I need to take some experience from you guys though, and its fun talking open about your hobby you know, so online as securely as I can is what I do now. I have picked up so much from threads on this forum. Crazy.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Nah. Theres so many myths around this. Something I have heard people say a lot is that drug dealers sells to children.
I havent told them the truth about that and that children are HORRIBLE customers. They dont have money, cant shut up about anything and they run up to you on town to talk to you once they know you. Nothing I am looking for in a customer, nothing.
Which part is a myth?
And homie. 99% of the folks here aren’t in it for stacks in Gucci bags.

This place is about the plant that we all love, anyone tries to solicit get shown the door quick here. See every few months or so.


Which part is a myth?
And homie. 99% of the folks here aren’t in it for stacks in Gucci bags.

This place is about the plant that we all love, anyone tries to solicit get shown the door quick here. See every few months or so.
That dealers are targeting chuldren. Now, I dont know much about the US that is not on.. I dont follow any shows either. I used to watch Rikki Lake on nightime, and Yeah. Im talking about my experience from where I'm at. Should it not be in line with opinions on the other side of the world with people in completely different systems, I dont find that surprising. I dig it. We from different places and have different views. I have no problems with it.

Im here to grow. Happens I like people and communicating with folk from all over the world.

Photos. Im just saying why I am careful and more careful than "Oh, a guy online said it was safe-careful". I will read up on the subject. I might find it useless and if I should fade away on this forum I will survive that also.

The state shit is at now is a couple of pots of soil from what can be seen. You seen those before.
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