The Uk Awesome Member And Growers Thread

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The EU is fucked there's another load of countries wanting out which proves to me any way that England was footing the bill for a lot of shit that nobody else is prepared to do we will get strong through this


The EU is fucked there's another load of countries wanting out which proves to me any way that England was footing the bill for a lot of shit that nobody else is prepared to do we will get strong through this
Next best thing for us would all the old money coming back and fucking the euro off back to how things used to be :)


Sweets sold by the qtr, pound a bananas while smoking me cig in the pub and drink driving home! :)

Ahhhhhh the good ol days! :)
Fuck sweets weed by the quaternary would be awesome :) all these little shits selling 10 bags or 2 10 bags they say is a 8th a fuckin 8th of what :)


Im sorry you feel that way about us English that voted out, but now we have voted out I for one haven't questioned what we will do now.

If Scotland do leave the UK, which I think would be great, what would happen to all the Scots living in England? Would they need to have work visas to be here and what about the ones that sit outside all of our city centre train stations drinking Tenants Super and begging, will they be deported? :)
Mr Bee.........Mr Beeeee eeeee coooey, everything ok Mr Bee? :D
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

Im sorry you feel that way about us English that voted out, but now we have voted out I for one haven't questioned what we will do now.

If Scotland do leave the UK, which I think would be great, what would happen to all the Scots living in England? Would they need to have work visas to be here and what about the ones that sit outside all of our city centre train stations drinking Tenants Super and begging, will they be deported? :)
U misunderstand.i personally couldnt work out weather we,d b better in or out so i dont really hav much of an opinion for one or the other.thats why i didnt bother to vote but i just dont get why people who voted out are now shitting themselves about wat we,r gonna do now that they have theyr wish.why did the vote no wen they obviously wernt certain on wat the out come would be wen they got theyr way.thats all.iv got nothing against people who wanted to stay in EU or wanted out.i just dont get why they did it in the first place wen they wernt sure is all.


U misunderstand.i personally couldnt work out weather we,d b better in or out so i dont really hav much of an opinion for one or the other.thats why i didnt bother to vote but i just dont get why people who voted out are now shitting themselves about wat we,r gonna do now that they have theyr wish.why did the vote no wen they obviously wernt certain on wat the out come would be wen they got theyr way.thats all.iv got nothing against people who wanted to stay in EU or wanted out.i just dont get why they did it in the first place wen they wernt sure is all.
Oh ok, I did misunderstand, yea the spineless wet fucks! Stand behind your choices! Im glad we cleared that up! :)


If Scotland do leave the UK and rejoin the EU, will Ronald McDonald and his fancy burger show be allowed to stay here?


Hey!im a charity.get those points in my bag or im gonna start shooting customers.
what have you ever done for me?! oh yeah...

We,r leaving bro i gaurantee it.i mean i was fuckin gobsmacked we stayed in the UK at the last vote.i mean Scots have fought hard to move away from England in the past and thousands died fighting for independence from England and then they eventually go "you guys wanna leave and take all your oil money with u?no probs,theres the door." And we,r like "well now u think about i think we,l just stay." Fuckin u got everyone voting out of EU and now theyr out everyone going "oooo we,r out now.wat we gonna do?" You shoulda fuckin thought on that before voting out u fuckin doo lally arseholes.
Don't go you wildling bastard. We need you for the battle against the cockneys
One point about Brexit which I havent heard too much talk of but a little and that is the property market......On the one hand for the last ten years at least, people have been complaining that its impossible to get on the property ladder due to increased deposits required and the ridiculous price increase of properties, from which I understand has been caused by foreign money buying up all our prime real estate in our city centres and having the knock on effect of forcing people out of the city centres and the ripple carrying on countrywide.......So surely it will be a good thing for us if the market does crash cos the foreign money pulls out then maybe our younger generations will stand a chance of getting on the property ladder!?

Best post u ever posted that :) but I must admit I knew we would pull through far stronger I just didn't think it would be so quick. And I'm just glad that Joe public did what was right and not scared with the bs the stay fuckers were coming out with :)
So shortsighted its been 24 hours.
G gnome

G gnome

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