The Uk Awesome Member And Growers Thread

  • Thread starter ghettogrower
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G gnome

G gnome

heavy duty
W all the problems i had w the chem i cant believe not only is goin the full 11wks but its actually lookin like its gonna be a respectable pull.......

The wifi is drinkin more than i ever was able to make it drink in past runs, super thick trunk compared to previous runs, more bud sets, only problem is they're not too hip on the d.e.'s a lotta my leaves up top have this jaundice look but the leaves that are shaded from the light are fine...

Limo, im very interested to see how ya do w this wifi under d.e. and if u have the same jaundice look as mine


W all the problems i had w the chem i cant believe not only is goin the full 11wks but its actually lookin like its gonna be a respectable pull.......

The wifi is drinkin more than i ever was able to make it drink in past runs, super thick trunk compared to previous runs, more bud sets, only problem is they're not too hip on the d.e.'s a lotta my leaves up top have this jaundice look but the leaves that are shaded from the light are fine...

Limo, im very interested to see how ya do w this wifi under d.e. and if u have the same jaundice look as mine
Word of advice....Dont be pouring nutes in your wifi, just plug a network cable and a power supply in and you're away oh and that big thick trunk coming out of it, that'd be the fibre optic cable! :D



I have to say if I had to pick anyone that would post a video like this in this thread I would have picked you first and then me second lol.

Obviously if a certain bread browning devices sister was on here she could give us a review lol.
Did u get to listen to all the music i posted w u in mind buddy?

I listened to about 1/2 but I knew every tune

this ones for you



W all the problems i had w the chem i cant believe not only is goin the full 11wks but its actually lookin like its gonna be a respectable pull.......

The wifi is drinkin more than i ever was able to make it drink in past runs, super thick trunk compared to previous runs, more bud sets, only problem is they're not too hip on the d.e.'s a lotta my leaves up top have this jaundice look but the leaves that are shaded from the light are fine...

Limo, im very interested to see how ya do w this wifi under d.e. and if u have the same jaundice look as mine
ill report back to ya on that pal. got any close ups of her?



Is that you chilling in the first one?



Boris Johnson and Micheal Gove taking control back,cant wait.US style prison system(legalised slavery)Back to good old victorian values.Back in to Afganistan to get control of the poppy feilds so we can sell it to the chinese,it worked last time.Lets show these ametures what REAL slave trading is,Somalia would be piece of piss to take over.We'll ship em out by the millions to order.Lets make Britain Great,well England and Wales cause everyone else is going to fuck off and leave us to it,great again:love1:


they're not too hip on the d.e.'s a lotta my leaves up top have this jaundice look but the leaves that are shaded from the light are fine...

Limo, im very interested to see how ya do w this wifi under d.e. and if u have the same jaundice look as mine

What are d.e.'s?
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