Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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I've never heard of them just dropping off, more like it easily comes off. I've got blue belly and Alligator lizards and see a couple of the blues missing tails every year but rarely the gators, but it does happen. Yes, it's like a open sore but clots, little if any blood, heals quick and then grows back, never like it was. They don't live that long, most of them anyway but you can always tell if they had lost their tails at one time and they can break anywhere from the base down. View attachment 2183845View attachment 2183846
It's been a long time since I was the cause of a lizard loosing a tail. I can't even find a pic of one missing a tail. Not really all that common.
Thats really neat! We don't really have lizards or snakes here. I think there are two types of lizard in BC. In my 30+ years in BC I have only ever seen one kind in one place on one camping trip. We have 3 types of garter snake all over southern BC not sure how far north they get and the deserty area has some rattlers but not near where I am and I have never seen one. It's been years since I have seen any snake in the wild though. That spikey looking fellow is bad ass, I would be trying to make friends with those 😄


Wrecking the train today.
Okay, I'm usually a mild mannered person who always tries to get along. (you can ask anyone)
So, why am I critically incensed by a couple of locals trying to put a political sign on my property?

200 foot driveway, cars are in the garage, saw them out there (2 men) pull up in my driveway, they got out and looked like they were fixin to put a sign on the grass. I fast walked (all 5'2, 125lbs of me) out to the road and asked what they were doing? (I did wonder if that was the safe thing to do) (probably should have just taken the sign down right after they left)

"What are you doing?"
You're on our list, someone okayed, "NO, NO one okayed that"
Have you just moved in? "Been here 40 years"
Maybe some else in the house? "NO, take that out of here"
I could not believe how mad I was, shaking almost.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Wrecking the train today.
Okay, I'm usually a mild mannered person who always tries to get along. (you can ask anyone)
So, why am I critically incensed by a couple of locals trying to put a political sign on my property?

200 foot driveway, cars are in the garage, saw them out there (2 men) pull up in my driveway, they got out and looked like they were fixin to put a sign on the grass. I fast walked (all 5'2, 125lbs of me) out to the road and asked what they were doing? (I did wonder if that was the safe thing to do) (probably should have just taken the sign down right after they left)

"What are you doing?"
You're on our list, someone okayed, "NO, NO one okayed that"
Have you just moved in? "Been here 40 years"
Maybe some else in the house? "NO, take that out of here"
I could not believe how mad I was, shaking almost.
Screw them with a bottle opener sideways.
That annoys me for you.
I have a giant no solicitation sign on the front of my house right at eye/knocking level.
Think it works?


Wrecking the train today.
Okay, I'm usually a mild mannered person who always tries to get along. (you can ask anyone)
So, why am I critically incensed by a couple of locals trying to put a political sign on my property?

200 foot driveway, cars are in the garage, saw them out there (2 men) pull up in my driveway, they got out and looked like they were fixin to put a sign on the grass. I fast walked (all 5'2, 125lbs of me) out to the road and asked what they were doing? (I did wonder if that was the safe thing to do) (probably should have just taken the sign down right after they left)

"What are you doing?"
You're on our list, someone okayed, "NO, NO one okayed that"
Have you just moved in? "Been here 40 years"
Maybe some else in the house? "NO, take that out of here"
I could not believe how mad I was, shaking almost.
Great that you stood your ground and told the azzholes to pack up a get off your property. Stay tuff!


Screw them with a bottle opener sideways.
That annoys me for you.
I have a giant no solicitation sign on the front of my house right at eye/knocking level.
Think it works?
I have the same thing happen. ive pulled sherrif, county executive, and several Trump and biden signs both off my property. I haven't been lucky enough to catch them putting them out there though.

I pulled a trump sign up a few weeks ago, that had been deliberately placed to block my No trespassing sign.

Im in the county in TN. the state does NOT own 6 foot from the curb here. We dont even have curbs. My property is surveyed to about 10 inches from pavement down by the highway. If you could even call it a highway lmao. Its a winding paved 2 lane road with a dotted yellow line and no white lines lmao. And if i want the ditch at my driveway mouth by the highway mowed, i have to bust out the brush cutter and do it myself.


I have the same thing happen. ive pulled sherrif, county executive, and several Trump and biden signs both off my property. I haven't been lucky enough to catch them putting them out there though.

I pulled a trump sign up a few weeks ago, that had been deliberately placed to block my No trespassing sign.

Im in the county in TN. the state does NOT own 6 foot from the curb here. We dont even have curbs. My property is surveyed to about 10 inches from the highway.
Some people need to be taught the meaning of Private Fucking Property🤬


Some people need to be taught the meaning of Private Fucking Property🤬
i just have no patience for anything political in this day and age. And its actually prerequisite to spending time in my home. Ill give someone a single chance to drop the political shit, and if they dont they are asked to leave.

The second someone brings up domestic American politics in my home, i shut it down, hard. Ive been this way for like a decade now too lol.

Take your state sanctioned manipulation somewhere else pls and thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

^My official political affiliation/stance

But yea, the trump 24 sign overshadowing my no trespassing sign. That's probably the most pissed off i've been all year long. Absolutely furious, but nothing i can do but wait til the next sign to burn in the pit. Had i caught that one, id have parked my ebike to block him in, and immediately called the country sherrif. And at minimum id have his license plate and press vandalism charges to every possible extent. Id make sure my 45 was holstered and in plane view the entire time. Id probably have kept my hand on it just to be intimidating as well.
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Sup Grobroz!

Something weird is going on. I keep finding a pair of socks once in awhile in my kitchen drawer where I put the washrags. This time I had put the washrags in the front of the drawer. Today I go get a rag and 2 of my black socks are in the back of the drawer all by themselves.

Either I have a haunted house or I'm sleepwalking and doing it myself. Shit is crazy.


hell yeah
If roots equal fruits then this woman should have big chunky skunk flowers. I defoliated her heavy 2 days ago and she's filling in now. Also just pinching the leaves left my fingers like almost super glue.

Another weird thing is the leaves make my arms get itchy and red like I'm having an allergic reaction to them. The leaves must have resin coating.

I just changed the light schedule today to 12/12 cause I'm worried about the height in DWC. I'm going to tie down the tops to the top rung of the tomato cage if it gets crazy.

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