Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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Pot fact:

My wife and I smoke roughly 5 lbs a year in flowers. 😁 😁 😁

How much you blazing?
I probably do that on my own. 3-5 joints a day, 5+ on weekends or off days, several bt's both AM & PM daily and let's not forget the caps and occasional batch of cookies, brownies and muffins but of course those don't count as smoking.

I empty this ashtray every weekend with the table scraps
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and these are only what I finished sitting at the table🤣


I started a silent, photos only Cali Blues thread for the hell of it..



I probably do that on my own. 3-5 joints a day, 5+ on weekends or off days, several bt's both AM & PM daily and let's not forget the caps and occasional batch of cookies, brownies and muffins but of course those don't count as smoking.

I empty this ashtray every weekend with the table scraps
View attachment 2184076
and these are only what I finished sitting at the table🤣
Damn, im def a lightweight by most standards i feel like. If given as flower equivalent i prob smoke less then a gram a day. Usually by end of the day ive consumed a solid bowl of flower, and a couple tiny dabs. Some evenings i decide to go nuts with the thc consumption if i dont have anything going on though lmao. But even then, nuts for me is like, a couple bowls, and a couple slightly larger dabs lmao.

That kinda took that turn as my preference for indica when younger has slowly morphed into a preference for sativas as ive got older.


Damn, im def a lightweight by most standards i feel like. If given as flower equivalent i prob smoke less then a gram a day. Usually by end of the day ive consumed a solid bowl of flower, and a couple tiny dabs. Some evenings i decide to go nuts with the thc consumption if i dont have anything going on though lmao. But even then, nuts for me is like, a couple bowls, and a couple slightly larger dabs lmao.

That kinda took that turn as my preference for indica when younger has slowly morphed into a preference for sativas as ive got older.
I keep my tolerance super low. I smoke about 2-3 hits from a bowl per day, single session, but only 4-5 days per week.


Damn, im def a lightweight by most standards i feel like. If given as flower equivalent i prob smoke less then a gram a day. Usually by end of the day ive consumed a solid bowl of flower, and a couple tiny dabs. Some evenings i decide to go nuts with the thc consumption if i dont have anything going on though lmao. But even then, nuts for me is like, a couple bowls, and a couple slightly larger dabs lmao.

That kinda took that turn as my preference for indica when younger has slowly morphed into a preference for sativas as ive got older.
You build up a tolerance. I was a cigarette smoker for 40 years so I pretty much traded one for the other but this one has many benefits and is way less harmful then tobacco. It's easy for me to say that as when I go golfing, which is very rare these days I'll puff a cigar or two and damn, a little hard to breathe the next day. Weed never does that to me. Vapping nicotine did the same. That shit is bad but helped me quit because of how it eventually made me feel and I was growing plenty of bud at the time so a win win for me😉


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
I keep my tolerance super low. I smoke about 2-3 hits from a bowl per day, single session, but only 4-5 days per week.
I wish I could say that. I've been told by more than several people, that I could probably out-smoke Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg 🤣 Honestly, I probably could. I haven't gotten "stoned" in years, I smoke a minimum of 5 blunts a day and barely catch a buzz. I smoked some bomb-diggity 32% flower the other day and actually felt pretty good for a few minutes but I seriously can't remember the last time I ever put out a blunt or turned down a dab or hit because I was "good".... Weed is like Jell-o to me; there's always room for more 🤠


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
I wish I could say that. I've been told by more than several people, that I could probably out-smoke Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg 🤣 Honestly, I probably could. I haven't gotten "stoned" in years, I smoke a minimum of 5 blunts a day and barely catch a buzz. I smoked some bomb-diggity 32% flower the other day and actually felt pretty good for a few minutes but I seriously can't remember the last time I ever put out a blunt or turned down a dab or hit because I was "good".... Weed is like Jell-o to me; there's always room for more 🤠


I wish I could say that. I've been told by more than several people, that I could probably out-smoke Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg 🤣 Honestly, I probably could. I haven't gotten "stoned" in years, I smoke a minimum of 5 blunts a day and barely catch a buzz. I smoked some bomb-diggity 32% flower the other day and actually felt pretty good for a few minutes but I seriously can't remember the last time I ever put out a blunt or turned down a dab or hit because I was "good".... Weed is like Jell-o to me; there's always room for more 🤠


Not bashing i promise, i just think these memes are among the most hilarious on the entire interwebs.


🐼 🚀 living soil
I threw the entire mega crop line on my outdoor to give them a boost, im gonna end up putting a gaia/craft blend top dress on them with some sprouted seeds next water and get back on the organic arc


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I wish I could say that. I've been told by more than several people, that I could probably out-smoke Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg 🤣 Honestly, I probably could. I haven't gotten "stoned" in years, I smoke a minimum of 5 blunts a day and barely catch a buzz. I smoked some bomb-diggity 32% flower the other day and actually felt pretty good for a few minutes but I seriously can't remember the last time I ever put out a blunt or turned down a dab or hit because I was "good".... Weed is like Jell-o to me; there's always room for more 🤠
Same, I smoke 8 gram joints to the face. And light one as soon as it’s done and
Shit. It’s tough to get me stoned. I can also eat god awful amounts of eddies, I just how do it. I have 20-30 spliffs rolled and ready at all times……


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I started a silent, photos only Cali Blues thread for the hell of it..

Oh hell yeah!

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