Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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🐼 🚀 living soil
So I was smoking the cali blue and that nostalgic smell came, weed from when I was young. Holy shit bro, sticky AF, even the buzz is same. I never thought I'd smoke that old weed ever again....fuck yea cap👊
20240619 190204


I took a couple branches my GDP mama last week, hung 'em off the back on a chair on the covered patio. They started loosing their distinctive smell and today I jarred them, a bit early.

Our eldest is flying in from Seattle tomorrow with his betterhalf and they're and my favorite is GDP so that's why I snipped a couple. Anyway I just opened the jar and those grapes and berries blasted me🥰 I love growing.
20240619 184130

They'll only be here until early Saturday when they leave for Mexico City. Then we get to see them for one more day on their return.

Stuck my nose back in it😲


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Hey all

Hope you don’t mind me train wrecking this train wreck thread but this seems the place to get some info from like minded people 🤞

Horror movies and Weed!

I fucking love getting high and scaring the shit out of myself (yeah I’ve got issues 🤪)

Recently watched a couple of winners in the 2 terrifier movies and the 2 Creep movies. Any recommendations for films to creep me the fuck out would be awesome.

Cheers all ✌🏼
Oh if you can find it,
“Dumpster baby”

got tired of people borrowing my dvds and never returning them, so I bought this one, and made as many people that “borrowed” dvds sit through it. It’s quite the harrowing tale, anyways no one ever asked to borrow that one…..mission halfassed complete, eventually I think my over all dvd recidivism rate was like 20%.

That’s a lot of dvds still in the ether. 😂
IMG 5745


Oh if you can find it,
“Dumpster baby”

got tired of people borrowing my dvds and never returning them, so I bought this one, and made as many people that “borrowed” dvds sit through it. It’s quite the harrowing tale, anyways no one ever asked to borrow that one…..mission halfassed complete, eventually I think my over all dvd recidivism rate was like 20%.

That’s a lot of dvds still in the ether. 😂
👍 😄 😂🤣


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Have you seen Hereditary?

Go watch a trailer or part of a movie breakdown. Its the most unsettling, freaky horror movie ive ever seen.

Its the modern generation's exorcist essentially, its a movie that is GENUINELY as terrifying as all the old heads thought the exorcist was (to me the exorcist was so laughably cheesy its an unintentional comedy lol)

Hands down, no contest, no comparison, Hereditary is the freakiest movie ive ever seen.

I stopped watching horror movies after hereditary. Im good. No thank you. Its that intense. It traumatized me a bit, as an adult that was into horror flicks. I probably sat for an hour after it was over, just unsettled and unwilling to do anything but just sit there and stare. I had a thousand yard stare for probably a day or two after

its so well done, with a truly freaky story arch. Absolutely incredible acting, and a vibe many horror flicks try and fail to nail.
I watch it repeatedly.
King piamon!

Watch midsommer
It’s done by the same production company
It’s equally as fucking nuts.

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