Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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(Btw if you do this, you are both a mad man and an idiot, 100%, do not follow my lead on this. Don't)

I planted the 1/5 cracked 86 Maui that managed to germinate about a week ago

The other 4 weren't totally viable. 3 had black dead embyos and 1 was hollow and disintegrated during scarification.

You weren't kidding about the time to get em going lmao. I couldn't help myself, I popped the baggie off. I had marked exactly where the seed was with a bigger chunk of perlite so I checked on it very carefully with some sterilized soldering tweezers.

She's taking her sweet time, but we have lift-off on the 86 Maui wowie on my end too good sir 🤙💚🤡🤜🤛 You said up to 3 weeks? It loks like shell prob break ground on day 21 🤣 could not have given a more accurate time scale.

The stoke is very real. Carefully covered and back into the baggie she goes. I was honestly expecting a dead seed. Soils also not as wet as it looks with the flash, and i have no idea what all the tiny V shaped white things are, its some kind of artifacting in the periphery of the image lol. They arent there in real life, and all point to the center of the image. Strange.
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Cannibal holocaust messed me up if I’m honest but I saw it when I was young and honestly thought it was a real documentary. There’s only two films I’ll never watch again and it’s that and the Serbian ☠️
Yeah fuck a Serbian Film!!

I’m good with Cannibal Holocaust. We made a spoof of it years ago using frozen Mr. p’s pizzas that we floated in rivers. It was pretty hilarious. I wonder if I still have that on video..


i got a question. i got a few of the older fan leaves where the veins are yellow and between them it's greener. leaves are not malformed other than the color they look fine. should i consider this normal. any rough ideas.
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Yea watching for root binding, and treating potential root problems. Seems like it could be very useful.

I can't find any wide ones in big sizes though. Not a fan of tall containers with cannabis personally. It can actually encourage root zone issues on its own ime

The outdoor plot is taking the heat wave in stride. Although I have carried about 20 gallons over there every single morning during lmao. Still haven't hooked up my irrigation system 🙄

Yup planted way too close together. To be fair though. Some of my plants are already as big as I was expecting them to be come harvest in this soil with this amount of light exposure and how I've been feeding them (just goat poop, compost/tea, and hose water mostly. There have been 2 flora micro feedings and some pelleted organic feed with beneficial microorganism colonies)
Agreed there that’s one of the things that threw me off was the height I’d rather have a low squat pot or diameter at least equal to depth, we’re in a heat wave as well, usually 70’s here, it’s 94 heat index 103 atm… yeah the AC is on in the lung room as much as I didn’t want to haha, but I ran the dehu toll room was down to 45% then shut that down and let the AC take over, RH staying low and lung room at 70f, at least until this heat wave ends and we go back to normal temps 🤣


i got a question. i got a few of the older fan leaves where the veins are yellow and between them it's greener. leaves are not malformed other than the color they look fine. should i consider this normal. any rough ideas. View attachment 2197175View attachment 2197176
If you’re close to harvest 1-2 weeks don’t sweat it, it’s pulling mobile nutrients from old growth to support bud development. If you have more than 1-2 weeks then it’s time for some food.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
My kids would wonder the same thing about pop tarts haha, but I actually just mentioned that to my wife about a month ago, saw it somewhere about making homemade ones now I just let it fester in her mind until she makes them 🤣
My wife is the chef and baker in our fam, if I can find it and ask her to make it she will! And she wants it perfect so I get to critique all the little things without the threat of violence hahaha!!! Let me know if you want the recipe we have, they are good… a little “deserty” for a morning pastry but still REALLY DELICIOUS either way 😁


If you’re close to harvest 1-2 weeks don’t sweat it, it’s pulling mobile nutrients from old growth to support bud development. If you have more than 1-2 weeks then it’s time for some food.
that's what i was thinkin. i found stuff about leaves being green in veins and yellow in between. given how sweet they look i'm hoping to keep it that way.
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